Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 19 - 1 Comment

Fish Carcasses Dumped

Me and my Brother bought a home in POC 5 years ago and have come to really love this place and the people. We visit as often as we can and have found old friends from our hometown of Rosenberg and made new ones as well. Yesterday as I was driving around and sightseeing I stumbled upon a disgusting mess of fish carcasses dumped just off the road in front of the little jetty. These fish weren’t caught there. Someone had filleted at least 25 speckled trout and tossed the heads and skeletons. A very large, stinking mess. I hope whatever fisherman caught these chokes on a bone. Its too bad someone couldn’t have seen this and called the Game Warden. He needs to be drug from behind a boat for a couple of hours. I cannot believe anyone from POC would be responsible for this and whomever the tourist is stays away. We don’t need this kind of numskull in our fair community.

Walter Tappe
Rosenberg, Texas

USPS Complaint

I would like to say thank you to Nicole Beamer, Director of Constituent Services for Congressman Michael Cloud (TX 27) for assisting me in opening a Congressional inquiry into the unwarranted verbal attack launched on me and illegal locking of my mailbox by the Port O’Connor USPS Postmaster and clerk on July 16, 2019. After eavesdropping on, and misinterpreting, a conversation about my travels, I was accused of not living here and repeatedly told I was a liar in front of other customers, followed by rude comments about me (and “some of the people in this town”) to the other customer. Truly reprehensible and unprofessional behavior. Port O’Connor has been my home for the past 10 years. I am retired and enjoy traveling very much. I sign my statement of residency every year and pick my mail up on a regular basis. This is still a free country and it is none of their business where or when I travel. Rep. Cloud’s office was very helpful with regards to investigating and obtaining a satisfactory response from the USPS Consumer Affairs Department of the Rio Grande District Office and an apology from the Post Master. If anyone else is having issues with the USPS do not hesitate to contact Rep. Cloud’s office and file a complaint.

Bridget Sprague
Port O’Connor

Won’t people think of the Children?

Last week, a news story was about how an environmental activist fled to America to request asylum after his home was burnt down. His 7 year old son had a heart issue as well and he believed that the “Shining City on a Hill” would welcome him with open arms as previous Admins would have. Instead, his 7 year old son was ripped from his arms by Border Patrol, shipped 2,000 miles away, & placed in a foster home where he was repeatedly MOLESTED by the older boys.

That shattered asylum family is now suing the government, so are HUNDREDS of families whose children were RAPED in US custody.\

In June, a Trump supporter, said to CNN:

“Quit trying to make us feel teary-eyed for the children. Yes, I love children a great deal, but to me, it’s up to the parents to do things rightfully and legally.”

If you can’t think of the children, then think of the lawsuits and how this cruel inhumane policy will end up costing us billions of dollars.

Brandelyn Wiser
Port Lavaca

One comment for “Letters to the Dolphin”

Bob Stevens

re: USPS Complaint
First I want to thank Bridget for posting this. I had begun to believe I am the only one having issues the our local PO. I like many people get packages from Ebay and Amazon delivered to my PO Box. As many also know most business will not accept an order without a physical address. I always include my Box number along with the address as instructed by our most recent postmaster. But more often than I like they leave off the Box number and use just the physical address. Like Bridget I am always told rudely to have them correct this. I have started printing out the order form to prove I added the Box number along with the address. I also get accused of lying. I have lived in POC since 1997 and none of this has ever been a problem until our most recent postmaster and clerk.

October 3rd, 2019 at 2:01 pm
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