Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 19 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

“We’re blessed, we’re blessed, we are blessed…” is a song written by a friend, and that sums up the way we feel! What a blessed September! Ladies Retreat in Kerrville; Ladies Meeting here; Leadership Tour in Hallettsville; Empowerment Conference in Houston; “Feed the Patrons” in LaVernia; Sea Academy Classes with Captain Robert; and then off on Vacation for a few days! We got to visit Waco and see Magnolia’s grandeur and Pioneer Woman’s place in Northeastern Oklahoma. The temp one morning was 55 degrees! BUT, there is no place like home!

This month we will attempt to follow the same pattern of blessings. We enjoyed a great Fellowship Meeting in Yorktown,; Pastor Joane began our Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) Classes; had a Ladies Meeting in El Campto; a Ladies Leadership Conference in The Woodlands; and are looking forward to the Men of Spring First coming for a Retreat.

If you had not heard, Patrick Overton is getting married on October 26. The love of his life, Trish, is from the Brazoria area and they will be making it their home. We sincerely pray for this new couple as they begin a lifetime of blessings.

Just today I learned that the Corpus Christi Chi Alpha are sending a team here on November 1 and 2 to work on our Executive Retreat Center. The large building that we had moved in that sits just to the east of our Chapel will be an addition to our present Retreat Center. It will be able to house up to 18 additional folks and will be handicap accessible. We need to build a porch and skirt it. We do not know how far we will get on these days, but any help we can get is always appreciated!

Men, do not feel that we have overlooked you! We are hosting a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 9, at 9:00 a.m. All men are welcome to come and enjoy the food and fellowship. I have been asked if I will again cook the gravy from the Old Indian Secret Recipe, and I have agreed. This morning will be, not only an opportunity to have fellowship with other men, but able to enjoy a delicious meal and hear some inspirational words from God’s Word.

Can you believe that it is almost Thanksgiving time again? Our Community Service will be hosted by First Baptist, with everyone participating. It will be a great time to gather as a community and lift up the Name of Jesus! There will be congregational singing, special music, an inspirational message, and a time of fellowship (food) in their Fellowship Hall. We trust that we will “pack the pews!” Also, a special offering will be received to assist with the Port O’Connor Community Benevolence Fund, which provides the funding for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Gift Baskets for needy families in our community. You help is so needed again this season.

Those families with special needs are welcomed to contact 361/218-6693 not later than November 10 to get on the list for Thanksgiving Food Baskets. The Baskets will be given our on Tuesday, November 19.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation that seeks to minister to the needs, both spiritual and physical, of the people in the Port O’Connor area. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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