Russell Jones of Port O’Connor was born December 13, 1936. He passed away on July 20, 2020.
Russell was preceded in death by one son, Randy Reed. He is survived by his wife Sally Jones; son Rusty Reed; daughters Robin Chapman and Rachel Sanchez, and six grandchildren.
When my sailing days are over,
And I sail the seas no more,
I shall build myself a refuge
By the ocean’s swelling shore.
As I watch the foaming breakers
When the tide comes rushing in,
I shall contemplate my lifetime
With its virtues and its sins.
Where the azure of the heavens
Meets the undulating blue,
Where the sweeping, soaring seagull
Flies its endless quest for food,
It is there that I would rest,
When my work on earth is done.
At the endless blue horizon,
Beneath the setting sun.
May the wind be at my back,
As I sail eternal seas,
And may those who love me wish me,
Fair Weather! And Godspeed!