Sylvia Rodriguez and Stacy Brobston
Wow! What can we say! The Tuesday Senior lunch and Bingo group would like to thank Stacy Brobston, the Dollar General Store, and the entire community for our wonderful Valentine bags! Stacy and other Dollar General employees put out a beautifully decorated box for customers to place items in for our group. And wow! did everyone fill it up (several times over). Stacy then put beautiful bags together (about 50 of them) full of all kinds of goodies purchased by the wonderful people of Port O’Connor and herself.
She and Sylvia Rodriguez gave them to all in attendance at the Tuesday lunch and for shut-ins who have been unable to attend. They also awarded lots of door prizes. And there were bags and bags of gifts left over to be used for Bingo prizes.
How generous, caring and special the people in Port O’Connor are! Stacy does a great job for the Dollar General Store and the people in Port O’Connor. She and the Dollar General Store also gifted beautiful tote bags to the Tuesday Senior Lunch group at Christmas time. We are truly blessed.
-Pat Ekstrom for the Senior Lunch group
Thank you to Candice Stryker and Jana Gregory and all the Port O’Connor Elementary School Art Students for the beautiful Valentines given to many Port O’Connor senior citizens and others.