Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 19 - Comments Off on Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Our Fall Garage Sale is history! We want to first of all thank ALL the service club members and their spouses who worked so tirelessly since the last sale getting ready for this one. If you haven’t worked on one of these sales, just know that they take a LOT of hours of hard work in the weeks and months before each sale. And of course, a big thank you to those of you in the community who once again supported this effort, either through your donation of goods or through your purchases. The bake sale was a particular success this year – we even had non-members donate baked goods for us to sell, so a big thank you to all you bakers out there too!

One thing you might not know about the garage sale is everything that doesn’t sell has to be removed and disposal arranged. The Service Club has to arrange for an organization to pick up anything that is unsold and haul it off that same day. Sometimes we are able to find another non-profit willing to do that, but sometimes we have to pay to have items removed, which of course cuts into the profits made and reduces what we have to spend on community improvements. This is one of the reasons we have had to refuse certain items and continue to remind everyone goods need to be in reasonably decent condition!
Please mark your calendars now for the Spring sale to be held on April 4
Other upcoming events:

New flagpole and U.S. flag at our front beach: We reported in the last issue that service club had designated funds for this project; Club is working with the County on installation and we are hoping to have the new flagpole and flag installed by the end of November
Front Beach benches and picnic tables: The end of this year is also our target date for completing the replacement of front beach picnic tables and benches.

Senior Citizen’s Annual Christmas Luncheon: Remember to save the date: Friday, December 6 at 11 a.m. at the Port O’Connor Community Service Center!

Next Service Club meeting: Thursday, November 7 – 10 a.m. at the Community Center.

The Service Club meets twice monthly from September – May on the first and third Thursdays, and once a month June – August on the first Thursday; always at 10 a.m. at the Community Center (enter through the back door). All are welcome – members can be full or part-time POC residents and we’d love to have you join us. The Service Club is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Port O’Connor community by providing support and funds for programs and events for the betterment of this community. If you are looking for a way to give back to the Port O’Connor community, come join us!

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