“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)
Independence Day
Read the Declaration of Independence again. Try to understand what the words mean. The Declaration of Independence is our FOUNDING DOCUMENT. More here about what that really Means! And see: https://tnm.me/news/commentary/truth-independence-day-july-4th?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=truth-independence-day-july-4th&goal=0_244a299551-462db8bccd-320799717&mc_cid=462db8bccd&mc_eid=a3732b35cc
The Constitution was a “Contract” between We the PEOPLE of the Several States, then recognized as ‘Independent Nations’ by the Treaty of Paris-1783; the Governments of those Several States; and a “created entity” called the United States, or “Federal Govt”. This Contract created the Federal Govt and gave it specific and limited powers. The Federal Govt was the “agent” of the other Parties to create a “Union” for the defense of all Parties and secure borders; to regulate trade both between the State, and with foreign nations; a Postal Service; and to provide the diplomatic services needed with foreign powers. Another important Federal Duty was to create, mint, and regulate a stable currency. Also to regulate Citizenship and Immigration for the benefit of the Citizens (We the People), the States, and the Union.
At this point in our history, the Federal Govt does not perform any of these mandated services for the benefit of the Citizens, or the States. In fact, usually quite the opposite. President Trump has tried very hard to bring the Federal Govt back to being a “better agent”, more loyal to their Sworn Duties under the Constitution, and trying to limit the bureaucracies to their mandated duties. The Federal UniParty Establishment has resisted, obstructed, lied about, and even falsely accused and brought law-suits against him; even tried to impeach him over his trying to do his sworn duty and keep promises to the Voters who put him in office. The various departments, bureaucracies, even Courts are in “seditious rebellion” against not only President Trump and the American Citizen/Voters, but the Constitution (Contract) that created the “Federal Govt”, and the Existing Laws, Constitutionally passed by previous Administrations.
The ‘Federal Govt”, in many of it’s departments, is refusing to follow the spirit, intent, or letter of the Constitution, to the severe detriment of many States and most of our lawful Citizens. Those “Federal” entities are in violation of their Oaths to our “Contract”, causing corruption of the Courts with “Case Law” instead of Constitutional Law, and refusing to hold certain Judges and Justices to their Oaths of Office, making it impossible for President Trump as Chief Executive to “Enforce the Contract”. Under American Law, Common Law, and historical Western Law, whenever one Party is in Violation of a Contract, and the Other Parties have no legal means to enforce the Contract, the Contract become(s) NULL and VOID.
The Constitution created the Federal Govt, so if the Constitution is null and void, then so is the Fe(de)ral Govt. Therefore, The Several States, lawfully each a separate “nation under international law” from the Declaration of Independence, don’t even need to “secede”! The Federal Govt by it’s refusal to follow the Contract, allowing repeated violations of its own laws by favored individuals and groups, and usurpation of powers not mandated by the Contract, even if created by Bureaucratic Fiat or regulation, this unlawful “Fe(de)ral Govt” has destroyed itself.
We must return to the Declaration of Independence as our sole LAWFUL Founding Document. The Several States can simply “WalkAway” from the self-destroyed Dem-Soc/Marxist/Globalist “Fe(de)ral Govt”, and seek among themselves to form a new “Union”, or not, as it best suits the desires and means of their Property Owners, Producers, and other loyal lawful Citizens willing to defend their States.
Hard times require hard decisions by hard men and women willing to defend, rebuild, and improve their communities and States. The Gimmiecrats, Globalists, Marxists, and other parasites will not, and can not without control of the Productive Citizens and the real wealth we produce. American Citizens of all races, backgrounds, skills, and present economic levels CAN, as long as they have the desire and will to do so, and follow:
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men (and Women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”
The “long Train of Abuses and Usurpation” we have suffered so long at the hands of Marxists and Globalists “pursuing invariably the same Object”, a centralized and totalitarian Federal Govt, to rule “under absolute Despotism”rather than govern under our Constitution. To rule for the benefit of ‘self-appointed Elite and their minions’, rather than the safety, liberty, and individual Rights of our Citizens, MUST END! The Original Intent of the Constitution must be enforced for all loyal, law-abiding American Citizens, not “Federally preferred Special Groups, Foreign Entities, foreign philosophies, or Mega Rich would-be Oppressors”. Or to provide wage slaves and New Voters for these Anti-American elements.
We are “Created equal”, but do not stay equal in ability, education, or skills. It is beyond the earthly powers of any govt to “create prosperity for all”, only equal opportunity; but a corrupt govt can “create artificial prosperity” for some by stealing the production of wealth from others. Govts cannot create wealth except through slavery or theft, or by what they like to now call “Redistribution”, or creating Fiat ‘money’ that only destroys the value of the previously earned currency. There is NO Free Lunch! Someone always “pays”, and if you take anything from a corrupt govt, it will end up being you, also.
Washington DC is completely dysfunctional now. Either they get back to the Constitution, or the Conservative Christian States will have to separate. The Dem-Socs and their Media are intentionally leading the gullible people into Anarchy and a Marxist Revolution; so let them have it and see how long that lasts! After they fail, perhaps they will want to rejoin a Constitutional Union, but they are now the “Insufferable Abuses”, and Constitutionalist Americans will not tolerate Marxist Globalist slavery.