“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Impeachment Hoax

The Great Sedition Conspiracy has entered into its latest phase, the Impeachment Hoax. This started with claims that a “Whistle-Blower” gave Testimony to Adam Schiff Chairman of the Intel Committee that President Trump demanded the President of Ukraine investigate the Petro/gas company Burisma hiring Hunter Biden on its Board of Directors for a ridiculously high salary and bonuses. His father, Vice President Joe Biden demanding the previous Ukrainian Admin quash an investigation into Burisma and fire the Prosecutor, or he would cancel a $1 Billion Military Aid package. There is no doubt that this threat was made, VP Biden bragged about it on video at a Counsel on Foreign Relations Conference.

The D-Rat Propaganda Media was ecstatic! “We got him now! Trump using his office to demand an investigation into an Opposing Candidate! Abuse of Power!” (curiously, that is what the D-Rats did to Trump for 4 years now!) Schiff read off a fantasy conversation of what he wanted people to believe happened, to Congress and the Fake News. The Propaganda Media Manure Spreader revved up to red-line! But it immediately started falling apart as the facts came out. President Trump released the transcript of the call, and quashed that lie. We learned the previous standard for a Whistle-Blower was actual first hand knowledge, but for this case was nothing but workplace rumor, second, third, & fourth-hand OPINION of what went on. “Gossip Girl” wishful thinking.. And it gets worse. The “Hoax-blower” had been in contact with “Schiff and his staff”, probably including ‘Lawfare’ Lawyers hired to create an impeachment, for a month before his “Startling Revelation”. Fine-tuning the script? Planning the Media Campaign?

Witnesses are called to confirm the allegations. US diplomat Bill Taylor testified that Trump wanted to use Ukraine the “get dirt on Biden”, but under questioning revealed “his sole source of information” for his accusation was the rabidly Anti-Trump, New York Times! The Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, tried to support the allegation but had no first hand knowledge, but had been fired, said she “feared retaliation by Trump”, and later was caught in substantial lies. Lt Col Vindman testified to his impression of possible bad reactions, and may prove to be one of the “Hoax-blower’s sources”. Most have suspicious connections to Brennan’s CIA. All of Schiff’s witnesses are Democrat Operatives, at best.

On 11/6 the news broke that Mark S. Zaid, attorney for the ‘Hoax-Blower’ tweeted on January 30, 2017, only 10 days after President Trump was inaugurated, “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers”. That was over Trump firing Sally Yates, Obama’s Attorney General, for cause. She refused to carry out an order, to follow existing laws in controlling Illegal Immigration. Other D-Rats & Anti-Trumpers had called for Trump’s impeachment from the day after his election, 2 1/2 months before he was inaugurated, and did anything! Zaid was bragging then, that he was “all in” for the “Coup”! By then the Obama Admin/FBI/DoJ seditious”Crossfire Hurricane” and the false FISA Court Warrants/Investigations/Attempted Entrapments were common knowledge to D’Rat operatives and their allies, even if they were not yet Co-Conspirators. Zaid was a willing volunteer in the criminal conspiracy, and arrogant enough to brag about it. All of those people proved they have no respect for the Constitution, Trump’s election, the American Voters, or American Jurisprudence.

Schiff is using his power in the Intel Committee to conduct his “Fishing Expedition & Witch Hunt” in a closed “Star Chamber-like” environment under the pretense of an “Intelligence Investigation”. He is violating all previous Impeachment procedures, and American law by denying all normal defense protections to President Trump and the GOP members of the Committee. His Special Rules are straight out of a movie about Soviet or Gestapo Show trials. Schiff gets to “approve” all witnesses, he has refused to allow the witnesses to answer question he doesn’t like, and The Pelousi House approved “rules” allow him to forbid disclosure of Exculpatory Evidence discovered by his “investigation”. ( “Exculpatory” is evidence that shows the accused is not guilty.) These are all flagrant violations of Constitutional Law and American Jurisprudence. This is an Impeachment without a Crime, built on false accusations, wishful thinking, lies and raw hatred. A real political Lynching. The real reason is the Criminal Conspiracies against Trump and his supporters keep getting proven, and there is confirmed evidence to convict the perpetrators from the FBI, through the DoJ, CIA, NSA, and their agents, up to Hillary & her Campaign, and the Obama White House. Also probably the DNC.

Trump can destroy the “leadership” and the upper bureaucracy, and many elected officials of the Socialist subsumed once “Democrat Party”, and it is all based on their criminal doings. Trump did nothing wrong, they found nothing in over 4 years, and there is nothing wrong with this Ukraine investigation. The Ukrainians had started it before the call, our President is required to ensure foreign aid is not going to corrupt govts and purposes, there was no Quid pro Quo because the Ukrainians did not know there was a hold on the aid and the Ukrainian mentioned the Biden/Burisma problem before Trump did. The call was more about CloudStrike and possible Election interference to start with. But that is a whole different (Hillary E-mail) problem.

UpDate 11/7: The D-rats are actually still considering 3 Articles of Impeachment: Contempt of Congress (kinda hard not to do these days), Abuse of Power (trying to make the DoJ prosecute proven crimes by D-Rats?), and Obstruction of Justice (Just Us? Not letting them do whatever they want?). They just can’t get any evidence to support a conviction for any crime, but they don’t like what he does! So, there! “Orange Man BAD!”

2 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


This did not start with a whistleblower, as you stated. It started when the President of the United States tried to withhold Congressionally approved funds from Ukraine until Ukraine’s President agreed to announce a fake investigation into Trump’s prime opponent in the 2020 election. What or why Biden’s son was paid by a Ukrainian company is irrelevant, or at the most, a separate issue.

Further, the President of the United States, in an effort to hide his behavior has enlisted his private attorney, a man with no government credentials or intelligence clearances, to do the international negotiating for said deal, in secret.

And to finalize his criminality, the President of the United States has demanded the people with knowledge of said deal, those with first hand knowledge of what transacted, the President has DEMANDED that they not testify. Then he whines about no first hand testimony.

You left off Bribery.

December 1st, 2019 at 8:07 am

Forever to be referred to in history as #IMPOTUS.

December 20th, 2019 at 6:33 pm
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