Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 May 19 - 1 Comment

If you aren’t already a member, you may wonder what the Service Club is all about, so in this month’s spotlight article we’re taking a look at some of their past and ongoing projects. Of course, nearly all Club projects depend on the efforts of many dedicated community members as well, but it was the Service Club that got many of these started.

For example, did you know…the very first Senior Citizen Christmas Luncheon was held in 1980, with food prepared by Service Club members, or that it was through the efforts of Service Club members that the Federal Food Distribution program and the resulting Senior Citizen’s Luncheon program was first brought to Port O’Connor in 1984 and still receives Service Club support?

Or that it was the Service Club that decided our little community needed its own Library in October 1985, and began fund-raising efforts that, on May 31, 1986, led to a library being opened for 2 days a week in a back section of the Fire Station? The Service Club has continued to support the library and its programs ever since!

Did you know that the Cemetery chapel building and the archway leading into the Cemetery are the result of the Service Club initially securing a grant for funds and then continuing fundraising until it was completed?

Have you noticed the welcome sign coming into town? Or the locator map signage at the front beach? Or the Fire Department sign? Or the community bulletin board at the Post Office? Or the sign at the Community Center? All Service Club projects!

How about the doggie clean-up bag stations at our front beach? Or the bike racks? Or the defibrillator machine at the Community Center? Yep, again – all Service Club projects!

There are many less visible service projects going on as well; some that come to mind are:

• Every year, Service Club members sponsor several names from the Angel Tree set up at POC Hardware.
• The Service Club makes sure there are U.S. Flags lining the highway into town for Warrior’s Weekend each May.
• The Club maintains a scholarship program for students who graduated from POC Elementary School and Calhoun Co. High School.
• Elementary school students get Service Club recognition for each “A” grade achieved.
• Our elementary school teachers get a small stipend at the beginning of each school year to help with needed classroom supplies.
• Regular donations are made to the Benevolence fund.
• Memorial donations are made to a local organization on the death of a Port O’Connor resident.
• Service Club works with other local organizations as well to support their efforts.
• And Service Club members are regularly asked to donate baked items to support various events in town!

All these Service Club projects are funded primarily by the strong community support at our biannual garage and bake sales.

Do YOU have an idea for a project in mind? Our mission is to provide support and funds for programs and events for the betterment of this community. If you have an idea that fits those guidelines, please let a Club member know…or better yet, come join us! You can be a full-time or part-time resident; meetings are only about 1 hour long and your support and your ideas are needed!

Now that the warmer weather is here, Service Club will meet only once a month in June, July and August, reverting to our first and third Thursday schedule again in September. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, June 6 at the Community Center. (Enter through the rear door.) All are welcome – come check us out – we work hard, but we have fun too, and we’d love for you to join us!

One comment for “Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett”

sue kubecka

Sam, read with interest your bit about Club; as soon as i have my husband semi mobile, we’ll be back in POC & I hope to have some interesting binders available for you re Club & it’s activities from 2005 forward. I took over publicity at that point & did it for over 10 yrs; primarily I have pix of our activities & members … those that are no longer here. Take care … sue

May 20th, 2019 at 2:09 pm
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