“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)

Independence Day

Read the Declaration of Independence again. Try to understand what the words mean. The Declaration of Independence is our FOUNDING DOCUMENT. More here about what that really Means! And see: https://tnm.me/news/commentary/truth-independence-day-july-4th?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=truth-independence-day-july-4th&goal=0_244a299551-462db8bccd-320799717&mc_cid=462db8bccd&mc_eid=a3732b35cc
The Constitution was a “Contract” between We the PEOPLE of the Several States, then recognized as ‘Independent Nations’ by the Treaty of Paris-1783; the Governments of those Several States; and a “created entity” called the United States, or “Federal Govt”. This Contract created the Federal Govt and gave it specific and limited powers. The Federal Govt was the “agent” of the other Parties to create a “Union” for the defense of all Parties and secure borders; to regulate trade both between the State, and with foreign nations; a Postal Service; and to provide the diplomatic services needed with foreign powers. Another important Federal Duty was to create, mint, and regulate a stable currency. Also to regulate Citizenship and Immigration for the benefit of the Citizens (We the People), the States, and the Union.

At this point in our history, the Federal Govt does not perform any of these mandated services for the benefit of the Citizens, or the States. In fact, usually quite the opposite. President Trump has tried very hard to bring the Federal Govt back to being a “better agent”, more loyal to their Sworn Duties under the Constitution, and trying to limit the bureaucracies to their mandated duties. The Federal UniParty Establishment has resisted, obstructed, lied about, and even falsely accused and brought law-suits against him; even tried to impeach him over his trying to do his sworn duty and keep promises to the Voters who put him in office. The various departments, bureaucracies, even Courts are in “seditious rebellion” against not only President Trump and the American Citizen/Voters, but the Constitution (Contract) that created the “Federal Govt”, and the Existing Laws, Constitutionally passed by previous Administrations.

The ‘Federal Govt”, in many of it’s departments, is refusing to follow the spirit, intent, or letter of the Constitution, to the severe detriment of many States and most of our lawful Citizens. Those “Federal” entities are in violation of their Oaths to our “Contract”, causing corruption of the Courts with “Case Law” instead of Constitutional Law, and refusing to hold certain Judges and Justices to their Oaths of Office, making it impossible for President Trump as Chief Executive to “Enforce the Contract”. Under American Law, Common Law, and historical Western Law, whenever one Party is in Violation of a Contract, and the Other Parties have no legal means to enforce the Contract, the Contract become(s) NULL and VOID.

The Constitution created the Federal Govt, so if the Constitution is null and void, then so is the Fe(de)ral Govt. Therefore, The Several States, lawfully each a separate “nation under international law” from the Declaration of Independence, don’t even need to “secede”! The Federal Govt by it’s refusal to follow the Contract, allowing repeated violations of its own laws by favored individuals and groups, and usurpation of powers not mandated by the Contract, even if created by Bureaucratic Fiat or regulation, this unlawful “Fe(de)ral Govt” has destroyed itself.

We must return to the Declaration of Independence as our sole LAWFUL Founding Document. The Several States can simply “WalkAway” from the self-destroyed Dem-Soc/Marxist/Globalist “Fe(de)ral Govt”, and seek among themselves to form a new “Union”, or not, as it best suits the desires and means of their Property Owners, Producers, and other loyal lawful Citizens willing to defend their States.

Hard times require hard decisions by hard men and women willing to defend, rebuild, and improve their communities and States. The Gimmiecrats, Globalists, Marxists, and other parasites will not, and can not without control of the Productive Citizens and the real wealth we produce. American Citizens of all races, backgrounds, skills, and present economic levels CAN, as long as they have the desire and will to do so, and follow:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men (and Women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

The “long Train of Abuses and Usurpation” we have suffered so long at the hands of Marxists and Globalists “pursuing invariably the same Object”, a centralized and totalitarian Federal Govt, to rule “under absolute Despotism”rather than govern under our Constitution. To rule for the benefit of ‘self-appointed Elite and their minions’, rather than the safety, liberty, and individual Rights of our Citizens, MUST END! The Original Intent of the Constitution must be enforced for all loyal, law-abiding American Citizens, not “Federally preferred Special Groups, Foreign Entities, foreign philosophies, or Mega Rich would-be Oppressors”. Or to provide wage slaves and New Voters for these Anti-American elements.

We are “Created equal”, but do not stay equal in ability, education, or skills. It is beyond the earthly powers of any govt to “create prosperity for all”, only equal opportunity; but a corrupt govt can “create artificial prosperity” for some by stealing the production of wealth from others. Govts cannot create wealth except through slavery or theft, or by what they like to now call “Redistribution”, or creating Fiat ‘money’ that only destroys the value of the previously earned currency. There is NO Free Lunch! Someone always “pays”, and if you take anything from a corrupt govt, it will end up being you, also.

Washington DC is completely dysfunctional now. Either they get back to the Constitution, or the Conservative Christian States will have to separate. The Dem-Socs and their Media are intentionally leading the gullible people into Anarchy and a Marxist Revolution; so let them have it and see how long that lasts! After they fail, perhaps they will want to rejoin a Constitutional Union, but they are now the “Insufferable Abuses”, and Constitutionalist Americans will not tolerate Marxist Globalist slavery.

64 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

See: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/17/florida-health-officer-lables-motorcycle-crash-victim-a-coronavirus-death/
There was another one like this in NYC, but not well documented.
Any data that is corrupted is worthless. The Ocala VA clinic was reporting 76% of Covid Tests ‘Positive” but the real rate was 6%. Other labs were reporting 100% Positive! At least according to the CDC Reports and the numbers counted as New Cases.
Texas admits that “Suspected Contacts” are reported as New Cases(?) Deaths are reported as “Covid Related” without any testing.
One group reported sending in 100 swabs that had been dipped in sterile saline solution, sent to various labs and 63% came back ‘Positive’. Is it incompetence, corrupted tests, or just more political bureaucratic lying? One lady that was a ‘Medical Coder’ at a hospital said false coding “reporting” is encouraged at every level and even increased at the CDC level.
There were many reports from the Austin area of people that signed up for testing, but were never tested (usually because the people left after long waits) but received Postive Test Notifications.
The Propaganda War is very active at the Bureaucrat Level.
Govt Workers are paid full salaries to stay home in many cases, as well as the Dem-Soc & Anti-Trump efforts to politicize the Wuhan Virus Blame on Trump rather than the ChiComs. Initial Lab Reports say the Covid 19 virus can Not be a natural mutation of an animal virus transmitted to humans. It is too genetically modified, but that won’t be mentioned by MSM until after the election, if ever.
Keeping schools closed is crazy. Keep kids with “Comorbidity Conditions” at home, but let the other 99% go to school. Put the teachers on preventatives like HCQ or Ivermec. Ivermec has shown promise in tests of groups up to 500 people with none becoming infected, but no control group, and the doctors don’t know if it prevents infection, or just makes people asymptomatic/prevents symptoms, or how/why it works. 6mg pill/30 kilos is the dose used for humans in Brazil, and some claim that will give immunity for 6 months, but I distrust that until there is more data. Brazil has a large infection rate, but very low death rate.

July 18th, 2020 at 8:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

71,000 deaths last year. And there is no estimate of tens of thousands saved from opioid ODs by cops and EMTs having Norcan to save them.
Or the huge increase in drugs and depression this year due to the Chicom Flu and the economic effects of lock-downs.
Why aren’t the Dems trying to save all those people?

July 18th, 2020 at 8:21 am

DJT – “This will be gone by Easter.”
He never said which year.

July 18th, 2020 at 12:06 pm

I’m still trying to envision how this secession (which now is not a secession per you because *something something broken something*) would work. Like one day we are the USA, and the next day you and your friends carve out a patchwork off 185 that you call [fill in the blank] country, with your own “non-socialist” government, and your own “official” money? The rest of Texas, meanwhile, looks at this and says “who are these kooks and why would we follow them?” That’s how the vision always goes……

July 18th, 2020 at 1:49 pm
Just Tom

So let me get this straight. You make the claim that the Constitution is null and void because the courts have not followed PTrump’s wishes?

I’ve never seen a cowpatty quite that large sir, did you produce that yourself?

July 19th, 2020 at 5:33 am
Just Tom

Follow this nut at your own risk. I don’t think he even lives here, he never talks about our community.

July 19th, 2020 at 5:38 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH and Just Tom,
As usual you can only try to attack me personally, not offer any debate to the points of the discussion. Read it again. Also read the other 2 “declarations” written to King George III by our Continental Congress.
https://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/presentations/timeline/amrev/shots/arms.html And note the title of the second one, and reasons given. The radical Dem-Socs are preventing police from keeping the peace in the Dem-Soc run cities, defending the lives and property of their own citizens. And they try to prevent any Federal efforts to stop the riots and insurrection, a mandated duty of a lawful Federal Govt.
Meanwhile, your beloved ‘Dem-Soc party’ is destroying any pretense to honest elections – so much for their “Democrat” label… In CA, 17 yr-olds can vote, illegals are registered, and Mail-in Votes can be counted up to 17 days after Election Day.
And they are encouraging the Neo-Bolshevik Revolutionaries. If Laws are not enforced, and enforced equally, then there is no “Law”. They obviously want chaos, part of their Marxist-Leninist-Alinskyite playbook. Just the latest variation on the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. They are also constant apologists for the Chicoms, an enemy sworn to destroy us.
So.. which side are you on? Are you willing to take responsibility for the real outcomes of current Dem-Soc Strategy and Agenda? Why do you hate simple truths?
The Anti-Constitution “Appeasers” are now pushing for $350 Billion for “reparations” – that is $1000 for every person, adult and child, even illegals, in the USA. Taking money from people that never owned slaves, to give to people that never were slaves (at least not in the USA, enslaved by US citizens); to be given because of the color of their skin? Irony, anyone?
And what if they are more white than black? What if their black fore-bearers came to the USA after slavery was outlawed, 155 years ago? And what about the Trillions of dollars spent on Federal Affirmative Action Programs since 1964? This is just more “Transfer of Wealth” to keep poor, poorly educated, and poorly motivated people clinging to their Victim Status, and dependency on their Exploiters and Oppressors – the Dem-Soc Party.
I think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and other Civil Rights leaders would be very ashamed (horrified, acctually) of the Dem-Soc race-baiters today, and furious with them for denying School Choice! And their love of Planned Parenthood, aborting black American Babies to replace them with foreign Socialismos to take ‘Entry Level Jobs’ from those trying to get out of poverty and the Welfare trap. I also think many of our “Minority Citizens” are catching on to the Scam, and what the racist LBJ said and meant in 1964. I believe that a Reawakening is coming, and it will be the Black Pastors that will lead it.
I hope it is not too late. I have no doubt that the Constitutionalist American Citizens will win any “Revolution”, but it will be ugly, Marxist Revolutions always are because they are barbaric, really War on Civilization, but Dem-Socs don’t care because they are too arrogant to read history, or even pay attention to what nonsense their own leaders are spouting now.

July 20th, 2020 at 9:29 am
Bill Brayshaw

“The only person who can stop this loony left dystopia is Donald J. Trump. Not just because of his own reelection, but because Senate candidate fortunes rise or fall with him, too. He has to get this right.”
Many people see the Dem-Soc strategy and Agenda as “dystopia” now. I’ve been saying it since 2010, it is the Marxist Progressive “playbook” for defeating “Liberal Democracies”. And the Soros method of robbing economies by “shorting” them and encoraging destructive political strategies.
Modern Robber Barons financing the Marxist Totalitarians to destroy economies for “fun and profit”.
It is no secret any more, just follow the money. See how these “Demonstrations” are financed, and how the radical leftists are paid. The DoJ ought to RICO the whole list of the criminal Conspirators. ACORN groups, Soros Orgs, and “Obama for America” are the financiers.

July 20th, 2020 at 10:08 am
Just Tom

I believe the Republicans are in control, have been, for the last 3+ years, yet no charges have been brought other than via conspiracy websites.

I like better this FOX quote from the President’s interview with Wallace:
“One of these days I’ll get it right.”
The problem of course is that while we wait for him to fumble after fumble after fumble, people are starting to see that maybe he’s not the leader for these times in America.
That you are calling for an uprising over the election of Biden over Trump is just comedy for the similarly disenfranchised and unhappy.

July 20th, 2020 at 12:11 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“Peaceful Demonstrations” in your D-rat run cities did this.
See what the Marxist Manure Spreader Media is not Reporting.
Why are police not allowed to stop this?
The Anti-Capitalists will destroy Capitalism one store-front at a time by destroying the Insurance Companies! Wait for your Home Insurance to go up to pay for THIS–!

Just keep believing that Dementia Joe can stop this! He is part of the Soros-Obamanist Chicago/Progressive/Communist/Alinskyite Machine that made this possible. And they can’t control it anymore either.
Notice in some of the BLM Demonstrations in Portland and Seattle now, there are no black people…? The “local Antifa” have taken over.
This is the Culture War, War on Capitalism, that has degenerated to War on Civilization. Not just Christian Civilization anymore, but a War on Sanity.

July 21st, 2020 at 1:51 pm
Just Tom

You never seem to answer the question, do you? Just kind of pivot and scream “But Joe”. As if it could get worse. Good luck selling that. People are sick of this presidency. By Donnie!

July 21st, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Just Tom

You do realize that these times we live in have but one person to blame? That the leadership elected has failed? Not a future administration, but the current one. Not the past administration, the current one. The political advertisement showing a dystopian future are actual footage from today. And it is not Biden in charge. It is a game show show host who wished a child trafficker “luck” in his news spectacle yesterday. The leader who sends in unmarked goon squads to grab people off The street, to beat on retired vets who get in The way? Donald J Trump.

The President in office holds all of the negative and fascist qualities you claim to abhor, and displays them daily. Yet you see nothing.

Why should we listen to one so blinded?

July 22nd, 2020 at 7:01 am

STOP ME IF YOU’VE HEARD THIS ONE (although doubtful, it’s all the rage in Europe…)
What borders on stupidity?
Mexico and Canada

1,000 people died of COVID yesterday. Fellow Americans.
Now that is not funny.

July 22nd, 2020 at 12:55 pm
Bill Brayshaw

There is your Stupidity! People believing the Media run by D-Rat Operatives.
Similar “counts” are being done to drive the numbers higher in Dem controlled cities in Texas.
Why do “Democrats” so desperately wanting to be ruled by people that lie to them,intentionally inflame criminal mobs, want to defund the Police and disarm law-abiding citizens? And elect a dementia Patient?
You really need to check news other than the MSM Propaganda Machine. They lie regularly. WaPo lost the $250 million lawsuit with the Catholic School kid. Lots more coming.
You deserve what you get, if they can cheat enough to claim the Popular Vote.

July 24th, 2020 at 5:51 pm
Bill Brayshaw


“He adds, “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.”

If this is a legitimate draft, the fact that it’s a merely a draft means nothing. It still reveals how ugly the Democrat Party has become and how ugly and divisive the future will be, should this approach to national politics ever prevail.

Bedard includes each of the 15 times whites are mentioned in the draft platform, a platform Joe Biden will certainly embrace when he accepts the presidential nomination later this year. Included in the 15 is an attack on the American military as racist and the not-subtle libel that white prosperity is hurting other racial minorities.

The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color — especially Black Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans — and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back.

And, as we have seen throughout the country over the last two months, and in pretty much every Democrat-run city in America, libels like this are intended to justify and encourage the Democrat Party’s Brownshirts — in the form of the terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa — to rampage, riot, loot, burn, and desecrate our history.

This draft platform is nothing less than monstrous — monstrously un-American and dangerous.”
But will the Voters fall for the ‘Promising Johns’ again?
Trump approval is up to 40% with non-whites according to Rasmussen. But 57% of people are afraid to express their political views? Over half the people are afraid to say they will vote for Trump.
Brace yourself for the flood of “Liberal Tears” in Nov 4.
That is why they are already saying “trump won’t leave the White House”… because the D-Rats will lose, bigly.

July 24th, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Just Tom

Repeat after me. Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV.

July 24th, 2020 at 8:47 pm
Just Tom

And a “Settlement with no wrongdoing” with each side bearing their own legal fees is simply that, an agreement to dismiss the charges. Washington Post lost nothing. You are confused as to what the outcome means.

July 24th, 2020 at 8:56 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Pollak: 23 Extreme Left-wing Ideas in the Democrats’ Draft 2020 Platform.
Can you possibly support these as the Platform of a “democratic” Party? Radical Left-Wing Nonsense Party.
We will have to wait to see what the “Real Outcome” of the WaPo Lawsuit is then, because the actual conditions are not released yet. If they are as you say, it would all over the news 24/7.

July 25th, 2020 at 7:57 am
Just Tom

Let’s talk local history. Have you seen the documentary Seadrift yet? I feel it is a good background to the virulent hatred towards immigrants in this region.

I think most people will be very relieved when this period of the U.S. passes. The last gasp of the Son of the South OG.

Like the turnover caused by the Dixiecrats of the 1960’s Democratic party, the Republicans are facing their own souls.

My Republican friends have no problem expressing their distaste for this President and are vocal about changing their vote. Maybe the fear of the 57% is in saying they are voting Biden. Too many Q Conspiracy Gun Goons out there to proclaim it on one’s home.

July 25th, 2020 at 9:07 am
Bill Brayshaw

Just Tom
Why don’t you send a link? If you really want me to see something.
I think you are talking the post Vietnam War, resettlement of Vietnamese in coastal Texas? And the post-war economic stagnation? I was down-island on my sailboat, after two tours in Vietnam. And the war was lost by the Vietnamese because the D-Rat Congress refused to send the fuel, ammo, and other military supplies they had promised at the treaty signing in Paris.
Typical D-rats! They screw over an ally, give it to the Commies; bring some of the people here, give them tons of money and other advantages to compete with local Americans; and when they complain, call them “Racists”?
Don’t look to me for any sympathy for the lying D-Rats!

July 25th, 2020 at 9:46 am
Bill Brayshaw

And the D-Rats are screwing over everyone with their current fiasco:
The Biden Campaign: Disease, Depression, & Racial Discord
“As the presidential election draws closer, the Biden campaign’s strategy has increasingly focused on blaming Trump for disease, depression, and racial unrest. Presidents, like coaches of sports teams, get too much credit during good times and too much blame when troubles occur. The last six months have brought a motherlode of bad luck on Trump’s campaign; the worst pandemic in a century; a massive lockdown of the economy; public health measures resulting in 40 million people out of work and living in extreme social isolation; weeks of rioting with widespread looting, unopposed attacks on police and the burning down of many businesses. While Trump is responsible for none of it, the Biden campaign strategy has become the party of disease, depression, and racial violence in order to aggravate all three crises.

1. On the pandemic they have transformed the Chinese Communist Party’s role in the origin and internationalizing of the disease into the claim that Trump is a racist. They have transformed the FDA and CDC’s initial testing screwup into a Trump failure that caused the disease to take hold in the U.S. They attacked one possible treatment, hydroxychloroquine, as a dangerous drug simply because Trump suggested it might be helpful. They claimed that the few hundred people demonstrating against the lockdown were going to kill thousands while ignoring the fifteen million people violating social distancing norms to attack police. And worst of all, they offered little support for the administrations’ guidelines on slowing the spread.

2. On the economy, they have encouraged overly restrictive lockdown policies that deepen and prolong the economic deterioration. They insisted on putting financial incentives into the supplemental appropriations to incentivize people to remain on unemployment rather than return to work.

3. Worst of all, in response to the death of George Floyd, they have played down the demonstrators demands to abolish the police, refused to condemn rampant vandalism, opposed attempts to control rioting, and above all celebrated the massive turnouts at Black Lives Matter rallies even though they clearly created a serious contagion risk.
See much more:
Read the rest and weep, or pay attention and defeat the Leftists and start taking “your Democrat Party” back! If you are not a Marxist/Alinskyite, yourself.
I want a Pro-America Democrat Party, because I don’t trust the RINOs. They are almost as bad and dangerous as the Hard-Left Socialists and Globalist that have stolen YOUR Party!
If you are going to try to argue with me, send links! Otherwise you are just another Lefty parroting the Propaganda.
The Radical Left has gone to far. The Pelosi-Shumer “leaders” are chasing their “intended base”
and have given over the “Leadership” to Anti-American idiots. Their propaganda has become ludicrous; so bad they are driving away even “moderate socialists”.
They are so bad, I think it will be the Black Preachers and their predominantly black Christian Congregations that defeat the current evil, and stop the political lies.
I believe another Great Awakening is coming. If not before the election, than certainly a Biden Admin will destroy this “union” and the “D-Rat Dem-Soc Party” with it. Because they are not “Democrat” or “Liberal” anymore.
Biden is just a brain-damaged figurehead, a puppet controlled by truly evil people now. And more people see it every day. Trump is far from perfect, but he is pro-America, and trying to bring the country back. The Dem-Socs only want to destroy and create Chaos, because the Leninist Playbook taught them that is the Path to Power for Marxists.

July 25th, 2020 at 10:19 am
Bill Brayshaw

This is D-Rat supported, Antifa/BLM politics:
“Black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell was murdered on Thursday just hours after a pro-Trump interview.
Trammell was gunned down shortly after giving an interview on his support for President Trump.”
Straight out of the Hitler Brown Shirts and Mussolini’s Black Shirts.
But the Propaganda Media calls Trump a “Fascist” for trying to stop the Riots, arson, looting, and murders.
Typical Alinskyite Transference: Accuse your Enemy (intended victims) of what you intend to do.
“Bernell Trammell, a well-known Black supporter of Donald Trump who was a community fixture known for his publishing company and long conversations on religion and politics, often delivered from street corners while holding pro Trump and other signs, was shot to death in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.”
I think he was killed for being an out-spoken Christian as much or more than being a Trump Supporter. And the cops say,”the motive is unclear”? Only to political liars and idiots – “There are none so blind…”, comes to mind.
And self-deluded liars.

July 25th, 2020 at 10:44 am
Bill Brayshaw

Even some local TV stations are starting to tell the truth:
“This local TV report from CBS 12 News in Palm Beach county shows that the the inflation of COVID deaths in Florida is HUGE!
Florida officials included falls and at least one suicide as COVID-19 deaths.”
“A local Palm Beach investigator found that only 169 out of 581 deaths listed as COVID-19 deaths without any contributing illnesses.”
This is from Palm Beach County, a hot-bed of D-Rat Vote Fraud for years! The Dem-Socs are desperate to “make news” to “blame Trump & DeSantis” and think the Sheeple are too dumb to learn the truth. In some cases they must be right, about how gullible their Lemmings are.

July 25th, 2020 at 11:58 am
Bill Brayshaw

“Antifa played dress-up for the liberal media again last night.
Earlier this week Antifa protesters dressed up as “concerned mothers” who came out at 2 AM in the morning, leaving their children at home, dressed as mothers to form a line to protect the violent antifa mob from federal agents protecting the federal courthouse in Portland.
It played well with their partners in the pro-Antifa media until reporter Andy Ngo noticed that the participants were violent antifa rioters playing dress-up.”
“Then last night these same street thugs dressed up and pretended to be US veterans.
Because WE ALL KNOW veterans support looting, burning, destroying public property.”
Check the link for sources and video. I know the Proggies hate GP and Breitbart, but at least they provide their sources that are ON SITE! Check it out.
And who do you think is providing the “costumes”, transportation, bail, and payment for these “revolutionaries”? I wonder how most of the “Democrats” will feel about that? Their Campaign Contributions to Bernie & Biden? Laundered through Political Consultants and Community Organizers, of course.

July 25th, 2020 at 12:13 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Seattle Police Abandon Residents As Antifa Uses Twitter, Facebook To Organize Nationwide Protests
The Seattle Police Department announced on Friday that residents and business owners are essentially on their own, after the City Council banned the use of pepper spray and other ‘less lethal tools’ to disperse crowds.

“Simply put, the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd,” reads a letter from Seattle Chief of Police, Carmen Best – who added that thanks to the City Council, “Seattle Police will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend.”
And in anticipation of violent weekend protests coordinated over social media platforms (which ban conservatives for mean words), Seattle business and police have been boarding up.
Crooked and corrupt Dem-Socialist Politicians encourage their Revolutionaries, and then disarm the Police from any effective controls.
Seattle today, will it be Austin next week-end?
How bad does it have to get for the Dems to quit supporting Commies?

July 25th, 2020 at 12:33 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Go to the link above to see a copy of the letter, “The Seattle police chief is sending out letters telling residents:
“We cannot enforce the law. You are on your own.”
That is how your D-Rat Pols “Serve and Protect” you.
That is what you get if you vote for Dem-Soc Candidates and Sleepy Joe.
Have a nice day.

July 25th, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Just Tom

There IS a pro-America Democratic Party. You just don’t like their platform. In fact it seems you do not like mainstream Republicans either, which is why they are not returning to vote this year. You probably don’t care much for the Libertarians either since their leadership has spoken out against this President as well. Then you have the stupid insistence on voting in person and the highest COVID death rate of the #1 Trump demographic, and it appears to be a shrinking pool of voters for Trump.

See you in November. Wear a mask.

July 25th, 2020 at 4:27 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell was murdered on Thursday just hours after a pro-Trump interview.
Trammell was gunned down shortly after giving an interview on his support for President Trump.
Here is his final video before he was shot dead.
(you can click on it at the site) Antifa, BLM and the Dem-Socs are at war with Christianity, Capitalism, and civilization. And there will be more proof of it before the election.
I’m waiting for BLM to demonstrate demanding an investigation into this Hate Crime Murder. The Republicans there are already.

July 25th, 2020 at 6:54 pm
Just Tom

Did Mr. Trammell die at the hands of the police? No. God. You really don’t get this. To you it is all about skin color and Trump.
You really are an OG aren’t you.

July 25th, 2020 at 9:48 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Tom, you are missing the point. BLM killed Trammall (his preferred Internet name.) They will kill anyone that disagrees with them who do not bow to their threats.

July 26th, 2020 at 8:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

I know the Libtards don’t like Gateway Pundit, but at least they have the Videos and give the links to their sources and Police Reports. The MSM will show highly edited video, usually talked over by their paid Propagandists. A week later the police reports are completely different.
Like George Floyd, I was very incensed by the cop kneeling on his neck, AND 3 OTHER Cops not stopping it! But come to find out that Floyd was a career criminal, committed a felony, resisted arrest, refused to get in the police car, and was high on opiates and maybe Meth because he was self-medicating for Covid-19. The autopsy showed he did NOT die of strangulation, suffocation, or blood shut off to the brain. He died of Covid, illegal drugs, and other complications. If he had gotten in the police car, he would probably be alive, maybe in a hospital, but alive and a REAL Covid Statistic.

July 26th, 2020 at 9:32 am
Bill Brayshaw

There are many stories, especially in Florida and Texas about the false inflation of Covid Statistics, but they are being overshadowed by the Antifa/BLM riots and Hurricane Hanna.
One real threat that seems to being ignored is the recent increase in cases and deaths in our Border Counties. El Paso has been bad for quite awhile but nothing like Harris, Dallas & Ft Worth. Webb had an unusual spike before the “Big Spike”. and has been joined by Cameron & Hidalgo. Also, Nueces had stayed low for a long time, now is joining the ‘Big Cities’ in numbers infected.
Mexico had low rates for the first 2 months of the “pandemic” in the US, and was relatively low when the numbers in the Texas cities were exploding. Now Mexico is now #6 worldwide in Cases, and third of the top 6 countries in Deaths. Russia (#4 in Cases) has less than 1/3 deaths, even though well over twice the Cases than Mexico. Mexico is in real trouble.
Are Mexicans still allowed to cross the border into the “Border Area” with just a Mexican ID Card? (Carta Matricular?) If so, how many of these “visitors” are hospitalized or die of Corona here?
Arizona is having another unusual spike. Anyone with a Passport can travel to our cities easily, how many of those hospitalized are not citizens? Or are from other states?
New York and other northern States are quarantining travelers from our states, but we can’t shut the border down? Thousands cross our southern border every day. Isn’t it a good idea to count the foreigners in our hospitals, to see if there is a trend?
I know the pro-immigration people will fight it, the Dem-Socs will scream “Racist!”, but it is just getting an honest COUNT!
IF we are going to have effective controls, we must have honest Data. Counting false positives and “Suspected Covid Deaths” for political reasons is not helping, nor is ignoring people coming for Free Health Care.
The Dem-Socs want to exploit anything for political advantage, even the ChiCom Virus! Their Propagandists don’t care about real damage, even deaths, or skewing the numbers interfere with effective control.
If they really cared they would make the Hydrocloroquine treatment available to anyone that wants it as soon as they are diagnosed as infected, unless there is a serious medical contra-indication. But the Big Pharma and Big Govt folks don’t want an easy, cheap cure to work. Even for 95-98% of those infected. We could have much sooner ‘Herd Immunity’ with less than 10% of the current deaths quickly, if they would try it on a large Voluntary scale.

July 26th, 2020 at 10:26 am
Just Tom

Yes. I find your viewpoint to be moderately to full on racist.

Maybe the kids aren’t so wrong. Guess we’ll be gone by the time everyone knows for sure.

But I know what I was brought up to believe as a good, hard working, God loving person. And it is not here.

I will not be back t comment again. This is just an old guy’s weird point of view. I’m an old guy too, I’d rather enjoy the time I have left.

July 26th, 2020 at 11:08 am
Bill Brayshaw

Great “Justice with Judge Jeanine”:
See Leo Terrell, black Democrat Civil Rights attorney, talk common sense about what is happening in the Dem Party, and why Trump must be elected.
Great show! and Judge Jeanine ends her Opening with a great truth, if you want a civilized America, “Get ready to fight for the America you love, because it will take a fight to keep it!”
Every American, Dem or Repub, black or white, lefty or Conservative should watch this show! If you don’t understand any of this, watch it again; better take notes, because there will be a Test.

July 26th, 2020 at 11:46 am
Bill Brayshaw

Just Tom, Re:#38 “Yes. I find your viewpoint to be moderately to full on racist.”
You are a fool or a paid propagandist! I fully support Bernell Trammell! I may disagree with some of his views, he was a Rasta Preacher! Look at the Videos, see the dread-locks – decades old probably. But he has the God given Right to preach his version of Religion, his interpretation of Scripture! He loved America, so I would cheerfully defend him against anyone that attacked him, if I could!
Where is BLM and the Dem-Soc Party? Why are they not protesting HIS Murder? Or David Dorn’s? Because to the D-rats, anyone that refuses to follow them is a “non-person”. That is the crap you are defending!
What the hell is wrong with YOU, man?
Trammell (or Trammall as he used as a post name) was a man of peace, preaching repentance and redemption, he loved his Community, America, and the Constitution! That is why he supported TRUMP!
Because he correctly saw Trump as the only solution to the problems we all are facing. There is no excuse for trying to defend the dirty dogs that shot him down! You are being a “Political Whore” to even try to excuse this!
I am a Constitutionalist, and have been a ‘man of violence’ in the defense of of it and America, sworn the Oath 4 times. I have also lived in Black Nations, and yes, there is racism against whites there also, but not the D-Rat Party driven stupidity like we see today!
When my good friend, a black patriot, was bad-mouthed for being in the NAACP by my white Democrat Neighbors, I joined the NAACP also, to back my friend. And made damn sure everyone knew it. But you call me a “Racist”? Because I believe in America and not your Libtard Leftist drivel? Unfortunately the Leftist shifted the NAACP leadership from “Uniting America” to something they called “Pan-Africanism” during the Clinton Regime and I quit, and told them why.
You don’t know “jack” about “Racism”! Or fighting against it. And don’t seem to know much about the Constitution either, or the need to stand up for it; “to protect and defend..against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
When the “SHTF” comes to Calhoun County, I will stand with Sheriff Dept, and for the Constitution, to defend the citizens here, regardless of race or religion, to the best of my ability. In combat to the death if necessary! I consider that a DUTY and a Privilege as an American.
If & when that time comes, you best just hide under the bed. But you really need to watch:
Judge Jeanne https://one-news.net/justice-with-judge-jeanine-%E2%80%93-72520-fox-news/
And some of the other news clips I posted.
If you paid any attention, you saw I’ve said several times that I now believe that the New Awakening and a return to Constitutional Govt may come from the black Pastors and Preachers that are smart enough to recognize the evil represented by the Dem-Socs Marxist/Anarchist/Globalist/Totalitarians.

July 26th, 2020 at 12:47 pm

Yes old man, just keep waiting for the SHTF to come to Calhoun County.
Oh, and I’m not going anywhere. Lucky you.

July 26th, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Must you twist everything?
All you can do. You add nothing to the conversation, but hate and stupidity.
If and when anything bad comes here, I will stand with the Sheriff Deputies and the other patriotic Citizens here, to defend the innocent people of all colors or races from these Neo-Bolsheviks and the Idiot Children that volunteer to be their terrorists. They are all encouraged by evil people. Including you.
What are you going to do? Keep cheering on the Rioters, Looter, Arsonists, and Murderers?
No, you will be counting on others to defend your property while you fly away to someplace safe. While real Americans try to protect your property, too.
You phony Liberals, following your Radical Leftist dream of some Marxist Utopia run by College Professors, own all of this. You and people like you encouraged the Radicals for years, have coddled and protected these criminals from any consequences of their ever-increasing violent behavior. Brenell Trammell’s death death is on you, as well as that Idiot-Child, Garrett Foster who tried to terrorize people that did not deserve it, and had enough already. Your Fault! Let that be on your conscious. (Well, no, Libtards never take responsibility for the bad outcomes of their crazy socialist theories.)
When you get caught up one of their road-blocks and get beat up or worse, remember some people tried to warn you against it. There are Radical Idiot Children out there that hate your guts because you are white and under 30, especially if you are rich, meaning you have anything he/she doesn’t.

July 26th, 2020 at 5:13 pm

And yet, here I am. Your #1 fan. Like a bad marriage without a chance of divorce, eh?

Now that everyone is taking a knee during the National Anthem (or did you miss the season opening of baseball) for BLM, you must be pretty pissed. Oh, sweet Karma, sometimes you have my back. I know I’ll pay a price, but that bi*ch is totally working it.

I actually live in a city that had protests last weekend, and maybe something was going on downtown, but in the residential areas it was crickets. I think your concern about being caught up in roadblocks is a little, well, hystrionical. As in histrionic and hysterical, combined. Have you had your hormones checked?

Since one little sentence telling you I’m not leaving you stirs up a 500+ word reply, I’m going to delve into the webernet archives to review the other incorrect predictions you’ve had over the last few years. OMG, we can see the trend:

1. Death of the Republic!
2. Obama!
3. Destruction of the 2nd Amendment!
4. Alinsky!
5. Birthrights of natural citizens (code for white)!
5. Soros!
6. Obama!
7. Biden!
8. National conspiracy of liberals!
9. Upcoming sedition trials!
10. Hillary!
11. Hillary’s emails!
12. Obama!

I can do this all day long. See you tomorrow.

July 27th, 2020 at 10:58 am

Garrett Foster was former military, carrying a gun while he pushed his quadruple-amputee girlfriend’s wheelchair at the protest rallies. There is conflicting testimony (between the guy who shot Garrett and the dozens who were also witnessed) whether Garrett used his gun inappropriately. This has yet to be proven on either side and is still being investigated. As it should be.

And yet, because his cause was BLM, you call him an idiot. You don’t call any of the counter-protesters showing up with guns idiots. Ken and Karen of St. Louis pointing their little penile guns – idiots? You call THEM patriots (little p is mine) observing their second amendment rights to carry. Interesting. And yes. Racist. Eat it. Own it. Everyone else knows it. Why try to hide it? Let your freaky bigot flag fly, man.

July 27th, 2020 at 11:16 am

And dude, pulling out post-death support of Mr. Trammell (or did I miss your post about your love of him in a prior edition), is the equivalent of saying “I have a black friend”, yet neither knowing where they live or anything personal about them.

You got me on that joke, Bill.

July 27th, 2020 at 11:25 am
Bill Brayshaw

I’ve lived in Black Nations. With a “black” girlfriend, by this silly Current Truth, and was darker from living on a sailboat than many of my “black” friends. Back in the mid to late 70s, I could joke with people (“black” people) How come I’m called white and you’re called black, when I’m 2 or 3 shades darker than you?” and we would all laugh. Moral of the story is color is just skin deep.
And I wasn’t a “cotton-tail” either for the first couple of years back in the States.
Like most everything you say, doesn’t make it true.
I’ve been called a Racist and a “N*****-Lover” on the same day many times. So I’d just say “I must be Just Right, ’cause both sets of bigots hate me.”
The more you hate Trump, America, and people like me, the dumber you get, SMH.
You still don’t know “jack”!

July 27th, 2020 at 1:02 pm
Bill Brayshaw

BLM=Bolshevik Lies Matter
That is what you are supporting.
Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’
“Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” – making clear their movement’s ideological foundation, according to a report.”

Read the rest on your own…but you probably knew that from the start. Right?
You one, too?
I’ve seen some of their Videos.
A Commie can call themselves a “Socialist”, “Democrat”, or whatever else they want to say. Still a Commie, watch the acts.
And a Black person can call me a Racist because I refuse to agree with the crap they are spouting, but you can’t! “Ole Bragging on how Rich you are White Girl”.
The Marxists have stolen YOUR PARTY, dummy! When are YOU going to wake up and do something about taking it back?
Nah, too hard. Just keep on calling me names for trying to teach you something.
When the Commies have you kneeling in a ditch with your hands tied behind you, remember…”I told you so!”
Only thing you got wrong on your list is Natural Born Citizen is “Born in the USA to Citizen Parents”, has nothing to do with Race, color, or parents original ethnicity or nationality, just Citizenship at the time of the child’s birth.
But you would rather lie about that too.
Just like 14th Amendment Citizenship if born in the USA “under US Jurisdiction”. But the D-Rats tell you to “Forget about that Part”. Because the D-Rats wanted to abort 70 Million American Babies and replace them with illegal Socialismos that could have a baby before they were caught and deported, because the baby was born on this side of border?
You going to share your net worth with all them until everyone is equal? That is the Marxist Equal Outcomes… Equal Misery. How Lenin made the Kulaks “Rich” so he could have an excuse to rob them too. By calling a “rich” peasant a “Capitalist” because he owned his own tools or land.
Bye, Felicia.!

July 27th, 2020 at 1:40 pm
Bill Brayshaw

World’s Deadliest Virus.
WATCH THIS! Then look at what is happening.
Then try to argue that the Dem-Socs are American.
And BLM and Antifa are just “Peaceful Demonstrators”.

July 27th, 2020 at 1:53 pm

Bill, you have been whining about the same stuff for what, 10 years? And nothing of what you say is going to happen, happens. For a guy who was so sure that the government was going to invade Texas (remember Jade Helm?) you are a passive lap dog for the militarized non-police that are being sent into cities against the wishes of its citizens.

I wish the whining would stop. But that’s not likely because sick, old, whiny men whine.

Is this not Great Again?

July 30th, 2020 at 2:48 pm

By your claim, China is responsible for the 152,000 deaths, yet Trump is only “suggesting” sanctions (which we all know is codespeak for “sorry Farmers”) against them. In comparison, you champion sending an unmarked government goon squad to take over a city for a 0.00066% death rate in comparison. Yeah, but Democrats are the ones who are communists.

Just letting you know what the rest of the country is saying Bill.

July 30th, 2020 at 5:30 pm

1) Communists (obvi)
2) Socialists
3) Antifa
4)) Democrats
5) BLM
6) Europeans
7) College professors
8) China
9) Republicans that don’t support Trump
10) George Soros (even though he’s a Capitalist)
11) Anti-confederates
12) The Federal Government of the USA
13) Main Stream Media
14) Modern Robber Barons (thanks for the tax cut, DJT!)
15) Californians
16) Seattlites
17) Portland peeps
18) The local post office clerk (just seeing if you’re awake)
19) Phony liberals
20) Real liberals
21) Middle aged wealthy women (regardless of how good looking they are.)
22) And let us no forget the favorite, Alinski, a guy who has been dead for 48 years, and who nobody ever heard of until the far right wing went totally nuts.

July 31st, 2020 at 1:34 pm

Is this not Great Again?

July 31st, 2020 at 1:40 pm

It seems that Ammon Bundy disagrees with your views: https://twitter.com/theepicdept/status/1288820355960799233?s=21&fbclid=IwAR2_6YxYh_sWF-xhoQvvFzlUl1byoL2ijT71md35VzHZiBiUGgkiMT_7Q2s

I did not have that on my 2020 Bingo card. Darn.

July 31st, 2020 at 1:59 pm

So my 80ish blessed mother-in-law informed us last night that Trump would not get her vote after all. Even if she has to wait in line for 10 hours.

This is not the first family/friend who has also said they just cannot go for him again. In fact, just within my family we are up to 3. Among my friends, that adds another 6. Then there are those friends and coworkers (10) who didn’t vote because they couldn’t “like” Hillary, who are now “hating” Trump more. That’s just among people I know.

I know I’ve had this math lesson before, but maybe it is a good idea to review the reality of the numbers.
* For every 2016 Trump voter that goes for Biden in 2020, that is 2 voters Trump has to make up to stay even
* For every non-voter that goes for Biden in 2020, that is 1 voter that Trump has to find to stay even.
Trump’s #1 age demographic is the +60, which is also the most susceptible to the virus, yet vote by mail for them might not be an option. Will they all feel as strong as my MIL to wait in line? Or will a 5-10% group say, nah, I got work.
He’s maxed out the suburbs, which are actually offended by his stance on BLM and think he’s totally left the cities behind with COVID management.

Shrinking voter base. Maybe the Senate will turn too. I think people are much more clear now than 4 years ago. They know there is nothing Great Again about right now. They want 8 years ago Great Again.

July 31st, 2020 at 2:20 pm

The term of the President and Vice President has a stated end. If the election were contested and still going through the courts, the President’s current term would still legally end, as would the Vice President’s. And who does the Constitution place the Presidency with while all this is figured out (assuming she wins reelection by her constituents and fellow Congress members to head up the House which is very, very likely)? Nancy Pelosi. Madam President.


August 1st, 2020 at 10:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Liberalism, especially the Leftist-Liberalism, is a Mental Disease and is increasingly FATAL!


The mother of a four-year-old boy and her girlfriend were arrested on capital murder charges Friday regarding the child’s beating death in Fort Worth, Texas.

“Shannon Gray, 23, and her girlfriend Reyna Marie Sanchez, 24, each faces a capital murder charge in connection with the death of Gray’s son, Stetson Blackburn,” 11 Alive reported.”

Everyone needs to see the video, the perps, and read the details. This is horrible!

But the worse thing about this story is these “women” admit criminal abuse on this child like it is “no big deal”. Do they think that beating up on a little boy is somehow OK, because they are “Striking back at the Patriarchy! Up the Revolution!” ??.

Dem-Socialist Identity Politics is creating a Victim Mentality in their “Victim Groups”, and a contempt of law and civilized behavior that is nothing less than INSANE!

And,… oh, yeah, Defund the Police! The Radical Left, especially Radical Leftist Internet Sites, Community Organizers, College Professors, MSM Manure Spreader Propagandists, and Lefty-Lib “teachers” own this! These “Feminist Heads-full-of-mush” have been taught that they can do whatever they want, regardless of consequences because of their ‘Victim Status’ as Lesbians..

They both need to “ride the needle” for this and have it Televised! This is a result of the current insanity of the “Socialist Revolution in America”.

A Revolution against Civilization and personal responsibility.

August 1st, 2020 at 8:09 pm
Bill Brayshaw

All you ever have is personal insults. And you don’t know me or a thing about me. You just try to twist anything to suit your Lefty-Lib “world view”, or what ever you call it.
Why don’t you try to post something intelligent to back up your complaints?
And you call me “whining”? Get a load of yourself!

August 1st, 2020 at 8:15 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“Chicago homicides increase 50 percent in 2020, 139 percent in July alone, data shows.”.
Actual numbers. See how well Dem-Soc Lefty Libs run things.
Is this what you want for Houston, SMH?. It is spreading, look at the Left Coast and NYC (Sodom-on-the-Hudson). This is what your D-Rat Party Platform is encouraging. Just wait until you see it.
Old Dems will be voting for Trump in droves by Nov 3.

August 1st, 2020 at 9:09 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Police: 150 Bullets Hit Eight Apartments, Seven Cars, and One Woman in Portland
Isn’t that special? And they want to do away with Police? Just another day in The Peoples Democratic Republic of Portland.

August 1st, 2020 at 9:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Progressive Socialists want more Americans to die, especially old Conservatives. And stop any conversation on the evidence that shows what the criminal Marxist-Globalists are really doing.

August 1st, 2020 at 9:22 pm

Um. Nobody is calling on anyone to die. Perhaps you could link to a source other than the source that wants to make you think that someone wants you to die.

Ironic that a man who refused chemo treatment is accusing others of killing him.

August 2nd, 2020 at 1:01 pm

I fail to get your connection between two homicidal women who horrendously murdered a child and the Democratic party. I don’t believe you provided anything except for the fact that they were lesbians? Your inference (because you won’t actually come out and say it?) is that because they are gay, they must be Democrats and that they were influenced by the Democratic party?
Sounds a lot like Pizzagate to me. Very much crust and where’s the pepperoni?

August 2nd, 2020 at 5:24 pm

150 bullets hit an apartment building and nobody dead. But you have your panties all up around your ears.

Gee, too bad you didn’t feel that way after Sandy Hook. And that was kindergartners who died.

August 2nd, 2020 at 5:32 pm

You want an actual victim? How about Federal Judge Esther Salas and her family.

August 3rd, 2020 at 12:58 pm

Happy 90th George!

August 9th, 2020 at 10:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

More on HCQ.
As of a few minutes ago 173,128 Americans have died from the Chicom Virus Death rate 523/million populating. In Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, their death rate is 17/million.
In Communist Cuba, death rate is 8/million. 88 people died in the whole country!
What is the difference? HCQ is given at the first sign. And many people in swampy areas take it regularly to prevent Malaria.
If we had the same death rate here we would have had about 2640 deaths.
Oh, And Doctors are proving that Ivermec does stop Covid. Better than HCQ, apparently by the same way, preventing the virus from breaching healthy cells and replicating. If the virus doesn’t replicate it “dies”.
Louie Gohmert caught it, flew home, got HCQ was better in 4 days. Tested negative for the Virus in 6.

August 16th, 2020 at 9:20 pm

Unfortunately, after his “cure” Louie Gohmert is still the same idiot.

August 17th, 2020 at 7:52 am

Here are the things Cuba did to stop the virus spread that the USA refused to do:
1) Free health care for all citizens
2) Mandatory lock down in March when first 3 cases were detected
3) Investment in PPE and requirement to wear masks
4) Closed ALL borders, schools, transportation
5) All nonessential businesses (including hair salons) were mandated closed.
6) Did NOT use Hydroxychloroquine to treat patients, but did explore new treatments
7) Invested in contact tracing of all cases from the beginning of the infection
8) Schools and public transportation closed until Phase 5 of recovery, not Phase 2.
9) Urged their citizens to stay home, and supported them with income to help make that happen throughout the outbreak.

August 17th, 2020 at 9:30 am

* Over 170,000 Dead
* Schools shut down/online for kids
* $3 Trillion dollar deficit
* Food lines that stretch for miles
* 30 Million people unemployed
* Protesters filling the streets
* Permanent bankruptcies of businesses
* Coin shortages for businesses still open
* Empty office buildings
* No theater, ball games, concerts
* Shortages of cleaning items
* Can’t travel to other countries
* Restaurants and bars closed/limited business
* Much, much slower mail services
* Limited medical services


August 18th, 2020 at 6:27 am
Untitled Document