Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 19 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

For almost 100 years now, First Baptist Church in Port O’Connor has been an important part of this community. Many people have worshipped in our sanctuary and many pastors have preached from our pulpit. Our church has a rich history. We are beginning to collect more detailed information regarding the early days of FBC. Perhaps you have photos, memorabilia or eyewitness accounts to share. We would especially like information on the transport of our sanctuary building across Matagorda Bay from Palacios. Please contact me if you can help with any of this. Thank you. (903) 467-6335.

Our Building and Grounds Committee has been working for several months to get needed repairs done to our sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. After many years and many storms, things have shifted, blown away or just become time-worn. Now, phase one of the work is almost finished. We are all excited to see the results!

Several weeks ago, we were blessed to have Kyle Luke and his family visit us from South Texas Children’s Home in Bee County. You may remember that during our Vacation Bible School, the children collected almost $600.00 to donate to the school. Mr. Luke came to thank the church and to explain how donations are used. The ministries began in 1952 and today include many outreaches. Besides taking in abandoned, abused or neglected children, they offer shelter to mothers with children, offer job and life skills training, sponsor mission trips around the world, pay for college for those children who graduate from their program as well as many, many more services. If you would like more information, go to www.stchm.org.

Believe it or not, FBC is already thinking about Thanksgiving! This year the Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at our church on Sunday, November 17, at 6:00 p.m. Mark the date on your calendar now and make plans to attend this special celebration.

Pastor Robert Penley and his wife, Sandy, have been serving our church for the past six months in an interim capacity. Their last day with us will be on Sunday, September 15. The church will be hosting a combination appreciation and good bye luncheon for them immediately after the noon service on that day. We wish them well as they take up the next phase of their ministry.

New Bible studies will be starting soon for both the women (Tuesday, 4:00) and men (Tuesday, 7:00). Anyone is welcome to attend. Don’t forget church services on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., and prayer meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. We also have youth activities on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. for grades 6-12, except for the 3rd Wednesday of each month when pre-K through 5th grade have Children’s Church. All POC youth are invited. We are waiting to welcome you.

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