Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 May 19 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

What a glorious Easter celebration we had this year! We greatly missed Doyle Adams and his son Jerry this year, but know that Doyle had a grander celebration that we, since he is forever with His Resurrected Lord! As a result, we did not get a head-count. Some told me that it was as large as last year and another told me it was twice as large. The size of the crowd is not the most important thing – it is great that most of our residents and visitors gather with us for this Sunrise Celebration – but the important thing is that we all recognize, “Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow”! Cathy’s cinnamon rolls were even better than usual – thank you, Cathy! There was more coffee drank than usual. But, there was less clean-up because everyone pitched in and helped! The P.A. system was excellent and people told me they could hear almost every word. TOGETHER WE DO IT! Thanks to all who had a special part in it – those from First Baptist, Fisherman’s Chapel and elsewhere.

We participated in two “Water Town Hall Meetings” and appreciate the use of the school’s auditorium. Both meetings were well attended and all were relieved to hear the results of the Board’s long, hard work. Again, thanks to Danny for leading this working committee.

We were honored to host about 60 college kids from all over Texas who came here to pray for each other. It was so exciting to know that in the Christian organization known as Chi Alpha (Christ First), we have over 20,000 youth who are moving forward with the Lord and His work.
Many will be traveling overseas this summer for mission’s work and others will be going to home-state area of need to help practically as well as spiritually. The future is bright with these students leading the way!

Thanks to all who helped me celebrate another year with “Pie with the Pastor”! And, we can celebrate again any time you bring a pie around here!

Mother’s Day at the Chapel is always extra special. This year was no exception. Pastor Joane brought a special Mother’s message and we passed out special, gifts to every mother present.

We are excited about Warrior’s Weekend and invite all to Carol’s Egg Cracking Party on Friday, May 17, at 6:00 p.m. to help crack 350 dozen eggs! Then another welcome comes for those who will meet us by 4:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 18, to help cook and serve 2,000 breakfast tacos. There are many who have scheduled to work, but there is always need for additional help.

School is almost out, which means there are many summer activities planned. At the Chapel, we are planning a special Memorial Day service on May 26 at the 11:00 a.m. service.

Captain Robert will be here from May 31 to June 7 for another Sea Academy. Those interested in becoming a boat captain should call him at 361/758-6184. A number of graduates have already volunteered to help with an Old Pastors’ Fishing Retreat on June 28. If you would like to help, please call me at 361/218-6693.

Our men will be hosting a special breakfast on June 8 at 8:00 a.m. There will be lots of food, fellowship, and a special encouraging word by David. Come and bring a friend!

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation that is busy working for the Lord’s Kingdom. We are right now trying to obtain additional Retreat Center space, and get long-awaited 50’ Lighted Cross erected. Please pray for us and help us as we seek additional ways to minister to people. Everyone is invited to be a part of any of our services and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

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