Reese Carroll, Carson Carroll and Colton Coan had a great morning with their dads and got their limit of Red Snapper. July 18,2020 out of Port O’Connor on Clay Coan’s 23’ Seacraft

Macy Weldon, 18, landed her first tilefish on July 4, 2020. It measured 39.5 inches and came up from 950 feet. Way to go, little lady!

Adrenaline catch for a 13-year-old! POC Big Jetties

Cade Kuykendall age 7 fishing with his dad Glen Kuykendall and finding a solid stringer of trout while wading.

An outstanding offshore fishing trip taken in early July. The huge red snapper were hungry and put up a heck of a fight. Not only are these fish fun to catch but are our favorite fish to eat. We were back at the dock at midday and had plenty of time to clean the fish and boat and still enjoy the rest of the day.
It will be so sad to see the federal season for red snapper come to an end soon as the weather has not been very cooperative for offshore fishing as of late. The wind and waves have seldom been favorable for a comfortable and safe trip to the offshore fishing grounds.
Pictured are: Jim and Susie Guhlin, Dave Pope and Gerry Rueduger.