Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 19 - Comments Off on Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the next Port O’Connor Community Service Club GARAGE SALE!  This bi-annual event is held the first SATURDAY of April and October, so the next sale date is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Community Center pavilion.   As always, Service Club ladies will be baking for the BAKE SALE as well.   The “bag sale” will run from noon till 2 p.m., where Service Club will provide shopping bags to be filled for a donation per bag (minimum $1/bag please!)

These sales are the main fundraisers for the Service Club.  Members are frequently asked what the Service Club does with the funds raised at the garage sales.  Here is just a sampling of projects and programs the Service Club has been able to fund with sale proceeds:

 One-time projects:

Initial funding to start the POC Library
Cemetery archway and initial funding for the Cemetery         chapel
Welcome sign on the road coming into Port O’Connor
Map at the front beach
Fire Department sign
Bulletin board outside the Post Office
Community Center sign
    Ongoing projects:
Senior Citizen’s luncheons
Annual Senior Citizen’s Christmas luncheon
Scholarship program for POC students graduating from POC         Elementary & Calhoun Co. high schools.
Elementary School report card student recognition awards for         each “A” earned
Donations to the Benevolence Fund
Donations to our local public library
U.S. flags lining the highway coming into town
for every Warrior’s Weekend
Memorial donations in memory of Port O’Connor residents
Donations to teachers to assist with classroom
supplies needed
Doggie waste stations/bags at the front beach
Several Christmas “Angel Tree” sponsorships each year

As you can see, proceeds from your donations and purchases at these events all go right back towards improvements and programs right here in Port O’Connor.

And there is still time to make donations, but  as a reminder, there are some changes in what we can accept.

We can no longer accept ANY of the following items:
• Televisions
• Computers & Similar/Related Electronic items
(small appliances such as working toasters or coffee pots can           still be accepted)
• Telephones
• Mattresses
• Pillows

Also, all FURNITURE items must be inspected before we can take them for the Garage Sale.  To arrange an inspection, please contact Donna Vuichard or Marie Hawes.

Other upcoming events:
New flagpole and U.S. flag at our front beach:  Service Club has approved the funding for this project, and hope to have the new flagpole and flag installed before the end of the year.

Doggie Waste Bags:  The cost of a re-supply of bags for the doggie waste stations at front beach has been approved and these should be in place shortly!

Front Beach benches and picnic tables:  Service Club has committed funds for the cost of replacing the 11 picnic tables and benches at our front beach.  We are working with Calhoun County officials to get this project completed and hope to see these in place this winter.

Senior Citizen’s Annual Christmas Luncheon:  Another date to mark in your calendars is December 6 at 11 a.m. at the Port O’Connor Community Service Center, when the annual Senior Citizen’s Christmas Luncheon will be held.  Our committees are hard at work on decorations, entertainment, and of course, the food!

Next Service Club meeting:  Thursday, October 3, 10 a.m. at the Community Center.

The Service Club meets twice monthly from September – May on the first and third Thursdays and once a month June – August on the first Thursday, at 10 a.m. at the Community Center (enter through the back door).  All are welcome – members can be full or part-time POC residents and we’d love to have you join us.  The Service Club is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Port O’Connor community by providing support and funds for programs and events for the betterment of this community.  If you are looking for a way to give back to the Port O’Connor community, come join us!

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