Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 19 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Port O’Connor is seeing a real building boom; seems everyday there is another lot being cleared, if not a whole block. This community that was once know as “The Best Kept Secret” has really flourished. The Chamber welcomes all the newcomers into our little community and hope they enjoy our piece of paradise, get involved and help keep the wonderful atmosphere that has appealed to all who have decided to make this their home.

The community has always worked together as one and looking forward to having more help in making Chamber sponsored events as successful as always. Still to come this year is “Trunk or Treat”, “Scavenger Hunt”, Lighted Boat Parade” down the ICW, “Christmas Lighting Contest” and last the “Annual Chamber of Commerce Christmas Party”. All these events are free; it takes volunteers to accomplish the work to make this happen.

Hopefully next summer, there will be some very nice and reliable playground equipment added to King Fisher Beach for children. This is one of the projects in the works, for the community; it will be a great addition to the beach. Hundreds are enjoying the new beach this year.

Monthly meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month, 6:30 pm at the Port O’Connor Community Center.
If you would like to be on agenda, please contact us before meeting: 361-983-2898.

Check us out on portoconnorchamber.com–Facebook or Instagram.

New & Renewed memberships

Steve & Susan Gumina-

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