Port O’Connor Community Benevolence Fund

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Community Benevolence Fund

We were honored to help 62 families this year with the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets. There were some families who received assistance at both the holidays, but this community has come together again and made it happen for the needy in our area.

We began the year with $1,965.48 and spent $4,344.85. The ending balance is $1,932.63
Everyone who goes to the grocery store realizes that food costs have increased substantially this year. In addition to the cash given this year, there were many more donations of non-perishable foods than normal. This made the dollars go much further!

A special thanks to the three churches, the Port O’Connor Women’s Service Club, and to several very special benefactors who gave generously to supply the food that was given out this year.

As we continue giving and working together, we will be able to continue making a difference in the lives of so many families in our area who need a little boost at these times of the year!

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