Tale of the Interlink

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Aug 20 - Comments Off on Tale of the Interlink

This fine tale begins with the origin of the flag of Ireland.

It begins with a bar of green to stand side-by-side with a bar of orange. The green represents the Catholics and the orange represents the Protestants. In between the two is a bar of white. The white is a representation of peace.

Ireland has been through their fair share of battles. It has been a battle between Southern Ireland (Catholics) and Northern Ireland (Protestants). From Dublin to Belfast, that battle has occurred for many years.

The origins of the flag of Ireland is a promotion of peace and unity. You may have differences with your neighbor, but the good Lord above will ultimately prevail and tell you, “Peace be with you.”

That is why I would like to share this modified version of the flag of Ireland. I call her the Interlink Flag of Ireland. It is meant to not only further the peace in Ireland, but that of the country that we all love and honor so dearly, which is these United States of America.
May God bless y’all as an American of Irish heritage!

Take care,
The McDaniels

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give to you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid. – John 14:27

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