“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Border Crisis and Political Strategies

The Customs and Border Patrol “Apprehension/Inadmissible count” for May is 144,278, of which 11,391 presented themselves at Ports of Entry, the rest entered Illegally.. A very high percentage are now Family Units, 84,542 in May, plus 11,507 Unaccompanied Children. As well as 36,838 Single Adults apprehended. There was “One crossing of Illegal Aliens” in the El Paso Sector of 1038 people! All of these people must be “Detained”, cared for, given medical care, food, shelter, and protection. Most claim Asylum as Refugees, though few fit the requirement, and all that are from Central America, traveling through Mexico, are in violation of UN rules of claiming asylum in the “first safe country”- Mexico. They want to go to the USA, usually preferring CA because Welfare is better there. The Govt has to detain these Criminal Invaders that cross the border, rather than Legal Crossings, until they get an Asylum Hearing, or are processed and released waiting for their Hearing. Very few of those Released show up for their hearings, simply disappear into the Hispanic Community until they come to the attention of Law Enforcement for some other reason.

I reported in January, “Border Wall” article, the FY 2018 annual count was approx 161.000 for “Family Units”. This year has been 329,978 already, plus 56,275 Unaccompanied Children apprehended as Illegals and 33,920 Family Units and 3236 Unaccompanied Children as Inadmissibles. Many of these are turned back as Family Units, but some are returned to Country of Origin. I don’t know about the Unaccompanied Children, they must be cared for somehow. These people place a much harder burden on the BP than “Single Adults” of either sex, but obviously women must be protected also. “Single Adult” reflects their traveling status when apprehended, not their Marital Status.

So from a monthly average of about 13,400 Family Units/month last year, we now have 84,542 this May, an increase of 6.3 times! For comparison, the population of Calhoun County was 21,381 in the 2010 Census. So the May ‘Family Units and Unaccompanied Children’ equal 4.5 “Calhoun Counties” with the May total being 6.75 times our population! And that is just the ones BP caught! How many more snuck in with the BP tied up with handling these groups as diversions?

This is obviously a “Humanitarian Crisis”. However, the Democrats in Congress refuse to change the laws to discourage the Illegal Crossings, expedite handling of the Illegals, strengthen Border Enforcement, or build the Wall; but constantly harp on the BP on handling these hordes of Criminal Invaders. They have tried to undermine all of President Trump’s efforts to have these “Refugees” apply for Asylum in their own countries or in Mexico, and now they refuse to legislate funds to BP to care for these Invaders unless they get Amnesty for Millions of previous Criminal Invaders! Knowing that any Amnesty will only encourage more illegals. And the ones being apprehended now are not just from Central and South America anymore, but all over the world. 550 Congolese, fleeing the Ebola out-break there, were recently released in San Antonio. Also Muslim Asians from Bangladesh, and from many other places. The Previous “Reagan Amnesty” was for about 3 million, mostly Mexicans, the Dems promised strict Border Control after, but did nothing, and in a decade added 20 million to our population. Doing nothing also encouraged more Illegal Immigration, that by early 2000s even Dems estimated new Illegal Aliens at 11 Million, or more. Estimations of current Illegals range from 22 to over 40 million nationwide. Can you imagine the result of a similar “Amnesty”? Over 200 Million new people applying for Green Cards & Citizenship? How can we survive that?

Political observers know many of the Corporate Robber Barons want Open Borders for the endless supply of cheap labor, and the Marxist/Alinskyites want to “Change the Demographics” to implement their “Socialist Utopia” and a “One Party Globalist State”, but now the Leadership of the once Democrat Party is admitting it! They know it is increasing the Federal Debt, crime, and straining the Welfare System, but don’t seem to care, it their desire for New Poor Voters. Poor American Families, Single Mothers, and Veterans are denied Public Housing, because it is given to these Criminal Economic Invaders to come here to cast the Votes that Americans won’t. The DemonRat Leaders admit that their goal is to “Resist and Obstruct” Trump, and his major issue was to control Immigration, so it wasn’t damaging poor people and entry-level job-seekers, especially for Blacks, Hispanics, and young people, and depressing wages for all. Also straining all the Welfare Systems designed to help our poorer and disadvantaged CITIZENS! Not only are the Lib/Prog Trump-Haters using Illegal Aliens for cheap labor, servants, and encouraging them to vote illegally, but intentionally encouraging people from Central America to come here as families and live off our Welfare, Free Education, and Free Medical Care. It is an intentional Strategy to make Trump look incompetent and weak to his Voter Base for failure to stop the Invasion, and is another major ploy of the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. That is to “flood” the Welfare System, “break” the Federal Budget, raise the Federal Debt, increase the “Misery Index” for Americans so that they will demand a change to a Socialist/Communist Totalitarian Govt! Nothing new, been around since the early 60s, a plan cooked up by two Marxist Professors at Columbia U.

The Dems obviously want this horde of unskilled, uneducated, non-English speaking, law-breaking, often violent criminal, and sometimes disease-carrying people to come here, and just dump them on the local Social services. . And many are NOT Central Americans but from countries that support Terrorists and are hostile to the USA. Dems won’t agree to stop them, or fund programs to “take care of them”, monitor them, and treat them if they are carrying serious diseases, or are a threat to our people. But it all this is encouraged to make “Trump look bad”, and they brag about it among themselves, thinking Trump’s base will abandon him because. “He can’t fix the Illegal Immigrant Problem! Ha Ha!”. They hate Trump more than they love Americans.

One comment for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


This podcast sheds light on how writers like Mr. Brayshaw were (unknowing perhaps, yet) willing participants of Russian propaganda during the 2016 campaign, creating a fictional story of a young man who was killed for revealing secrets from the DNC. It is now known, and included as testimony from several investigations including Mueller’s that the DNC servers were hacked and that there was no “leak” by an insider.

Mr. Brayshaw not only believed this untruth, but repeatedly spread the lie.

Listen to the podcast, and see how easily it was to be played and owned by the Russian media campaign if you already had an appetite for deep throat conspiracy theories.


July 9th, 2019 at 8:52 am
Untitled Document