Port O’Connor Graduates
-Photo by Sarah Washburn
COVID 19 touched everyone in one way or another! As the graduating seniors around the USA prepared for graduation, a flash back of how exciting this time was for me ran through my head. These upcoming 2020 graduates have had this special day taken away in a blink of the eye!
As I was scrolling through Facebook one night I saw a post from a daughter of one of my childhood friends. In the Fort Worth area they were adopting the graduates; I thought this would be really nice to do for our POC graduates. What started out in my mind as a small kind gesture grew into an amazing event for these young adults!
I can’t THANK Denise Sandy enough for jumping in head first and helping me with this as it grew from a small ordeal to raising $4,800.00 for the money tree so we could split this with the 16 graduates. Each graduate was adopted by our great citizens of the community. I can’t THANK each donor enough for stepping forward and making a day that these young folks will always remember so special.
A special THANK YOU to Renee and Jody Hawes that prepared a special table in memory of Carley Rosenboom. It was a beautiful dedication! Also Marie and Robbie Hawes donated refreshments for all that attended.