New Rescue Truck

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 20 - Comments Off on New Rescue Truck

POCVFD would like to say thank you to everyone who has donated and supported us. Through your donations and support we were able to purchase this multi purpose rescue truck. Once we finish setting everything up it will serve as a rescue truck with water that we can respond to wrecks and many other types of calls, with all of the equipment needed. What I believe to be the department’s favorite part about the truck is the built in cascade system. In the past when fighting house fires etc., once our air packs were empty we had to rely on other departments to refill them, or we had to take them to Port Lavaca to refill. With this truck we can new refill our own bottles. Not only does this help with fire fighting, it also helps us with training. Whereas before we were limited on the amount of training we could do due to the limited number of bottles we had and the possibility of needing them in the event of an emergency. Now we can train and become more proficient with their use. We just wanted to show the community what your support has allowed us to purchase. Thank you.

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