Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 20 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

What happened to 2019! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the New Year and now it has become the Old Year and 2020 has taken its place!

Some, I am sure, do not realize that our Editor, Mrs. Joyce Rhyne, had to lay her husband down with a grave side service on Sunday, December 15. For more than 50 years, Johnny had counted on Joyce to be his confident, his partner, his bride, and the mother of his children. He has left a great hole in many hearts and is greatly missed and will be for years to come! I feel it was an honor to her husband that Joyce did not put out a paper in December. For more than 25 years, she has faithfully kept us informed, not of the bad news – there are many other papers to print that junk – but the things that will interest, inform, and inspire the many Dolphin Talk readers! Thank you Joyce for being you!

Now, back to our activities! We had a great Christmas Celebration, complete with caroling around the bonfire (with hot dogs and s’mores), our annual Christmas Party, and the kids program! It was a fitting celebration for the King of Kings. Thankfulness prepared us for receiving the Christ Child and our joy was enhanced by the friends and families that met together to make the time complete!

But, now that Christmas is gone, we have many other activities with which to start the New Year! Pastor Joane and I celebrated our Wedding Anniversary on January 8, and the Chapel helped celebrate her birthday (January 13) with a baked potato dinner on Sunday evening, January 12. Thanks so much for loving Pastor Joane and expressing it so excellently!
Our ladies had a Bake Sale, the churches of our area had a fellowship meeting, and we cleaned fish for the Freeze Out Tournament. Since the ladies had an activity, the men could not be outdone, so they traveled to Edna for a Men’s Breakfast. Pastor Joane will be attending a Leading Ladies’ Retreat in Clear Lake later this month and we will gather in Wharton for a special evening of inspirational music on January 31.

Yes, we are planning an area Revival in Port Lavaca on February 17 and 18. The special speaker will be Evangelist Martha Tennison. She spoke at last year’s event and was well received. Everyone is invited to attend these special services, which will begin at 7 PM each evening.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to introduce Jesus to every person in the Port O’Connor area! “The men and the women, the boys and the girls …” are the ones we are attempting to reach with the Good News that Jesus makes a difference in individual lives. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, Grow with us!”

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