Happy Warriors start off on their Port O’Connor Fishing Trip, Saturday, May 17th.

A good day’s catch!
Greetings Warrior’s Weekend,
I wanted to personally thank you for an amazing weekend.
I’m a Veteran and an Army Reserve soldier from Iowa who is currently deployed to Fort Hood.
At the conclusion of our trip, they passed out white envelops on our bus that contained letters from school children. I’m assuming they are from the Victoria area. We took these letters and made a “Wall of Honor”.
Everyone has enjoyed this experience and it’s all because of the wonderful program that you provided.
LTC Kevin Gamble

One of three sand sculptures
that were made to honor our Military
on Warrior’s Weekend, May 17 & 18
Dear friends,
Thank all of you for the best time in my life! I’ve never been honored as a veteran before, and then y’all come and make me feel like a real human being! I’ve met the most wonderful people ever, had the most loving welcome, I’ve ever experienced. You folks flew me in from Oregon. Well, Oregon has nothing at all like this. Your whole network of communities has a generous and loving spirit of goodness only our Lord could place upon their hearts. Here I am nothing, another cripple, but there in South Texas I felt the Spirit moving in people’s hearts and also renewed my faith in humanity. I know most are lost, especially here. If I could, I would gladly sell my home here and buy one there, where I know people won’t look down on me because of all my disabilities. It stirred my heart so much, to see a flag dedicated to me, I wept and knelt at the large cross there and felt the Lord giving me peace I’ve never had in all the years I’ve been a combat disabled Marine Veteran. I have so much to say thank you for, to you folks. You essentially saved me. I lost hope that people cared, but I think that’s because up here they hate veterans. But thankfully I hooked up with the Marine’s Wounded Warrior Regiment and Gunnnery Sgt. Close hooked me up with Gunnery Sgt. Sanchez and Gunnery Sgt. Bonstetter to facilitate my attending this event.
I could write a book on my experiences, they were so many awesome moments. When you ran out of boat captains and put out a call to all captains and people actually responded! Amazing love and generosity! My boat captains, Branson and Stacey Jecker, were some fantastic people. Like I said I can go on and on.
I met a new friend and we are going to stay in touch and, God willing, we will meet again at next year’s Warriors Weekend, if you will have me. I hope you do. It’s been the most wonderful time in my life, the only other being meeting my wife of 21 years! And those handmade cards from the children is really touching my heart.
I feel so blessed to have met all the people I did.
May the Lord bless all of you and keep you safe and blessed always
Bless you! All of you!
Meet Timothy Allen, Jr. and Timothy Allen, Sr.
Having both served in the Army, this father and son were enjoying themselves at Warrior Weekend 2019! Timothy, Sr. served 25 years, had nine deployments, and was a paratrooper par excellence.. a “Master Blaster Jump Master.” He has a 100 per cent disability due to a heart condition, bad knees, bad back, and PTSD.
Tim, Jr. was able to serve four years and was discharged because of a knee injury.
-Tamua DeForest