Pat and Tom Ekstrom
At this year’s Sweetheart Banquet, sponsored by Port O’Connor’s First Baptist Church, Tom and Pat Ekstrom were the recipients of the Church’s Annual Citizen of the Year Award.
This year’s recipients are well known in Port O’Connor to almost everyone in town. They have helped, and continue to help, so many people in this community. They have served at so many fund raisers, are involved in most organizations here and are very active in the church.
You might have met them at a Senior Citizens luncheon, a Service Club garage/bake sale, or one of many other events at which help is needed. Tom will take you fishing at the drop of a hat. Pat will drive you almost anywhere you need to go.
If you don’t know them yet, look them up. You will never meet a finer couple. They are two of the reasons Port O’Connor is such a great place to live. First Baptist Church is honored to have them as members and to name them the 2020 Citizens of the Year.
Two other special couples were recognized at the banquet: George and Barbara Yarborough as being the longest married couple, and Tom and Virginia Wilson as being the couple who have been married the shortest time.
Read more about the Sweetheart Banquet in “Happenings at First Baptist Church”.
Center: Barbara & George Yarborough married 66 years
Bottom: Virginia & Tom Wilson married 4 years
-Photos by Erica Salinas