Week ending January 17: PreK- Cora Ybarra; K- Luna Lopez; 1st- Brynlen Eure; 2nd- Isaish Ochoa; 3rd- Riley Pagel; 4th- Kaleb Kendrick; 5th- Mato Sanchez
Week ending January 27: PreK- Jaxon Smith; K- Samantha Garcia; 1st- Helios Ochoa; 2nd- Reid Thomas; 3rd- Emma Sanchez; 4th- Christian Gutierrez; 5th- Aubrey Ragusin
Week ending February 3: PreK- Jacob Stryker; K- Kevin Martinez; 1st- Joseph Null; 2nd- Timothy Reneau; 3rd- Jakob Donaldson; 4th- Abygail Gonzales; 5th- Nicholas Ragusin
Week ending February 7: Prek- Josie Clark; K- Saydi Ramirez; 1st- Grant Gregory; 2nd- Sophia Nino; 3rd- Haiden Dean; 4th- Vanessa Martinez; 5th- Brayson Thumann
Citizens of the Week at Port O’Connor School
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 20 - Comments Off on Citizens of the Week at Port O’Connor School