Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Aug 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

WOW, we have really had some Hot Days! This means that King Fisher Park & Beach has had many visitors. What with all the issues, our Chamber has had many calls asking if our beach and launching ramps are open, as many around our area has been closed. I hope all have at least driven by the beach and perhaps stopped to walk down to a table, sit and enjoyed the piece of paradise that we have. So many families are getting out and enjoying themselves, which is great!!

Seems fishing has been very good in our area. Lots of fish being cleaned at the docks.

The County donated face masks to the Chamber for July 4th, there were many left over, so if you are a member and would like some, please contact us, there will be baggies of 5 each, at the Senior Luncheon on Tuesdays. Also, you can pick them up at Beacon 44 Seafood on Sunday or Monday.

Our next meeting will be September 14th, 6:30 pm, Port O’Connor Community Center. Everyone is invited

New Members:
POC Liquor
Bay Flats Lodge Resort
Junek Consulting LLC
Sea Isle RV Park
Red Snapper Round Up

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