Republican News

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Mar 20 - Comments Off on Republican News

Due to the emergency situation. the Calhoun County Republican Convention has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 16, 9-11am, Grace Episcopal Parish Hall, Port Lavaca. Should the situation demand, it will be moved as directed by the Texas Republican Party.

The Texas State Republican Convention has been rescheduled to July 13-18, 2020, in Houston.

The May 26 runoff is still in question.

The Republican Club will meet Monday, April 6, Grace Episcopal Parish Hall, corner of Guadalupe and Austin (Hwy 238) sts, Port Lavaca. Dinner ($11 ea, by reservation only) will be served 5-5:45pm, meeting from 5:45-6:45pm. Public is invited.

Please check the Calhoun County Republican Club Facebook page for updates.

-Connie Hunt

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