Bay Flats Lodge Resort by Capt. Chris Martin

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jun 20 - Comments Off on Bay Flats Lodge Resort by Capt. Chris Martin

Photo-#2If there’s one thing we can be certain about in the month of June, it’s the fact that we’ll probably see varying tides on an almost daily basis, with four tides occurring on a lot of those days. We’ll also continue to have windy days, and we will almost surely see the direction of those winds vary quite unexpectedly. And barring the exception of any unexpected rain, anglers should probably expect pretty much the same conditions on a daily basis throughout this month and into July.

Dominant winds are generally of a southerly nature right now, so start looking regularly for fish in places like the shorelines outside of Pringle Lake, easy-access back lakes like Panther Lake, and any and all of the southern-most shorelines of Espiritu Santo and San Antonio Bay that line the grassy banks of Matagorda Island. In approaching your morning wading spots this month, try locating shorelines and lake areas that contain plenty of trout-green water and an ample amount of visible bait activity. If you prefer top water action, start the day with a surface walker and proceed from there. If there happens to be no “takers” on the top, tie on a tail and get to work out in a little bit deeper water, especially as the morning sun rises higher in the sky.

In other news, it was announced earlier this week that most of the money that Aransas County applied for that is needed for the reopening of Cedar Bayou has now been approved. Congressman Michael Cloud announced that FEMA is granting a little over $6.4M toward the Cedar Bayou recovery project. It’s estimated that the entire restoration project will cost $7,141,749.00, so the project is now 90% funded (only lacking 10% of the total cost of the project). As Texans, we all thank Congressman Michael Cloud, Senator John Cornyn, and Senator Ted Cruz for all their efforts toward securing this much needed funding for Cedar Bayou.

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