R.V. Tips from T&A RV

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Jun 19 - Comments Off on R.V. Tips from T&A RV

As Summer Vacation months arrive, RV’s are arriving along the coast. A few tips for a smooth set-up/start-up of your RV. If you have not already done this: it is time to check filters on AC’s, water intakes, vent hoods, and generators. Clean and replace as needed. Check your refrigerator, water heat compartments and cook stove vents for mud dauber nests, wasps, etc. Note: those pesky critters will also get in your upper A/C unit fan and create issues!

Level the unit before attaching the main power cord, extending slides and starting appliances. Turn on main breaker inside. Extend the slides. Open roof vents, turn fans to exhaust mode. Bring in personal items, food, etc. Once everything is inside, close doors, windows, and vents; start the AC, and allow the compressor to cycle. Set A/C temp NO LOWER THAN 75O .  Set fan on manual mode HIGH. This keeps air flowing across the compressor and prevents freeze-up. It keeps your interior temperature uniform, reducing “hot spots” or temperature up-swings when the compressor cycles off. Result, you are comfortable at a higher temp, your RV has less humidity, and importantly, your A/C does not have to works as hard, therefore performs better overall.

If your RV refrigerator has been off and is warm inside, turn it on, set the temperature to mid-range point, NOT  coldest point. Keep it mid-range, the unit will not function at coldest setting for long periods of time. Let it cool for 4-6 hours before placing food items in it. RV refrigerator coolant can overheat and shut down unit if temp is on coldest setting, or warm food is placed in it during the cool down process. If you had it operating on LP during transport, switch to electric after RV is set up. Check that it does switch over!
Turn on the water heater switch and listen for burner to ignite. You A/C and refrigerator will Reward You with better performance if you use LP mode on water heater!

If you hooked up LP ranks at site, or recently filled them, you may need to light a stove burner to purge air from the LP lines. Watch the burner until it has an even, blue flame. Turn it off and light water heater. Remember, the water heater control is set to prevent LP flow after 3 attempts to light. Should this happen, give it 3 to 5 minutes rest before attempting to relight. Now, all set up to enjoy your RV. Time for a beverage in the lawn chair! Greeting your summer neighbors! A walk along the shore! Getting the boat launched! Heading to your fave fishing spot! Or, maybe just a cruise on the water to say “Hi” to your Coastal Summer Home!

Need supplies? Call or stop by T&A RV, 1660 Lane Road, Seadrift
Tuesday thru Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
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