Help Study Sea Turtles

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Aug 20 - Comments Off on Help Study Sea Turtles

Download the iSeaTurtle app on Google Play or Apple App Store and help Texas A&M University Scientists study Sea Turtles in the Matagorda Bay Ecosystem. The Matagorda Bay Ecosytem Assessment is a cooperative project between Texas Sea Grant, The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, the Texas Comptrollers Office and the Plotkin Lab.

Part of the Ecosystem Assesment will study Sea Turtles in Matagorda Bay. There are 3 different species of Sea Turtles that live in this area. Scientists at Texas A&M University have developed the iSeaTurtle app which will allow the public to report Sea Turtles that they see when they are in the bay. Several of the local fishing guides have assisted Texas Sea Grant by field testing the app so modifications could be made before it was released to the general public.

The iSeaTurtle app is availible for both iphone and Andriod devices. The app is free to download and easy to use. Once the user has downloaded the app to their phone all they have to do is open the app and click the “Send Location” button when they observe a sea turtle. Once this is done the app will open a map showing the users location and allow the user to hit the “Submit” button. The location will be sent anonamously to a website that will show the reported location. If you want to see the map showing the locations of the sea turtle sightings go to

When you mark your first sea turtle sighting get someone on your boat to take a picture of you doing it or take a selfie and email it to me at We will post it on Texas Sea Grant social media.

Thanks for helping us out. RJ Shelly, Calhoun County Extension Agent – Coastal and Marine Resources

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