Home > April, 2019
Learning About Lighthouses at POC Library
Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak
THANKS to the dredging company, RLB Contractors for the beautiful sand, and our County Commissioner, Mr. Gary Reese for all the work at King Fisher Park & Beach, getting all prepared for Crawfish Festival. So come and enjoy an old fashioned fun filled day on April 27. If you have a high school […]
Tom Lawson Honored
Know Your County Government
The Calhoun County Republican Club will feature Gloria Ochoa, Calhoun County Tax Collector/Assessor as the 4th office in our series “Know your County Government”. Ms. Ochoa will discuss the services her office provides to the residents of the County and will answer questions from the audience. The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., Monday, […]
You Heard It From the Dolphin – Graduation
Graduation is May 24 High School Seniors, as your big day approaches, we are wishing you all the best as you begin the next stage of your life’s adventure. We are proud of your accomplishment and would like to share it with our readers. If you will send us a photo and information about yourself […]