Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

It’s hard to believe that 24 years have passed since the first issue in February, 1996 of the “Dolphin Talk” newspaper, I remember when three ladies attended a Chamber meeting in the Old Post Office, that the Chamber called their office at the time. They were asking if there might be a need in the community for a local newspaper. At that time if there was a meeting or something special that the community needed to know, there was a bulletin board at several businesses where we posted current information and relied on to get information out in the community. This paper proved to be a fantastic idea. These ladies took this upon themselves; the paper was great and also it was FREE – not much free in the world, but here 24 years later it is still FREE!!!! Through the years Margaret Jennings has passed and Charlotte Graham, moved from the community. This has left Joyce Rhyne as the sole provider of our piece of history. “THANK YOU, JOYCE” for all the time and effort you put into this paper. This month begins your 25th year of dedication to our community.

The 2020 officers of the Chamber are–President, Darla Parker, Vice-President, Troy Wygrys, Secretary, Ronna Fishbeck, Treasurer, Dawn Ragusin.

The president has this to say:

“We are really excited to see some new and exciting things coming from the Chamber this year! First, we have adapted some new Chamber software that offers so much more for our members. With ChamberMaster, members will have the opportunity to have their own log in, to put out their ‘hot deals’, and even job postings. These features will be rolled out in the near future…. More to come soon!!

Also, if you have not heard, the Chamber’s current project is a new waterfront playscape for King Fisher Park. We have currently raised two-thirds of the funds for this project, and hopefully it will be completed by this summer!

Plans are currently in progress for the 8th Annual Crawfish Fest on April 25, 2020. Make sure to mark your calendars, get your teams together, and get ready for some fun! If you would like to volunteer to help us out, please send us a message at crawfish@portoconnorchamber.com, or on the POC Crawfish Fest and Cookoff Facebook page. We look forward to seeing everyone there!”

There will be a Crawfish Festival Organization meeting on March 3rd at 6 p.m. at the POC Library–looking for volunteers and helpers, as we’re expecting a bigger festival. It takes the community to pull this off, so please get involved. See you there with your ideas and suggestions.

Next Chamber meeting: March 9th–6:30 p.m.–POC Community Center

Check us out on portoconnorchamber.com-Facebook & Instagram.

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