“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Redefining the Political Confusion

The “Democrat Party” is Imploding, or at least going through a tremendous transition period. Many “Republicans” are happy to see the Dem Leadership embarrass themselves, exposing their criminality, bias, and Anti-Constitutional Agenda; and Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, and Anti Christian attitudes. While I am very happy to see the Anti-American elements exposed, hopefully to be tried and punished in courts run under American Jurisprudence, court procedure, and Constitutional Law; I think we need to to take a somber look at what has happened and what needs to be done.

First we need to look for Truth, and Justice should be our goal. To find truth we must throw out the perverted “Current Definitions” and explain new, more descriptive, definitions. To begin with, I am not a “Big R” GOP Republican. I am basically a Jeffersonian democratic-republican, a Constitutionalist. Looking at history, the Traditional Democrats were more States.

Rights/Limited Federal Govt than the Republican Party, who saw more advantages in a strong Federal Govt with far reaching powers to grow Govt to expand economic interests and trade. Originally for the westward expansion of the Original United States, and later as a World Power. This is good in some ways, but has great potential for abuse; because power corrupts, and corrupt people love power, to both empower themselves and to corrupt others into following them. And the Constitution was written by wise men to limit the power of a Central Govt, and protect the States and the People from any faction abusing the Federal (Central) Govt’s delegated powers.

We need a Democrat Party, but we need an American Democrat Party! Based on the positive principles of the original Jeffersonian Democrat party. Since 2006 the National “D” Party has taken such a hard left turn that FDR or JFK would not recognize it. This is no longer the Traditional Democrat Party or even “democratic”. I think the Iowa Caucus has demonstrated that. The “D” Primary has become a Marxist Promising Contest, with the various Candidates trying to ‘Out-Promise’ the others on Liberal Progressive Ideology that would give even Traditional Liberals a heart-attack! This is a symptom of the “Big European City” Mob Rule that the Founders feared. The indoctrination of Collectivism/Marxism as an Ideology, has overtaken a large segment of the current “D” party ‘base’, the most active segment of the base. Coupled with the Media’s desire for ratings, and Anti-Tea Party/Anti-Trump hysteria, has caused the political fad of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. This caused a natural back-lash from Trump supporters, Original Intent Constitutionalists, and some Christians that see this as the Communist take over of the “D” Party, much of the Federal Bureaucracy, and especially “D” party leadership. Corrupt “D-Rats” and socialist “Dem-Socs” are actually steering the “D” Party into Anti-Constitution and Anti-American activities. These are most visible in the false prosecution of Trump supporters, and the Shampeachment of President Trump himself, using methods and procedures that are easily described as “Stalinist”, certainly more in line with Soviet NKGB, then what we believe in as Americans. Also they are attacking our Constitutional Guarantees of Natural Rights of Traditional Americans.

We must try to differentiate between the factions. The power-crazed “D-Rat” & “Obamunist hold-over” leadership, or The Dem-Soc Faction (Marxist/Socialist/Communists) do not represent the bulk of the real “Democrat” rank and file. All of us, regardless of “Party Loyalty” or Political ideology need to realize this, and try harder to discern the goals of different groups. We must also recognize there are factions on all sides. There are the RINOs, the Neo-Con/Globalists, the “Big Govt UniParty”, and the ones that are mostly in it for their own self-interests. We must use honest definitions for other factions, also. Nationalists are not “Nazis”, but concerned with National Security, National Sovereignty, and the rights and interests of American Citizens, over the interests of the Internationalists/Globalists/One Worlders and the various Money Manipulators. Those who are against abuse of our Military, meddling in other countries affairs unnecessarily, and being the World Policeman are not necessarily “Isolationists”, but recognize practical limits and the rights of others to their cultures. And all cultures are not equal, but are suitable for those people that choose them, or they should change theirs, not us.

We must be honest in using the verbal ‘short-hand’ of “labels”, and need to be understood by both parties for good communication. Marxists want to demonize anyone that resists their acts by calling them NAZIs, but Nazis were National Socialists, only differing in seeking National power, as opposed to the Internationalist goals of the Communists. Both want Totalitarian power. Both are “Marxists” in their totalitarian “socialism”, the ‘bait’ for their take-over of cradle-to-grave power & domination. The somewhat more honest “Communists” admit that “socialism” is a ‘temporary phase’ as a ‘transition’ into “communism”. While the Communist wants violent revolution to quickly move a society into Communism; the “Socialist” wants a “Democratic Transition by Popular Vote”, with “violence” used only when and where their “Transition” is rejected by the people. Experience by many nations has given us a “popular saying” by the Anti-communists: “You can vote yourself into Socialism/Communism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.” “Fascist” is another popular insult of the Communists, but modern “Fascism” also has it’s roots in Marx if you study Mussolini. Generally it is a co-operation of Big Industry(s) and a totalitarian Regime to use “Socialism” to get the people to accept the Regime’s totalitarian usurpation of natural human rights. A Constitutional Republic is designed to prevent all of these abuses if properly administered. Where the Constitution guarantees the Natural Rights of the Citizens, and limits the Powers of the Central/Federal Govt to those delegated and mandated to the Federal Govt.

19 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


So what does that make Susan Collins? She’s not supporting your guy in 2020, or so she said today on radio. Have any nice names for her?

Interesting how you “discern” different factions with various slurs, as if you don’t even realize you are parroting the name calling you hear on your media outlets. By all means, let’s see if your methodology works, because you are starting to lose Senators in your own party now.

Good luck with that! See you at the polls, I’ve registered over 100 new Democratic voters for Calhoun County in the last year. Why bitch about things when you can do something about it, yes?

February 20th, 2020 at 5:23 pm

“Nazi’s were National Socialists, only differing in seeking National Power” is some of the sickest words you’ve ever printed, Bill.

Nazi’s were a murdering political party of White Nationalists. They were killers of over 6 million Jews. They invaded and enslaved citizens of neighboring countries. They were evil incarnate.

They didn’t just want to control Germany, they wanted to export their sickness to the entire world, and kill everyone who didn’t go along.

You are making the argument that they were only slightly different than the Communists, who were our allies during WWII? Who fought with us to end this slaughter and dementia? This is just sick, sick, sick thinking man. They hated everyone.

February 21st, 2020 at 8:55 am

And no need to “educate and enlighten” me about the Russians. They too had their injustices against Jews: pogroms, incarceration without trial, missing persons, murders. I am in no way saying they were perfect, fair or good.

The Nazi’s were a killing machine. That’s the “only” thing about them.

February 21st, 2020 at 9:28 am

“Experience by many nations has given us a “popular saying” by the Anti-communists: ‘You can vote yourself into Socialism/Communism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.’”

Every country that has tried socialism has failed. But it has not been by “shooting their way out of it”. Great Britain, India and Israel all had peaceful transitions (unless I am forgetting the War of India, the War of England and the War of Israel) by Democratic means back to a capitalism based economy (while still retaining many socialist programs – like government paid health care in GB, and government paid abortions in Israel). Meaning the people voted to decide.

But you go ahead and throw out that call to the militia to be ready with guns, in case the election sways to Not Your Party. Get those 10 guys from Port L VFW to hang on 185. Go on.

February 21st, 2020 at 9:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re #2 SMH.T here you go again, SMH, trying to spin what I write to suit your Marxist philosophy.
The fundamental difference between Nazis and Communists was National Socialism, vs International Socialism. What they both do is expand their power by taking over, enslaving, and looting other countries.
The Commies claim to be “Internationalist” and doing it for the good of “the workers of the World” back then. Now “Saving the planet” is the new buzz-word.
The Nazi’s used the excuse of protecting people of “German extraction” in other countries, or whatever excuse they could manufacture, like the False Flag attack “by” Poland.
SMH, you are supposed to be an educated person, and should know enough history and political philosophy to know “something” of what you start complaining about.
I have neither the time or patience to teach you the History of WW II in Europe or the Pre-war machinations between Hitler and Stalin, but they were allies in the partition of Poland and before that the Soviets helped train the early Luftwaffa and Panzer Corp, helping Hitler get around the Treaty of Versailles that ended WW I.
And Joyce would not waste the ink, even if I was willing to teach you.
Besides, you don’t want to learn, only snipe at me.

February 21st, 2020 at 9:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

See how well the Fabian Socialists have done to Great Britain? Their National Health Care is a failure. And their country is over-run with often hostile foreigners that prey on the citizens.
They are facing the Marxist “Transition” from “Socialism” to Communism, but decided to get out of the EU and try to move back to a Britain First program before they are totally over-run with demanding parasites and EU bureaucrats.

February 21st, 2020 at 9:47 am
Bill Brayshaw

Hey, SMH, look what I found:
Joseph Anthony Buttigieg II, from Malta, was Pete Buttigieg’s father. He was an English Professor at Notre Dame, and translator and editor of the three-volume English edition of Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, published from 1992 to 2007 with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He was a founding member and president of the International Gramsci Society, founded to facilitate communication between those who study Antonio Gramsci.
Antonio Francesco Gramsci was an Italian Marxist philosopher and communist politician. He wrote on political theory, sociology and linguistics. He attempted to break from the economic determinism of traditional Marxist thought and so is considered a key neo-Marxist. He was a founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy and was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini’s Fascist regime.
It is beginning to look like Pete was a Red Diaper Baby, like Barry Obama. His father was a great admired of Gramsci and teacher of Gramsci’s concept of “hegemony”, the infiltration and corruption of Democratic societies to convert them to Communism through socialism.
Look it up. Ought to scare the crap out of any American. Pete is being marketed as the less extreme “Dem-Soc” to “Crazy Old Commie Bernie” but he is the more dangerous. Another carefully groomed Manchurian Candidate.

February 21st, 2020 at 10:12 am
Bill Brayshaw

Sebastian Gorka joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow to discuss Wednesday evening’s Democrat debate in Las Vegas, NV.

“You don’t blame a child for the sins of the father, but you understand the circumstances under which a child is brought up,” said Gorka. “This man’s father was Joseph Buttigieg. That man was a Marxist, an avowed Marxist, an individual who was the most important professor of Antonio Gramsci in the English-speaking world.”
Gorka added, “If you go to the International Antonio Gramsci Society’s web page, you will see a photograph of Joseph Buttigieg. Even though he died a year ago, this is how high he is held in esteem by Marxists and communists.”

February 21st, 2020 at 10:25 am
Bill Brayshaw

More from the Breitbart Article shown above:
“Gorka stated, “For those who don’t appreciate who Antonio Gramsci is, he’s where it all begins. Karl Marx may have written Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, but the man who eventually would give us ‘the long march through the institutions’ and who understood that the key to taking over a Western country is to capture its culture, was the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci.”

“Read Andrew Breitbart’s book Righteous Indignation, read my book War for America’s Soul to find out there is a direct line between Antonio Gramsci, Saul Alinsky, [Barack] Obama, and this individual,” added Gorka.

Marlow replied, “It is terrific background, and this is something that Andrew was obsessed with. Antonio Gramsci was on Andrew’s top villains list of all time, and he wrote about it in his book.”

Joseph Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who admired the Communist Manifesto, reported the Washington Examiner in July 2019, quoting the senior Buttigieg’s self-description as a Marxist and highlighting his academic focus on Marxism.”

Looks like Pete needs more looking into. His rants are easier to understand when looking at him through the “Gramsci hegemony” of destroying a society’s culture and moral strength to facilitate a Marxist take-over, rather than just another militant-homosexual political opportunist!
The Dem-Soc Party has gone crazy! It is so enthralled with “radicals” it has become Anti-American in many ways. The Commies ARE everywhere.

February 21st, 2020 at 10:58 am
Bill Brayshaw

A couple of interesting points on the Clown Car Campaign and the Dem-Soc Party.

The Obamunists forced Americans to buy Medical Insurance under ObamaCare. And they subsidized the Insurance for poor Americans.
Now the Dems want to give free Medical Care to all Illegal Aliens!
BUT wait… They already have by demanding hospitals treat illegal aliens whether they could pay or not. And the hospitals had to pass on the costs to those Americans that could pay.
Dem-Soc Gun Control is aimed at Law Abiding Americans!
The House Judiciary Committee offered an Amendment requiring ICE be notified of any attempts by Illegal Aliens to buy guns (found by NICs Checks or BATF). The Dems all voted no, so the amendment was not added.
So the Dems are against any Gun Control measures against Illegal Aliens.
But want NICs Checks when you, An American Citizen, lend a gun to a friend or even family member for a days hunting. That is what they want for Universal Background Checks.

February 21st, 2020 at 11:49 am

The Supreme Court has ruled that hospitals cannot withhold treatment for emergency treatment due to citizenship. And why would we be such a country that does that? Americans can travel the world and have access to emergency medical care in most of the world. Why would we not be as good of a host? Many aliens are here legally, for vacations, work, visiting family. How do you transport a heart attack victim back to their country without treating them? But I guess you have that confused too. Your ignorance is glaringly obtuse.

All Democratic candidates allowed aliens, no matter their status, to join in to their plans. For those who did not advocate Universal coverage, such as Klobuchar and Biden, this meant that aliens could BUY POLICIES. As in pay $$$$$$$. You want to cut out a few important points and make it to suit your screed, I get it, and so does everyone else.

Just remember what your Trumpy leader tells you, you are never to sick from Coronavirus to go to work. Cruise fairs are cheap right now! Take a vacation! You don’t need medical treatment – you need to relax. And work. Talk about Stalin. HAHAHAHA.

March 5th, 2020 at 8:03 am

Nobody is asking for background checks when you take a friend hunting for a day either. What an exaggerator you are, what was the name? Francine? No. Francesca? No Felicity. That’s it. Maybe. Whatever that means.

But yes, if you give one of your guns to someone, a background verification should be obtained. Because not everyone is YOU Bill, not everyone is you and might have illegal purposes, like crime, not politics, to have a gun.

Bye Felicia. Don’t cough on anyone.

March 5th, 2020 at 8:07 am

And looking at comment 5, I see you repeat your sickness with “The Nazi’s used the excuse of protecting people of “German extraction” in other countries, or whatever excuse they could manufacture, like the False Flag attack “by” Poland.”


The Nazi’s only protected people of Germany in other countries if they were 1) White, 2) Aryan (which they used to indicate German non-Jews) 3) and not physically deformed.

There is NO SUCH THING AS “GERMAN EXTRACTION”. That is a fallacy of today’s White Nationalists. There were Aryans, and there was everyone else. If you were half German, half Polish, they sent you to camps. What markers in the blood make someone of German extraction? Why did they kill German people who were Jewish?

March 5th, 2020 at 8:22 am

I am concerned about the use of anti American when describing a major party’s leadership. It strikes me as needlessly divisive and just plain lazy. It gets worse when you start threatening to throw opposing party leaders in jail. I mean, imprisoning political opponents is a classic banana republic move. We should be better than that. When someone breaks the law, they should be punished. But here’s the thing. People may legitimately disagree, and that is not a sign of being anti American or unpatriotic. For example, I may not think health care for everyone is a good idea but that doesn’t make someone who does anti American. I may not think the president should have been impeached for improperly withholding aid to Ukraine in an effort to help Russia/hurt a political rival, but someone who does isn’t anti American. You may disagree with me on this but that doesn’t make me any less an American. Someone who avoids the draft is unpatriotic. Someone who attacks allies and gives aid and comfort to rivals is unpatriotic. Someone who acts in furtherance of their own goals before the country’s goals is unpatriotic. Not someone who has a different policy view.

Speaking of concerns, I worry about the use of the term money manipulators I’m not a dog but I think I hear a whistle there.

I’m curious if you are more at peace with the Democrat party now that bland Biden won super Tuesday. Seems like the Democratic Party rebuffed the Marxist/socialist/communist fringe you were so worried about.

Finally since you mentioned FDR, I’m wondering where you stand on social security I think it’s fair to say its about as socialist a program as you can get: a tax on current workers to support the no longer productive elderly population. My sense is that if Nancy Pelosi tried something like that you’d spill quite a bit of ink on all the quotation marks you use so much and threaten jail time again. Yet you mention FDR in what I took to be a positive light. I do not see how that is at all consistent. But I’m guessing you’ll explain it to me. I look forward to the mental gymnastics necessary to do so. While we’re at it, help me understand how a constitutionalist thinks the impeachment was based on Stalinist methods and procedures. Seems to be the house did their thing then the senate didn’t. (Tonight to call it a trial with no witnesses. First time ever without witnesses I believe. Was that the part you objected to? The senate not doing their job as required by a separate oath?

March 8th, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Just Tom

Not sure I want people like you in charge of things.

March 9th, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Just Tom

If course the underlying reasoning is still “It’s all Obama’s fault” by labeling Democrats after the previous President, calling them Obamanists and blaming them for the current administrations failures. This ignores the first two years of Trump’s tenure when he had a Republican Senate and Republican House. This ignores the relative silence of President Obama since retirement, he has not spoken out against this President’s actions even under pressure to do so.

Adding an”ist” or a “rat” to a word to turn it into a slur is easily parsed by readers and makes you sound like a Middle Schoo!er. All the quotes about Alinski and other radicals are sources from ultra right media, what does that tell you? If main stream media isn’t running it, then who Is the real promoter of these idealogies? Seems to me the ones that be discussing it all the time would be.

March 11th, 2020 at 5:26 am
Just Tom

Buttegieg’s dad had a PhD in English. He translated a book into English from Italian because a) he was fluent in Italian and b) his specialty was modern European literature. He became a citizen in 197, before Pete was born. There is no evidence he ever belonged to the communist party, not that that is a crime, but it technically fails to support your claim Pete is a red diaper baby.

Your theory is that because he is an educator who translated a book and started a club that studies another guys theory makes him a Marxist? And because of this non-reality based allegation Pete is somehow tainted? THAT my friend is some serious 1950’s Stalin thinking right there.

I can translate Jane Austen and joined her club. But that does not make me a 19th century author.

March 11th, 2020 at 7:11 am

Well, I’m just waiting for the Treason/Sedition trial Bill promised to start…….. gosh it’s been about a year since you said this was coming soon. Either you misunderstand “soon” or it wasn’t coming. ever, but was used to get people like you to gas up and write about it.

I’m guessing the second.

March 11th, 2020 at 9:52 am

Stop me if you’ve heard this one….
Q: What does it cost to turn a Trump supporter into a Socialist?
A: $1,000

March 20th, 2020 at 5:33 am
Untitled Document