Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jul 19 - 4 Comments

Dear Dolphin,

I am writing in regards to the Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle rules. Every year we go through the same thing. Some people are STILL not using these vehicles in a lawful and safe way. The rules are posted in the Dolphin Talk a couple of times a year, and I thank you for that. The rules are available in many businesses around town, in my office, on Facebook, and there is a LARGE sign posting them at Kingfisher Beach.

To those who are violating the rules, What exactly about “AFTER DARK” DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND, or “UNLICENSED DRIVERS” DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? Come on, folks? What seems to be the problem?

We know some of you are on vacation and you just want to have some fun. But, you can have fun without breaking the law!
I am personally pleading with you to PLEASE USE SOME COMMON SENSE. Miriam Webster defines Common Sense as, a reliable ability to judge and decide with soundness, prudence, and intelligence an ability to reach intelligent conclusions. Cambridge Dictionary defines it as: the ability to use good judgment in making decisions and to live in a reasonable and safe way.

After years of fighting for the freedom to use these types of vehicles so everyone could enjoy them in a safe and legal manner, the “PRIVILEGE” became law on January 1, 2012. This PRIVILEGE CAN be REVOKED at any given time by the Calhoun County Commissioner’s Court. Is that really what you want to see happen?


PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW children to operate these vehicles on Port O’Connor streets.

At the very least you will receive a ticket for allowing an UNLICENSED person to drive. A more serious charge of CHILD ENDANGERMENT may be filed as well! At the very worst, your child could die in an accident, heaven forbid, and you will have to live with that grief for the rest of your life!

Are a few hours of allowing them to illegally operate these vehicles really worth it? Please don’t use golf cart/utility vehicles as baby sitters! A “fun time” can turn deadly in an instant! Have a happy and safe spring and summer!

Nancy Pomykal, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5

I’m Scared!

Yesterday and today, the news is full of all the “freebies” the democrats want to give away to both non-working and illegal men and women — AND, that American women were moving more and more to socialism. If you are an AMERICAN working man, you better get out and vote for Trump and make sure all your buddies do also. At the last election it was estimated that 47% of the US was on some kind of “benefit”. That does not leave much for conservatives to stay home.

You are expected to pay for this. It is impossible. John Birch wrote 60 years ago that Communism would take over the US without firing a shot. WELL, this election may just very well do that.

This will be a very crucial election for the hard-working, patriotic American. Have your facts straight and talk to everyone about what will happen if we do not take a conservative majority in both the House and Senate, with Donald Trump as President. Also, be very careful and vote for every Conservative Judge on the ballot. The Courts are killing us with the liberal judges decisions.

I’m not asking you to take my word for it — please take the time to do some internet research if you are unsure how a prospective elected official votes. A good voter is a well-informed voter. Do your homework and get out the vote.

Thank you.
Connie Hunt

We hope that everyone enjoyed this year’s fireworks display! This event is completely funded by YOU. Our donation thermometer almost made it to the top this year. Next year we will be celebrating our 50th year of fireworks in Port O’Connor on Saturday, July 4th, 2020. We encourage you to mark your calendar, donate early if you can, and keep throwing your change in those donation boxes! Pennies make dollars, and every donation is greatly appreciated! We hope to make 2020 the biggest and most spectacular one yet! Checks can be mailed to : Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 701, Port O’Connor, TX 77982. Thank you and see ya’ next year!

Dawn Ragusin, Treasurer
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce

A true story of an unbelievable proportion. Why illegal immigration is flourishing by a first hand account.

A 13-year-old girl and her uncle came to my office yesterday at approximately 5 PM. They presented me with a paper to sign. I looked at the paper and it was a Texas workforce commission job voucher/refusal paper. A candidate seeking unemployment benefits must have this paper filled out showing they have tried to get a job.

The man spoke no English and the young lady, the niece, was the interpreter. The young girl explained her uncle had to have the lower half beneath his knee amputated and that he could not work and he needed unemployment benefits.

I explained I would not sign the paper and it is not good for a man to not have a job because going on government assistance will just cause dependency and steal his dignity in the long run. I proposed an interview on the spot. I looked at the new prosthetic and I asked what did the man do before the accident? He cleaned large tank vessels, she replied. I explained to her I could use a door greeter and a bilingual person to do light work around the store. She told me he spoke no English and could not read in English nor could he understand numbers well.

I was looking at the man during the conversation and she would interpret our responses back-and-forth. In the end I asked the last question. Are you a legal citizen of the United States?

The girl replied for the man after a brief discussion, “I am illegal.”

I concluded the job interview graciously and explained that the man should not be receiving any benefits, and I’m sorry for his misfortune, and that he should go home, to his country of origin.

The part of the story that is overwhelmingly wrong is the fact that three prior businesses here in Port O’Connor blindly signed off for this man to get unemployment when he was illegal and never questioned his status.
Are we so blind that we would promote government assistance yet, especially to an illegal and have it signed off on by businesses and business people who should know better.

The problem is not the illegal traversing our border en mass because they have nothing else to do The problem is Americans are exacerbating his problem by giving the farm away.

What does it mean to be an American citizen if it doesn’t mean protecting and policing your own first
What are the State of Texas unemployment agencies doing giving illegal’s unemployment benefits?

Thank you.
Chris Mapp

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (exception at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests; therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
Dolphin Talk, PO Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982

4 comments for “Letters to the Dolphin”

Just Tom

RE: Scared
After 38 years voting Republican, my wife and I have decided to not vote for Trump. If he is the Republican nominee, so be it, I’m not telling others how to vote. But voting Trump means agreeing with his lies, his cheating on his wives, his hatred of others, and the racist elements he has dragged along behind him (not saying all Trump voters are racist). We just can’t do that. Maybe you can But We won’t. Ever. That is what is truly UnAmerican. God bless America and God Bless POC.

July 20th, 2019 at 8:04 am

Sir, I read your comment. I did not advocate for Trump, even tho I think he has done well for America. If you had rather have a socialist country than vote for him and other Conservatives – so be it. That was the point of my letter. People get so tied up in their own priorities, they forget to look out for what’s best for our Country. God Bless and protect America.

July 21st, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Just Tom

I do not consider not voting for Trump to be a socialist act. I do consider voting for him an immoral act. My Christian church agreed, it believes Jesus is all we truly need. You may feel otherwise. You are completely entitled to your opinion and your religious beliefs as am I.

July 21st, 2019 at 8:52 pm
Just Tom

Fret not thyself for evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the LORD and do good, and so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed. Psalms 37

July 22nd, 2019 at 3:36 am
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