Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Nov 19 - Comments Off on Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

Fall is in full swing and we have left the spooky days of October behind and start the holiday season for 2019. Of course, November is the month of the turkey and also in the modern sense of the holiday a time of being thankful for what life has blessed us with.

Being thankful can sometimes feel like hard work however as we all have our dips and pitfalls, our time spent in the unexpected breakdowns lanes of life rather than flying along on cruise control on an open road. Ironically, these times may be the times when we can receive people of events that can quickly shift our lives back onto the paths we were meant to travel and, as important as it is to be thankful on the day we stuff ourselves with varied concoctions made from turkey and cranberries, the thing is to reach the things we will be grateful for next year. It is important to remember to have faith and gratitude for our life every single day of the year.

Although it might seem tough at times, we must remember that in able to stop being our own version of ‘Tom Turkey,’ we must trust and believe that there is a plan ahead for us to start engaging life again and the reasons we must try and adhere to that as much as possible are many.

For one, opportunity may come again if you miss it and the things that would otherwise make us content and happy may return, but the wrong attitude can scare away these things as well. To remain positive and indeed confident while a storm rages around is a factor included in the mixture of many of our heroes of history and indeed fiction.

We may think it is easy as we see them tell the story of victory after the fact, marvel at how easy they make it look on the page or the silver screen, but we often forget that to have that real magnetic pull they often exude, there was a great deal of struggle off-screen. In real life, this happens by determination and that is often a by-product of being thankful for even the opportunity to struggle and indeed to fail, as the greatest teacher it has been said is failure itself if we have the mettle to get back up and swing for the fences again.

Additionally, if we are focusing on what we lack rather than what we have and own within ourselves, we may be too afraid to take a gamble on something that we really want in life. Stagnation is partially built on past failures and fears roosting in our hearts, and those in turn can be combated by seeing and having faith in what we already have…in a word, be thankful for the things we already have, be it as small as our next breath or the next sunrise we see.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Note: This article is dedicated to Stephanie, someone for me to be thankful and eternally grateful for this year and many more to come.

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