“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome

There is so much craziness going on in Dysfunctional DC, the D-Rat “Blame Trump” Caucus and Media, and the ever popular “The Sky is Falling” Chicken Little “Trump is Destroying the World” Snowflakes; it is an “Article: Target Rich Environment”, but “a ball of confusion”. So, I will try to address how they tie together: The insanity of D-Rat “Resist & Obstruct” or “Trump Derangement Syndrome”:

Nancy Pelosi’s “Shampeachment” of President Trump marches, stumbles, or slithers on: It was such a National Emergency that she had to have a vote on her “Non-crime with no real Evidence Accusations” before Christmas Vacation. But from the House vote Dec 18, until ‘Dead-line’ for this paper, 23 days, she has not delivered her House Vote to the Senate Clerks. Pelosi is trying to manipulate the Senate Trial as she did the “Impeachment Investigation”, it is a farce. She knows her “Articles” are made-up accusations, not crimes, no evidence, only “opinions” on policy differences, and mostly a ‘cover-up’ for real crimes by the Bidens and others in the Obama Admin.

While Pelosi is dithering with the “Impeachment Vote”, Iran was creating chaos in Iraq. The D-rats were cheering for “Trump’s Benghazi”, but Trump immediately sent troops to protect our Embassy. Then we got a great opportunity to get the #1 Terrorist in the Middle Eeast, Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, and Trump ordered the drone-strike. Queen Pelosi had a hissy-fit because Trump did not ask her permission. Everyone knows why, she and her Leaker-in-Chief Schiff would have dithered some more, tried to make more “Impeachment Fodder” out of it, and CNN would have been broadcasting ‘The Plan’ world-wide in 5 minutes. Trump acted to save our troops, Soleimani, 5 other Hezbollah and Shia militia leaders were killed, and 6 others wounded and captured.

The Lib/Prog Media went full attack on “Dictator Trump” while Pelosi is flirting with “Treason” trying to protect Iran and their terrorist surrogates, as well as “Sedition” for her domestic campaign of “Resist and Obstruct” of the President’s Duties. The Dems and Media accused Trump of starting WW III, while the Mullahs tried to woof their people and military up for Reprisals for killing their favorite terrorist. After the funeral, the Iranians launched a major ballistic missile attack on two bases where US troops were. 16 missiles were launched, 4 didn’t even find their way to the targets and the 12 that made it did no significant damage. No Americans were hurt. The real casualty was a Ukrainian airliner with 176 passengers and crew. The Iranians denied responsibility, but refused to turn over the ‘black boxes’ recovered. The debris-field indicated an explosion at altitude rather than a crash, damage and parts recovered indicate the airliner was hit by anti-aircraft-artillery fire and 2 anti-aircraft missiles. The Lib-Prog media switched back to “Trump is a coward for not retaliating”, while Pelosi pushed some non-binding resolution through the House stopping him from doing anything militarily without House approval. That same day, Iran was forced to admit responsibility for shooting down the airliner, but the Lib-Prog Media is still pushing “Trump made them do it”. Whose side are those people on?

Trump and our Generals knew the Iran attack was an embarrassment to Iran and a “face-saving act” for their own people. And Iran is now trying to de-escalate. In less than a week, the Leftist Media accused President Trump of being incompetent in protecting our Embassy, to a “murderer” for killing the Terrorist King-pin, to “causing WW III”, to being a “coward” for not retaliating for the ineffectual missile attack. Pelosi and her Dem-Socs are so wrapped up in trying to “get Trump” that they are forgetting about their duty to the American People and their Oath to the Constitution and our Republic to “protect and defend from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Updates: Nancy Pelosi will release the Impeachment Articles to the Senate so the Trial can begin or an Acquittal Vote held. There will be motions to “Dismiss with Prejudice”, For lack of a crime, and lack of evidence to support the Accusations. I hope that McConnell resists the pressure to try and “cut it short”, and gives it a Full Trial. With all the witnesses Pelosi wants, and all the witnesses the Trump Defense Team need to prove a “Not Guilty” Verdict; and to prove all the Sedition Conspiracy and Criminal Cover-ups to force DoJ Trials for all the Criminal Co-conspirators.

The Iranian Govt admits they shot the Airliner down, they claim “fog of war”, try to blame Trump, but their excuses do not fit the facts. The Airliner was under radio & radar contact, probably with a transponder, there is no excuse for them shooting it down! There are massive Demonstrations by the Iranian People against the Islamic Regime. The regime threatens repression and violence, President Trump warns the Mullahs not to kill the demonstrators. President Trump may have started a ‘Make Iran Civilized Again’ movement!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Democrats would get behind an effort to help the Iranian people change their government into something that helped them and developed their economy for peaceful trade? Instead of destabilizing all of the Middle East by religious war? There are already rumblings from Pelosi to prevent Trump from encouraging them to throw off the chains of the Islamofascists. Has it been the Obamunist fad of “Appeasement” for so long, that the D-Rats are incapable of anything else? Or are they so blinded by their Trump Derangement Syndrome that they don’t want anything to work well for America?

26 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Just Tom

May you find peace in this alternative world you live in.

January 18th, 2020 at 8:04 am
scott estes

Obamunist,D-Rats…. you out yourself as the divisiveness that is part of the problem with this country. not to mention appearing childish.

January 18th, 2020 at 10:13 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #1. I’m standing up for America and our Constitutional Republic! And YOU better, too.
The Alternative World is right around the corner if the D-Rat crooked Lawyers get away with this Shampeachment! There is no crime. and no factual evidence to even support the D-Rat Accusations of the non-crimes.
Think about it… if crooked politicians can destroy American Jurisprudence to “get” a Presidential Candidate and President that is a Billionaire? What can they do to you or me whenever they want!
Read the Motion filed by the Trump Defense Team:

Also, notice that Alan Dershowitz, a “Liberal’s Liberal”, Democrat and Hillary Voter is on the Trump Team now! Traditional Liberals the issue is the Constitution and Our Natural Rights that are guaranteed by our Constitution. There are no “Democrats” left in the D-Rat Marxist/Globalist Totalitarian Leadership. If the “Professor Emeritus” of the Traditional Liberals is defending Trump, you ought know that this Sedition Conspiracy” is seriously WRONG!
Real Democrats better get off their butts and take their Party back from the CPUSA at the County and State Level or you will have no party by 2024, or even 2022.
Only what Schumer & Nanzi Pelosi say: “Agenda Uber Alles!” Gestapo Trials to protect their criminals.
We need a Pro-America Democrat Party to counter-balance the Counsel on Foreign Relations/International Bankster/Globalists in the GOP. The RINOs are not to be trusted, either.
Too much time in the Swamp and they all start “growing scales”.
If you want a Democrat Party, you and millions of others, better start kicking out the D-Rats and make it a Pro-America, Pro-Citizen Party again.
I’ve got more than I can handle trying to keep the RINOs Pro-American, and culling that herd!

January 19th, 2020 at 9:32 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #2. I am a Constitutionalist. I’ve sworn “The Oath”, to”Protect and defend the Constitution against all Enemies, foreign and domestic.”, 4 separate times.
I did not create the “Divisiveness”, and by calling out the ones that did may sound “rude” to “Snowflakes” and others in the PC “Go Along, Get Along Gang”, but I’m done with that!
As Ben Franklin so wisely said when asked what has the convention given the United States as a government, he replied: “A Republic, Madam! If you can keep it.”
And it is time to fight for that Constitutional Republic. By soap-box, jury-box, ballot-box, and ammo-box if necessary. Trump’s “Great Sin” was not only defeating Hillary, but proving all the “Change” done to us by the Marxists & Globalists in the Obamunist Regime was wrong and correctable.
They hate him for being RIGHT! And for bringing back jobs, growing the Economy, starting to stabilize our terrible Trade Imbalance, and create Jobs and rising Wages for Minority Citizens! Instead of Unemployment, Welfare dependency, and flooding the Labor Pool with Illegal Aliens (Criminal Invaders) that steal jobs & depress wages for all.
That is why the D-Rats really hate Trump, because he is freeing millions of American Citizens from the Dem-Socialist Welfare Plantation, from selling their Votes and their future to the Pelosi-Schumer Company Store for false promises.
They are losing their Voter Base to Prosperity and must create a new one by letting Non-Citizens Vote.
They are giving away your America to get Political Power on the votes of imported “Socialismos”. And using our Welfare System, designed for OUR Citizens that are poor, as bait for their Marxist trap. Google the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. The plan has been around since the 1960’s. Break the Welfare System, expand “poverty”, Create CHAOS! Because to the Marxists, chaos equals opportunity. They can not take-over a democracy that has a successful economy with opportunity for all. And that is why Al Green and others admit,” We can’t beat Trump, We must impeach him!”.
Also if they succeed in that, they may get some form of secession & partition to give them more control of a few states, and with revolution and “civil war” they think they wrest totalitarian (Marxist) power. But they are wrong! We will defeat them. This is not Russia in 1917, this is America and Texas! We are not peasants, serfs, and subjects, We are Americans of all races and ethnicities, but workers and builders, with dreams of our own homes and businesses, Liberty and Prosperity. And that is Trump is giving us, to all citizens, if we throw off the Marxist/Globalist yoke that is the new Dem-Soc party.

January 19th, 2020 at 10:17 am
Bill Brayshaw

On the Iranian shoot-down of the Ukrainian airliner:
The Iranians had to admit they did shot it down. Anyone familiar with a/c crashes, or combat damage could see it from the first photos. The debris-field bade it obvious that the plane came down in pieces, not a “forced landing”, shedding pieces as it hit obstacles on the ground and broke up.
But the Iranians took their cue from the Propaganda media to – Blame Trump!
Incredible lies as usual.
What happened is Command & Control Failure, no coordination between Airport/Air Traffic Control, or hysterical Islamofascists overriding all the safety systems.
The airliner was in radio contact with the tower before it started to taxi, It was given a detailed Departure Clearance including a Transponder Code that would give the flight info automatically to radar when it was “interrogated”.
I don’t know exactly how the targeting radar on that Russian system works exactly, but all have to have an “Identify Friend or Foe” system and to coordinate with International Commercial Flight systems.
The airliner was below 8000′, climbing out in a narrow “Departure Corridor” under “Departure Control” and in Radio Contact with the tower and/or Air Traffic Control at all times. There is absolutely no excuse for the Target System to “lock on”, much less activate a Firing Solution to track and fire on it. And there is no way to hack that Russian system except by Russians, and how would anyone else get access? They are NOT connected to the Internet! It is a Military Targeting system. The Safety Systems had to be over-ridden on-site. And I’ll bet there is a spring-loaded red cover over that switch that has to held up to hold the spring-loaded “Over-ride Switch” in the “Over-Ride/Fire” position, and probably have to do something else at the same time to get the missile to fire (2 missiles!)
The Russians are not stupid! They will try to prevent any accidental shoot-down of their own planes in some “Combat Hair-ball”!
So, again we have “our” D-Rat sympathizing Media, covering for our Enemies. Even in a “hot” situation where they are actively trying to kill our troops.
But “That’s Okay”, because it is all to “get, Trump!”.
It is the “D-Rat Propaganda Media Manure-Spreader”, hoping something sticks. Anything, truth is not important, damage to American Citizens or others is of no consequence, because “Job One is to Get Trump”, “By Any Means Necessary”!, and the Radical Left Insiders brag on that.
But for “Right-Wingers” to point out facts and tell the Truth is “Divisive”… to the Marxist Propagandists.

January 19th, 2020 at 11:07 am
Bill Brayshaw

The big Political Argument now is over Dismissal to quit wasting time, or a full Senate Trial to expose all the Criminality!
I have been for a Full Senate Trial since the beginning!
Many Repubs want this Shampeachment over, and want Dismissal, but that is not the “Long-Term Solution”.
The Senate Trial, no matter how unwarranted on these false charges and lack of evidence, is Necessary! The only way to stop this Endless Sedition Conspiracy is to EXPOSE it! Bring out all the EVIDENCE and force the DoJ/FBI to go after the ones that are Guilty of committing real CRIMES against the Constitution!

Our goal now is to expose what we know about the Sedition Conspiracy to the Sheeple and the Dem-Soc Lemmings, so they can see the truth and save themselves!
This is not The Conservative Constitutionalist Patriots against the “Democrats”, and Dem-Soc Lemmings, But the Patriots against the Marxist/Globalist Totalitarians, and all the “UniParty Do-Nothings” that have fought only for their “Seat” in Congress -at the Gubbermint Trough. I don’t care if they are a Marxist like Bernie, or a greedy Elitist like Pelosi and dozens of others in both Parties. We need to expose them all. Only then can we get back to making America a Constitutional Republic again.
Trump is far from “perfect”, but he is the best, about the only one pulling in the right direction consistently, and getting better every year.
Sure, he is rude and sarcastic sometimes, but for someone trying to “Drain the Swamp” that turned into a “Septic Tank” in the last 3 decades, that may be the only way to stay sane, and on point.
We are in a Culture War, and it has been forced on us.
Think about it… After 243 years a large segment of the “Federal Govt” wants to disarm regular Citizens. The only logical reason is they must be planning on doing things so bad, that the Citizens might feel the need to shoot them.

January 19th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
John Brayshaw

The Progressive/Socialist’s Retards “ball of confusion” is also a Gordian Knot of real Collusion. Infiltration of public schools and Higher Education started with the hippy peaceful diapers of the ’60’s. Bill and Hillary are less examples. Scared of the military these future teachers stayed in college to avoid the draft. Teachers as a group are barely ahead academically (GRE scores) to Sociology majors (Barrack Obama’s mother-one should KNOW about her). Hillary got a full dose of Sal Alinsky a Chicago punk organizer and crook. Progressives stole innocent terms and began their “social justice” and bogus “Political Correctness” campaign of intolerance of traditional VALUES. They killed “common sense” and the development of GOOD judgement. Check any non STEM college catalogue and read the worthless CRAP offering of WARPED opinions. AOC has an Economics degree, but zero real sense. PERIOD.

January 19th, 2020 at 1:56 pm
Just Tom

Good luck with finding that peace.

January 20th, 2020 at 7:18 am
Just Tom

Maybe less alcohol.

January 20th, 2020 at 7:21 am
Just Tom

Maybe more weed.

January 20th, 2020 at 7:24 am

Hi Bill, once again you make this area look like a bunch of country bumpkins. I know you were raised better than this, you must have had to have passed English as a subject to graduate high school. This just comes off as the deranged rant of someone who either needs more, or needs less, pain medication.

Sadly it is the choice of the editor to put your idiocy out for the public to judge. Go ahead and spew, it does nothing but make you look old, bitter and ignorant. I would point out that the Biden campaign issued warnings to ownerrs of the press (of which the Dolphin Talk operates under the protection of said designation) that they are willing to sue for malpractice in regards to spreading lies about Ukraine and Hunter Biden in the press. I would say that your screed contains many lies, not just about the Bidens.

And you appear to be promoting a violent resolution if things don’t go your way when you challenge readers with the “ammo box.” The America I know and love would not even slow down on 185 for the few souls you could collect to protest. Given your bad health, your over-the-top anger, your outpouring of a violent solution, I’m surprised someone hasn’t reported you as a danger to yourself to the sheriff.

January 20th, 2020 at 11:27 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: 8, 9, 10.
Thank you for your typical Dem-Soc/D-Rat/Commie/Globalist Response.
Best you can do? Where is the Impeachment going? other than stamp you feet, have a Temper Tantrum, and demand the Criminal Leaker & Liar make all the Rules for the Senate Trial.
Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s NKGB man would be so proud!
But it is not happening like that, Cupcake, so go to your Safe Space and squeeze some Play-do until you feel better. Poor Lemmings.
I see your Neo-Bakunin-Anarchist Antifa chickened out in Richmond. And I don’t think your Austin Red Guard Antifa Army will do any better. Y’all be careful playing with your BB guns now! Don’t put your eye out.

January 21st, 2020 at 6:03 pm
Bill Brayshaw

If you are a Drunk Driver, Biden is you Candidate!
Opps, only if you are an Illegal Alien! If you are a Citizen you have to PAY!

January 21st, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I see you are still a Totalitarian and Anti-Constitution, in your rabid Defense of your favorite D-rats.
Your Schiff and Nadlers are Lying as usual and driving away the Moderates, fence-straddlers and Sheeple.
Did you watch the Virginia Pro Gun Demonstration? Great Video on Breitbart. Many Black Gunowners are coming out and women of all races and etnicities. There was one Hispanic lady that makes me look like a Moderate. LOL! People are figuring out that the Progressives (Marxists)and Globalists are the enemies of Freedom and all our Natural Rights and property rights.
Women are percentage-wise the largest identifiable group of new gunowners and getting Concealed Handgun Licenses. You are your own First Responder for yourself and your family. Best take that responsibility seriously because the Neo-Bolsheviks and their Anarchist-Antifa street fighters are trying to woof themselves up for something. The Shampeachment is a Joke and an embarrassment to a Nation of Laws. The D-Rats have lied to their Lemming and they may try to get stupid when it fails.
Look up the Marxist Mikhail Bakunin, the Antifa are their direct descendents, even stole his symbol the A in a Circle for his Anarchist Party. They are the violent Revolutionaries, not the Trumpers.
And using Violence in defense of Liberty and the innocent is no sin. When EVIL is afoot it is only Natural Law and common sense.
You need to take the CHL course, just to learn some basic law. And if you try some False Accusations to abuse the intent of Red Flag Law you will get sued down to your knickers. And face charges.
I have made the offer to several, and make it publicly: Any Law Enforcement Officer that wants a new Upper for their AR -15 in .300 or other caliber, I will help them order the parts and teach them how to build it. I have the tools and the time. Also AR-10s.

January 23rd, 2020 at 4:54 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #11 and Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden
SMH, see the below video from the CFR Conferance.

Drag forward to just before 52:00 and watch until 53:17. There is the Proof that Biden had the Prosecutor fired that was investigating Burisma and the olygarch that runs it. And why Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr, and John Kerry’ step-son were given seats on Burisma’s Board of Directors.
Hunter Biden’s pay-off was $83,000/per month, or $1,000,000 per year.
To stop the Investigation, I guess it was worth it, right?

January 24th, 2020 at 5:58 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Hey, SMH,
Here is some more info on a Documentary about the Bidens and Ukraine:
The Doc will be available on Youtube next week I imagine. but several interesting bits are revealed here if you take 4 minutes to watch it.
Save yourself some embarrassment for defending a loser.
I want the Trial to continue. I want the Rank and file “Democrats to learv the Truth. I have tried to warn you for years about what was happening to “Your Party”, and all I get is personal attacks.
You can not defend your favored Criminals anymore, can you?
Say “Thank you”, Gracie!

January 24th, 2020 at 6:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

In 2 hours Sat 1/25, The Trump Team presented more evidence than The D-rats did in 24 hrs over 3 days.
One was the Made-up Phone call by Schiff (viseo) compared to the actual transcript. Schiff lied. He pretends to “know” more than what President Zelensky has said.
Various points are made about what was discussed, nothing unusual or impeachable. Schiff has lied repeatedly about the facts. There was not even any “Probable Cause” for the Schiff Investigation ever revealed in the investigation!
This Article of Impeachment is a farce, based on lies and partisan opinion that is more “wishful thinking – Excuses” than even Opinion. No Crime, false opinion/makeup guesses as opinion.
Not even any cause for any investigation, much less an idictment (Impeachment), and a phony trial with falsified opinion presented as Evidence.

January 25th, 2020 at 11:59 am
Bill Brayshaw

New GOP AD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=153&v=ocShnof9_3Y&feature=emb_title
It is all about POWER to the Dems.
Real Democrats have to help us vote out these power-crazed Elitists and then rebuild a Pro-America Democrat Party from the ground up!

January 25th, 2020 at 8:08 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Judge Jeanine Pirro and experts on the Shampeachment.
Watch this for much more truth being hidden by the D-rat Media.

January 26th, 2020 at 12:15 pm
Just Tom

Well you’re hardly talking me into voting your way. Insults and name calling tends to drive people away, not invite cooperation. But good luck with that attitude.

January 26th, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Bill Brayshaw

If you can’t see the facts, I can’t help you.
The Anti-Trumpers don’t care about anything but their TDS!
They can’t listen to reason because they don’t want to.
They want to see what Bolton wrote even though it doesn’t matter, Trump was doing his duty to ask about the Corruption Investigation. If Hunter & Joe Biden were involved in it that is THEIR FAULT, not Trump’s.

It is ironically curious that the D-Rats want to impeach Trump for asking for an investigation into corruption that happened to involve a Dem-Soc candidate; while excusing a multi-year Conspiracy by the Obamunists to create some “appearance of election corruption” of any kind to blame on Trump!
And that Idiot Witch Pelosi keeps babbling about the Constitution! Something she doesn’t understand at all, and is consistently trying to “get around” or twist for her purposes.

January 28th, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Just Tom

Maybe this will help YOU understand.
I voted straight up Republican for 45 years.
SOMEBODY labeled Republicans like me RINO and made us feel less.
I voted Democrat for the first time in 2018.
You still fail to win my vote back.
Good luck.

February 5th, 2020 at 7:44 am
Just Tom

This isn’t about Trump anymore. It’s about whether or not we want to empower people like you. And most of us are tired of listening.

February 6th, 2020 at 6:38 am
Just Tom

If I really wanted this kind of nagging I would call my mother-in-law and listen for an hour. Been there, done that. Like her you have very little to offer.

February 6th, 2020 at 6:50 am

Show me where in the Constitution it says he can’t be impeached twice?

IMPOTUS 2020: Second Term or Prison Term

February 12th, 2020 at 11:00 am
Untitled Document