Hostesses, Becky Carville and Marie Hawes, stand in front of their “World War II Era Store” getting ready for their guests to use their “Ration Cards” to “shop” at the “Hooked On Books” Meeting.
What a fun and fabulous way to kick off the 2019/2020 “Hooked On Books” Book Club Season!!! September’s Meeting was a pool side party hosted by Marie Hawes and Becky Carville, and they really outdid themselves!! In accordance with our September book, “Code Girls: The Untold Story of the Women Code Breakers of World War II”, they had World War II themed decorations, music, memorabilia, photos, and delicious food and drinks from that era. Upon arrival, each of the 21 guests were presented with a “Rosie The Riveter” scarf, a Ration Book from which we had to shop for a week’s worth of food from their WW II Era “Grocery Store”, and an encrypted poem which we had to “break” and “decipher”!! It was all great fun and was followed by a lively discussion of the book!! Thank you, Marie & Becky, for all your time and hard work, and thank you to all of the lovely ladies who attended!!
October’s meeting is 10/8/19 at 2:00 PM and October’s Book is “Twelve Mighty Orphans” by Jim Dent. We welcome all who are interested in “Hooked On Books”!!Please send your contact information to alanehaardt@yahoo.com for information on joining.