You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Archived in the category: General Info, You Heard It From the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 20 - Comments Off on You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Hopefully, things are getting a little better for everyone since the Governor’s decision to lessen the restrictions on us. Hopefully the folks who need and/or want to get back to work will be able to do so. After all, one check sent out by the government will not sustain a person for long.

Since all the previously scheduled events we usually enjoy this time of year have been cancelled or postponed we don’t have as much to report this month. But we do hope you will find some things of interest for you to enjoy in this limited issue. Remember you are always welcome to submit any articles, letters or photos to us for consideration. We want to hear from you.

Thank you for reading Dolphin Talk.

Joyce Rhyne, Editor

Attention, 2020 Graduates:

The 2020 Graduates must be really disappointed this year. The big day they’ve been working for and waiting for will not be celebrated, at least not in the usual tradition. We would be happy to receive graduation announcements and photos from high school and college graduates in our area. We want to recognize them in this publication in our next issue. Please send your information and photo to us by June 10th to be included in our June 19th issue.

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