Trash Collection Stations

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Mar 20 - Comments Off on Trash Collection Stations
The latest POC Community Service Club Project: New “Trash Collection Stations” at King Fisher Beach

The latest POC Community Service Club Project: New “Trash Collection Stations” at King Fisher Beach

Beach Goers at POC’s Front Beach can now help keep our beautiful beach free of trash and debris by using the new “Trash Collection Stations”- the latest beautification project enacted by the Port O’ Connor Community Service Club!!
Troy Beaudry volunteered to build the wooden stations, and local businesses decorated the Collection Buckets provided by the Club.

The Goal is to get people to use the buckets to collect trash and debris off the beach, empty the trash into the County’s trash cans, and return the buckets to their respective Collection Stations!!
If you see any of our buckets elsewhere on the beach or in the Community, the Club asks that you please return them to the Collection Stations!!

The Trash Collection Stations, new Volleyball Net, new Flagpole, and new Picnic Table Tops and Benches have all been provided for the enhancement and enjoyment of the POC Community by the hard working ladies, helpers, and collaborators of the POC Community Service Club!!

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