“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)

The “Newest Crisis”

The “Major Crisis” of the Chicom Corona Virus has been replaced by the “Current Crisis” of “George Floyd (Black Man) Murdered by Police”. All the necessity of ‘Social Distancing’ is gone, but masks for Antifa Anarchists and looters are still popular. The ‘Mainstream Media’ can shift priorities instantly and are very loose in defining even the words they use: Rioters, Vandals, Arsonists, and Looters are described as “Peaceful Protesters”, any and all criminal violent behavior by radical Far-Left revolutionaries is excused, as long as it is Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Christian, and can be blamed somehow on Trump.

There is no excuse for the murder of Mr. Floyd by a police officer. Floyd was arrested for trying to pass a counterfeit bill, he resisted arrest, was thrown on the ground and handcuffed. So why did a sworn police officer kneel on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds until he died? Some three minutes after Floyd stopped begging for his life and moving? Why did he think he could get away with that, in front of three other sworn police officers and many other witnesses? This is not “just racism”, but a form of insanity and societal collapse from Political corruption from the top to the bottom. Why didn’t the other three officers use force, if necessary, to stop this?

As horrible as that was, it only gets worse as little factoids bubble to the surface. Mr. Floyd had a history of being a career criminal (see Candace Owens – https://youtu.be/JtPfoEvNJ74 ) , he and the police officer that killed him worked together providing security for a Hispanic nightclub. Rumors abound, including connections with a counterfeiting ring. Autopsy reports indicate Floyd was using meth and cocaine, probably to treat the symptoms of Covid19, to get through it. There definitely needs a serious investigation into this, but the Manure-spreader Media has used it to create over two weeks (and counting) of Political Theater to create Riot and Revolution. While George Floyd is being canonized by the Media and radical Leftists in the Dem-Soc Party, retired Police Captain David Dorn, murdered by looting rioters in St Louis while protecting a friend’s store, is largely ignored. Where is the Social Justice and Black Lives Matter on that? Captain Dorn spent his life protecting and improving the “Black (and white) Community”, right up until his death, at the hands of Black Anarchists encouraged by the Propaganda Media and the Dem/Soc Party. Every citizen, regardless of race, ethnicity, or political persuasion should be asking: WHY? Whose side are they on? Certainly not on the side of American Citizens! Certainly not on the side of the residents and business owners in the areas affected. Many of those are minorities that the “Virtue Signalling” Media claim to be defending … by encouraging more lawlessness?? Does that make any sense at all to anyone? Other than the criminal Antifa terrorists and the paid “political Organizers”? And who paid for the pallets of bricks strategically located in some riots?

We are in a Propaganda War. There are many different groups, all struggling for some political and economic advantage, but what are their real long-term aims? The advantage of this somewhat “Open Warfare” of this “George Floyd Revolution” is various groups are exposing themselves more than they might wish. We know the various factions of the Dem-Socialist Party are fighting for Political Power, not only against Repubs, Constitutionalists, and normal American Citizens, but for the votes of all the divided “Classes and Tribes”. There are the “Radical Leftists of the Green Persuasion” (mostly also Anti-Capitalist) that see the Coronavirus Pandemic as an opportunity to paralyze industry and production in the USA, and increase unemployment for anything except more Govt Bureaucracy to regulate everything. There are the Globalists of all factions, the Big Industry Elitists, the Military-Industrial Complex, the greatly enlarged “Intelligence Community”, the traditional Marxist-Internationale America-haters, as well as the “Tribal Pressure Groups” of race, religion, and sexual persuasions.

The “Dem-Soc Party” is now loyal only to its Agenda, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, while the hard-core left have graduated to the KGB’s “4 Stages of Ideological Subversion”. These are: 1) Demoralization – normalizing Marxist theory in youth; 2) Destabilization – attacking the economy, political system, legal system, history, and culture; 3) Crisis – Creating endless ‘crises’ to panic demoralized, destabilized people into abandoning their legal protections and constitutional ideals; & 4) Normalization – “normalizing’ the take-over of the new political shift – New World Order; Hope and Change; Socialism/Welfare, even for Illegal Aliens, & Refugees; Voting for Non-Citizens; Whatever. Then create another “Crisis”, repeat as necessary to create the Totalitarian Central Govt necessary to enforce the Marxist Policy. We are in a double Crisis now, the Wuhan Virus and the George Floyd Riots, the next “Normalization” will be Massive Vote Fraud & Non-Citizen Voting by Mail-In Voting. This will allow the Dem-Socs to win, they think, and damn the consequences! We need to fight back, identify & expose the Domestic Terrorists, expose the ones who finance and direct them, and also expose all those Useful Idiots that “aid and abet” the Radical Left in their destruction of Constitutional America. If not now, the only alternatives are dissolution & partition, or surrender & slavery to the Marxist/Globalist/Totalitarians. This is not just a “war on racism”, or “war on capitalism”; with this “Defund the Police” insanity it is a War on Civilization and War on Humanity to gain power Power to enforce their War on the Nuclear Family, the basic foundation of society and Christian western civilization, to be replaced by the GroupThink of the Marxist “Collective”, a socialist utopia run by the self-appointed Elite. They are not fooling around with Socialist Theory anymore, they are trying to DO IT! And we better start paying attention to what their real goals are.

17 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Just Tom

Buck up man. The world is not ending. Hoards of invaders do not lay at our doors. This virus will pass and things will change again once a inoculation becomes available. In the meantime, be considerate of others, wash your hands, wear a mask.

June 22nd, 2020 at 7:02 am
Just Tom

There were more arrests of Boogaloo Boies and other white nationalist extremists than of antifa activists. Most looting was locally based crime not national based grouos.

Exactly how does one identify antifa? If it is only by an ideology that differs from your own, then I guess the world can seem a bit scary since so many disagree with your point of view. But you really have nothing to fear.

June 22nd, 2020 at 7:23 am

TRUMP – The man who flies to Florida for a day of golf…….but can’t fly there to VOTE.

Vote by mail works for the President, then it will have to work for my 87 year old mother-in-law who lives in assisted living. Or else lose her Trumpy vote. Hmmm?

June 22nd, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Just Tom

Captain Dorn’s death was well ccovered by mainstream media, but maybe you cannot see the difference beyond black and white. Captain Dorn was killed by murderers. We hire police to capture murderers and prosecute them in court, before a judge and jury. A verdict is rendered.

Mr. Floyd was murdered by the police. Police are not hired to do this. But in this case the policemen acted as judge, Judy and goon squad, executing him in sight of the public who were begging them to stop. Mr. Floyd, denied his day in court, died an innocent man. Regardless of the accusation, not a single issue should result in a death sentence.
That is the difference between Captain Corn and Mr. Floyd. Both were killed by murderers. But one was sanctioned, and commited, by policemen.

June 23rd, 2020 at 9:15 am
Bill Brayshaw

To Tom;
The world is not ending, America is getting smarter, they are seeing the Dem-Socs and their Storm-Troopers as they really are.
And they are dedicated Marxists and brag about it among themselves.
Your Antifa are direct copies of 1920s Communist street gangs that are directly responsible for the initial popularity of Hitler and the NAZIs. Same tactics and same programs – disarm the Citizens and even the police. Destroy any political opposition. Destroy Christianity and morality.

President Trump is making them expose themselves.

June 23rd, 2020 at 7:36 pm
Just Tom

They are not “my Antifa” any more than they are “your white supremacists”.

June 23rd, 2020 at 8:18 pm

Only Nasty men expose themselves Bill. Are you Nasty? Have you become one of those ill, old, mean men?

You realize, of course that Antifa had nothing to do with the Nazi’s? Being that Nazi’s were fascists who killed everyone who wasn’t white, German pure blooded and like minded. Antifa did not cause the Nazis, greed, power, hate, mental illness all cause fascism. And being that Antifa is so 2000-teens, and this is the 20’s, you no longer need to worry about Antifa, which has no official membership or organization.

No, my man, you need to worry about K-Pop. They are imps with a purpose. Online. And very funny about it.

June 24th, 2020 at 6:12 am

Are we talking about the Antifa US group that was found to be run by White Supremecist groups? Twitter had to shut them down. Don’t melt.

June 24th, 2020 at 9:03 am
Just Tom

In the meantime Trump ignores (at best) or abets (at worse) the Russians as they place bounties on our overseas military. The claims by the President fall short of an explanation as it appears he was advised by his intelligence but chose to ignore it.

Explain THAT in a way that supports the President Bill. Please show us how badly you have been deranged by this man and the sludge you read online.

June 29th, 2020 at 7:52 am

What will we call Trump when he declares himself Emperor?
Orange Julius


July 8th, 2020 at 8:35 am

What do you call a jerk who refuses to wear a mask in public?
A Maskhole

July 8th, 2020 at 3:13 pm
Just Tom

130,000 lives ago, in February 2020. Trump said turnaround be gone by Easter. Is it Easter yet? Follow this idiot at your own peril.

July 10th, 2020 at 6:49 am
Just Tom

130,000 lives ago, in February 2020, Trump said this virus would be GONE. If not Easter yet? Follow this idiot at your own peril.

July 10th, 2020 at 6:51 am
Bill Brayshaw

The Virus probably would be gone if Hydrochloroguine, zinc, and z-pacs for the people with bad lung infections were used.
See https://www.globalresearch.ca/scientific-corona-lies-and-big-pharma-corruption-hydroxychloroquine-versus-gileads-remdesivir/5717718
This is just one of many. Some tests with HCQ given within the first 7 days of symptoms appearing had a 98% of recoveries without requiring hospitalization, but these were for patients without other comorbidities. Even when given to “high-risk” patients, there chances were vastly improved and with less damage.
The lie about HCQ being dangerous is particularly egregious! it is only applicable for large dosage over long periods of time on experimental cases! Millions of soldiers have taken it for a year (or more) at a time. Worst side effect is “anecdotal evidence” of “explosive diarrhea”- embarrassing and uncomfortable, but hardly life-threatening, and could have any of MANY Causes in Vietnam! I would gladly trade for that over a 2-4 week case of Covid 19 and possible death! A painful death by drowning in pneumonia, while hooked to a mechanical ventilator.
Playing politics for big drug payoffs when people are dying helplessly when there are cheap, easily produced drugs is both stupid and criminal!
“In 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.”

It is the only “job” he has ever had. He is primarily a bureaucrat. Now has real power to influence opinion, and he is using it. Obviously it works on some people.

July 11th, 2020 at 8:47 am
Bill Brayshaw

Here is another story: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/wow-nbc-guest-doctor-suffering-coronavirus-hospital-tv-interviews-never-coronavirus-video/
It is easy to get away with lying if the lie fits the Media Agenda. But those that support HCQ have to be able to document their side.
Why is the Pro-Covid spread so popular? Why are suspected “contacts” now counted as “New Cases”?
We know Deaths are counted as Covid Related on the flimsist excuse – to get fast payment from the govt. But why feed the Hysteria unnecessarily on merely “reported comtacts”. Why are the so many false positives?

July 11th, 2020 at 9:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

They admit 3$ false positives here. 130,000 test per day equal 4000 false positives a day. But that does not explain reports of 63% positives on 100 swabs dipped in sterile saline solution, or many reported case of people signing up for tests, but getting disgusted waiting & leaving without being tested, but getting a “Positive Result” in a day or two.
Why is the Media reporting hospitals overflowing, but investigation shows only two actual Covid 19 cases in that hospital, and the Media suppressing that fact?
In Brazos County. They don’t know if it is 3% or 30%, but want to count all as New Cases.
Why are people confirmed with Antibodies counted as New Cases when they are “Recovered” if they had it at all?
The Propaganda War is determined to keep the Fear Factor up, rather than finding a real CURE!

July 11th, 2020 at 9:57 am
Just Tom

One day, historians will read these archives and use it to try to understand how rural communities were convinced to go against science and medicine. I hope they have a hospital bed for you, brother. Wear your mask in case they don’t.

July 12th, 2020 at 9:56 am
Untitled Document