“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Washington Returns from August Recess

The Congress has returned after their August vacation, and the Pelosi/Nadler/AOC Democrat Leadership immediately restarted their “Get Trump by any means possible” campaign while ignoring their duties to American Citizens and the Constitution, especially on solving the Border Crisis, and the Invasion by phony Asylum Seekers. The Supreme Court handed down a very important decision Wednesday 9/11/19 that will have great influence on increasing our President’s ability to control and even stop the worst of the problems. The Lib/Prog supporters of Illegal Immigration and Refugees have been able to get Injunctions from Activist Judges on the Left Coast to stop policies ordered by President Trump, even when the policies were soundly based on bilateral-passed laws that had been in effect since the 1950s. SCOTUS decided that an injunction issued by a Globalist/Socialist/Activist Judge could not take effect until it was decided by higher courts, mostly because so many previous ones had been overturned as Un-Constitutional. Many necessary policies have been put on hold for years, while the country is flooded by immigrants, both “legal” and illegal, even from hostile nations and countries supporting International Terrorism. President Trump used a law from 1952 to try and stop people from certain countries from coming here, unless for good reason, but a judge’s order can be used to stop the President and Commander-in-Chief from doing his duty? The primary duty of any government is to defend the border of that nation.

The “liberal” and “Progressive Socialist” radical leadership of the once Democrat Party have supported unlimited “migration” from poor socialist countries for several years, and now are teaching these Immigrant “Wannabes” to claim Asylum and Refugee status. Many do not qualify for “asylum” at all, and most come through other safe countries to get here. That is a violation of International Law that states asylum seekers must claim that status in the first safe country they reach.

But the Lib/Progs promise our Welfare State, free food & housing, even free medical care and free education not available to our citizens! These Progressive Socialists want and need these new bodies for their “Vote Farming”. A new “Socialismo” Identity Group, a secure voting block on “La Nueva Plantacion Democratica”, to replace the much abused and ignored Black and Hispanic-American Voters that are finding greater success with Trump’s Economy. And America First, Buy American to Hire American, rather then the Globalists programs of “Free Trade”, de-industrialization with the exporting of jobs and factories to countries with cheap labor. How can they continue to sell their products unless American buyers have good jobs and the money to spend? The Money Manipulators either can’t think that far ahead, or simply don’t care. Trump and his supporters want real integration and assimilation, financial success for all citizens, true liberty and freedom, not a “Permanent Welfare Class”, strangled by poor schools, bad neighborhoods, and crime, mostly caused by bad government policies, and bad political leadership. Political Leadership dedicated to failed Political Theories and Party loyalty rather than American citizens, their Oath to the Constitution, and working for prosperity for all Americans.

Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives is continuing to try to impeach President Trump, but can find no ‘crime’, or evidence of any. All the false accusations only lead back to serious crimes by people in the Radical Left-wing of the once Democrat Party. I seriously want there to be another vote for impeachment. I want all the citizen-voters of our country to see who are wasting time trying to “Get Trump!”, rather than doing their job to solve the problems we have with the border, unchecked immigration, and senseless crimes. We need solutions based on facts, not political theories and wishful thinking. We need economic assimilation, not unlimited illegal immigration. We have 4 million kids graduating (or quitting) schools every year, we need jobs for them, real jobs. We need to re-industrialize America, to repair the neglected infrastructure, to have efficient transportation, and affordable energy, not “It’s the End of The World” Hysteria. Kids need education in practical skills, not indoctrination in Marxist jealousy, hate, and fear, based on false theories instead of facts and practical experience from over the centuries. America works best, if given a chance by a Govt that tries to follow the Constitution, rather than Elitist interpretation of foreign theories and wishful thinking.

The Lawsuit against Trump for violating the “Emoluments clause” is completely false. The Anti-Trumpers claim that foreigners staying in Trump resorts and paying the normal rates is a violation?

The Emoluments Clause: US Const, Art I, Sec 9, Para 8:

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind what-ever from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

How does Trump violate this because someone pays for a service at the normal rate from a company where he owns stock? It could only apply if paid at higher rates and directly to him, or some secret or separate Fund, like the Clinton’s. If this applies to Trump, why doesn’t it apply to others in government who own stocks in companies? …Often given or sold at discount for favorable legislation? Pelosi? Del Monte?

One comment for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


Without a doubt the President is feeling the sting of the government finding hidden messages ON A SECRET SERVER. Karma is a bitch, and this week, her name is Hillary. Laughing my backside off.

September 27th, 2019 at 3:59 pm
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