“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.”

Kamala Devi Harris

Joe Biden announced Kamala Harris as his pick for Vice President. She is a figure of much controversy, another very poor choice by Biden, if he actually made the choice. He seemed to have some difficulty reading the announcement in the video. Kamala was a very unsuccessful candidate for President, accused Biden of being a “racist”, and was an early drop-out.

Kamala Devi Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan named her the Sanskrit words for lotus and goddess. She had come to the US from Madras, India to study endocrinology at Berkley where she married Donald J. Harris a Jamaican economist working on his doctorate. Harris was a graduate of the University of London and a proud descendant of prominent Plantation and slave-owner Hamilton Brown, also the founder of Brown’s Town in agricultural St. Ann’s Parish.

Both of her parents were in college, apparently on Student Visas, neither were US Citizens at the time of her birth. The Democrats claim she has “Birth-right Citizenship” under the 14th Amendment, but that has never been fully adjudicated. The 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States”. Are persons traveling under a foreign passport, under a Temporary Visa (Student Visa) totally under US Jurisdiction? They would be for Criminal and Civil law, but not under US Jurisdiction for Citizenship Issues. The 14th Amendment was written to guarantee Citizenship to American slaves and children of Immigrants, whose Parents had Permanent Resident status. If Mr. Harris can produce an original Draft Card dated previous to Kamala’s birth, then he was under “Under US Jurisdiction”, if not he was not he was a “Visitor” under passport. He did become a US Citizen later, but I can find no record of her mother becoming a citizen.

The Democrats refuse to even mention “natural born Citizen” when talking about Kamala. They are again ignoring the Constitution and the requirement of “natural born Citizen” as a requirement for President. The correct definition is “born in the country to citizen parents” from The Law of Nations, Section 212. The Dems got away with Obama because his mother was a US Citizen, but now they want to extend the Presidency to an “Anchor Baby”.

If we do not defend our Constitution and the Republic created by it, we will surely lose both; to the “Creeping Marxist Socialism and Globalism”, currently pushed by the radical Left elements of the Democrat-Socialist Party. Kamala Devi Harris is their candidate.

Kamala Harris describes herself as an “Afro-American Woman”. Genetically, she is half Indian and half Jamaican from her father who appears to be 1/4 or less Negro. Her parents divorced when she was seven and she moved with her mother to Canada. Did her mother become a Canadian Citizen, and Kamala become Canadian too? Kamala graduated from Westmount High School, Westmount, Quebec, in 1981. She came to Washington DC to attend Howard University. What Citizenship did Kamala use at that time? Was she Canadian by her residency and custody to her mother, or could she claim US citizenship? Perhaps it was easier to gain admittance as a Foreign Student, and to score a scholarship?

Kamala polled well at first, peaked at 23% in CA polls after accusing Biden of being a racist in the Miami, FL debate, but she slid quickly and so did donations. By Nov 2019, a LA Times Poll showed 61% CA voters wanted her to quit. She was polling at 7% in CA. When she quit there were still 24 other candidates still running. Non-partisan GovTrack.us website rated Sen. Kamala Harris “the most left-wing member of the Senate” in 2019, even further left than “Democratic Socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders. She was only the “4th Most Socialist” in 2018. Kamala supports Defunding the Police, The Green New Deal, Open Borders, Outsourcing to India and H-1b Visas, Defunding the Pentagon, and is extreme Anti-Gun, supports bans and forced confiscations. But the New York Times tries to label her “a pragmatic Moderate”? They are going to have to do some serious white-washing of her record, and the Search Engines have already started. Kamala’s maternal Grandfather, P. V. Gopalan was described as a “socialist leader in the Indian Govt” previously, but now as a “professional civil servant”. How definitions change, and quickly, too. Her socialist attitude seems to be a family tradition. Kamala started in politics as an intern under Alan Cranston while a student at Howard and she moved to CA after graduation. She was active in Dem politics, went to Law School at UC Hastings College in San Francisco, graduated in 1989, passed the Bar in 1990, and was hired as a Deputy District Attorney of Alameda County. She was well known as Willie Brown’s girl-friend, and was appointed to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later the California Medical Assistance Commission. Harris took a “leave of absence” from her prosecutor job to serve in those positions. In 1998, she was hired by the San Francisco District Attorneys Office and promoted to head the Career Criminal Division. In 2000 she moved to City Hall working for the City Attorney running the Family and Children’s Services. In a contentious campaign Kamala won the District Attorney Office in 2004. She was elected to the CA Attorney General Office in a 2010 election where the lead changed 4 times during a post election count of Mail-In and Provisional ballots from Nov 2 to Nov 24, when her opponent finally conceded. She won the 2016 Senate race and went to Washington where she quickly made a name for herself as a very Left Liberal Senator. After her false accusations against Justice Kavenaugh, she became rated the 4th most “Liberal Senator” in 2018, and the “Most Liberal” in 2019, But she was often criticized for neglecting her Senate Duties to campaign for President.

President Trump has mocked this ticket as “Slow Joe & Phony Kamala”. Unfortunately true, in her first speech on Aug 13, she told 4 major lies. So, here we go again.

36 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Just Tom

The last gasp of a racist loser here, folks.

August 21st, 2020 at 6:55 am
Just Tom

I’ve been in this world a along time, sitting at the table while old guys talk unfiltered about this stuff. This has been cleaned up a bit, language wise, but make no mistake for “we hate everyone not white and will find a reason to make it fit.” And it has nothing to do with BLM, this kind of table talk has been going on my entire life and I’m old too. I walked away from that behavior, but now I feel, as a Christian, to point out that there is an agenda here. an agenda of old white guys who hate immigrants and people of color.

I grew up Republican, but I cannot put myself in the same party as this trash.

August 21st, 2020 at 7:12 am

Talk about Anchor Babies! We’ve got one in office right now! PTrump’s Mother didn’t get her US Citizenship until 4 years after she gave birth to one Donald J. Trump!

August 21st, 2020 at 12:11 pm

That pesky 14th Amendment that you left off your explanation of “natural born citizen” disagrees with your “definition” (from what source, you do not list, but probably something deeply darkly anti-immigrant). Then there was a Supreme Court case that confirmed being born on US soil is, in fact, a natural born citizen.

But “No” says Mr. Brayshaw, using the Royal “we disagree” yet has no basis or fact with which to make his claim.

You want to be right? Take it to court and prove it or lose it. You know you won’t because it is settled law of the country. Nobody, N.o.b.o.d.y. is going to send back all the people that this would effect. But go ahead and knock your head against that wall some more.

August 21st, 2020 at 1:30 pm

Let us compare what you threaten will happen with a Biden/Harris win, to what is actually happening (fact vs. fiction):
* Over 170,000 Dead
* Schools shut down/online for kids
* $3 Trillion dollar deficit
* Food lines that stretch for miles
* 30 Million people unemployed
* Protesters filling the streets
* Permanent bankruptcies of businesses
* Coin shortages for businesses still open
* Empty office buildings
* No theater, ball games, concerts
* Shortages of cleaning items
* Can’t travel to other countries
* Restaurants and bars closed/limited business
* Much, much slower mail services
* Limited medical services
* State and county surpluses decimated
* 25% Depression rate among citizens
* No National plan to end the pandemic

IS THIS NOT GREAT AGAIN? It is what you’ve wanted all along, is it not?

August 21st, 2020 at 2:01 pm

From the Houston Chronicle
Opinion: I’m a gun totin’ Texas Republican, and I’m voting for Biden to preserve the Union
By William Treadway Aug. 20, 2020 Updated: Aug. 20, 2020 1:28 p.m.

Well, we have met the enemy, and he is a bigoted, failed businessman whose primary use of the American presidency has been to dodge accountability for his own misdeeds, to distract from ongoing Russian attacks on both our election systems and our soldiers, and of course, to line his pockets with money squeezed from the blood and sweat and suffering of Americans nationwide.

He has even sent federal agents, dressed like my soldiers were in Afghanistan, to a city near you with the prime goal of beating, assaulting and abducting women, veterans, and others exercising their First Amendment rights as part of a program of unconstitutional “proactive arrests.” (Never has a more Stalinist term been uttered in this decade.)

Trump is an existential threat to the United States. That is not hyperbole. Many Republican friends will say that they, too, understand that fact, and find his behavior abhorrent. Yet, when it comes to considering Joe Biden, the struggle remains very real.

Their solution instead is to pick a third party, write-in Captain America or simply not cast a ballot at all.

This would be an evasion of civic responsibility. The right to vote is sacred and hard-earned, and to waste it on what amounts to abstention is an insult to those who have given their lives to protect that privilege.

The only powers we citizens have against such a reckless and cruel administration as Trump’s are the voice and the vote. While one voice and one vote may seem too minimal to have any impact against a government so powerful, if we all join in chorus, a nationwide roar, we can reclaim our America from under the boot of an abusive, corrupt and shameful administration.

Staying home this fall or voting for a write-in under these conditions would be a gutless act. The two-century experiment in self-government that’s given us all so much is in need of just one thing to keep from withering: A sensible vote from responsible citizens.

In the face of a national leader so toxic to the Republic and her people as Trump, the policy goals of his opponent become irrelevant next to the preservation of the Union. What we need right now more than anything is stable, honest leadership and serious accountability for those who’ve wronged this nation and her people. We need a President Joe Biden.

As for the Republican Party, perhaps someday in the distant future, they will have reformed themselves into something respectable that I could support once again. After all, the shame of Watergate and President Richard Nixon’s resignation was separated from Ronald Reagan’s monumental landslide by just six short years. But until the last remnants of Trump’s caustic influence have been wiped from this country, the only conscionable recourse for us last true Republicans is to cross the aisle until the party changes course.

I will be voting for Biden this fall — and for M.J. Hegar for Senate and, with some reluctance, Sheila Jackson Lee for the U.S. House of Representatives — because, at this dark hour, it is the right and responsible thing to do. It is what all patriotic Americans — Democrats, Republicans and Independents — must do to preserve our country.

I’m willing to announce it, openly and proudly, because while it may not align with my policy goals, it aligns perfectly with my oath to protect this nation from danger. I understand that others cannot take that position publicly. But when you fill out your ballot, whether you do it at home or in a voting booth, remember: I’m on your side, and always have been.

We’ll be secret allies for now, and later, when our country has healed, we will take pride together, knowing that we did our part to save it.

Treadway is a Republican from Houston and a veteran of the U.S. Army

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:18 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re # 3
You are lying as usual Mary Anne McLeod immigrated in 1930. Married Fred Trump on Jan 11, 1936, and was Naturalized a US Citizen March 10,1942. Donald was born June 14, 1946.
Since she was a Legal Immigrant, even if she was not married, all her children were Lawfully 14th Amendment Citizens. Not “Anchor Babies” children falsely claiming to US Citizens, not born to Legal Immigrants in the US.
She was married to a US Citizen, so her children also had Birth-Right Citizenship through their father, Fred Trump.
Donald was her 4th child. Born 4 years AFTER she became a Naturalized Citizen.
SMH, you need to investigate facts rather than believing false Propaganda from your Anti-American sources.
You want to believe what you want to believe, but you are lying here and probably knowingly lying.
You do it regularly.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:27 pm

You forgot, Kamala also dated Montel Williams. Obviously both men had excellent taste in who they dated.
Other than that, what does it matter who she dated? Have you not seen her in action? She’s the real deal when it comes to Senate hearings. Maybe that’s why you don’t like her? Because she’s a strong, smart, ambitious woman? And because women have become more than just Suburban Housewives, and recognize the struggle it has taken for her to get to where she is. We have, as we have recently been reminded, only been allowed to vote for 100 out of the last 245…..

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:35 pm

Kamala’s parents were here legally. The Constitution, and by further definition the 14th Amendment, say born here, citizen here.
Sayeth the Gander to the Goose.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:39 pm
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, you are intentionally lying again.
The 14th Amendment states “Citizen”, not “natural born Citizen” and you know it.
There has been no SCOTUS Case that ” that confirmed being born on US soil is, in fact, a natural born citizen.” Another LIE!
Tell me the case and I will research it.
You are probably using the the Leftist lie of “Kim Van Ark”, a Chinese born in the US to legal immigrant parents who after saving money returned to China. Kim returned to the US and was denied entry. He sued and SCOTUS decided he was a “Native born US Citizen” as covered by the 14th Amendment and must be given entry. NOT “natural born Citizen”. There is one mistaken reference in writing about the decision. But that was NOT the finding of the Court decision. That is anothe Propaganda lie.
Like the 1790 Law to protect US seamen that falsely refers to children born to US fathers as “Natural born Citizens”, that law was repealed and replaced because of unlawful mistakes. That one was tried by Ted Cruz.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:41 pm

Really Bill, you are endless on how Great America is NOT. Doesn’t it get tiring?

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:42 pm

US vs. Wong Kim Ark, 1898. Never been overturned.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #5
Covid 19 came from China, not Trump. The Democrats did make it worse by fighting Trump on the ban on people coming from China, and the Ban on people coming from the EU, when it became the “Global Hot Spot.”
Democrat mismanagement and initial refusal to believe Trump made the New York City area the new “Hot Spot” for months, and still the greatest concentration of cases and deaths.
You are just parroting you Party’s lies again.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:47 pm

You dislike Kamala as a politician, because she’s made it where she is by hard work. Everyone gets ahead in this world by knowing other people and grabbing opportunity when it happens your way. You still have to prove you are capable, and there is no failure of her past that can be held up against her.

So that is why you go low with the dating, the implied “slept her way”, and the so damning to nobody, liberal. Because there really isn’t anything else to say that women haven’t heard in their lives before. Too, too, too, too many times.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:49 pm

There has been ample opportunity to challenge Wong Kim Ark in over 100 years. Like I said earlier, take it to court and prove your case. Or quit whining about what has become settled law of the land.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:51 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re 6
An Opinion Article by a rabid Anti-Trumper from the Houston Chronicle is, just that.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:52 pm

Are you implying that because the 170,000 dead were mostly US Citizens who lived in urban areas, that their deaths are less important? That somehow because they elected Democrats to run their cities they “got what they deserved”? That New York is not happening in Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Austin, Dallas or Fort Worth?

You are no Patriot, sir. You are a manic, party-rabid old man.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:55 pm

Most of my Republican friends agree with him, not you.
Every former Trump voter that goes Biden is a -2 for Trump. One lost vote to make up, one additional vote to stay even.

August 23rd, 2020 at 12:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #12
SMH, OK, you got me! I got the name wrong.
Read the Decision. Wong was granted recognition as
a US Citizen by the 14th Amendment and therefor allowed to enter the US. That was the Decision.

Not run for President. A mistake in the writing by one Justice, does not change the decision of the court to extend it to a subject that was not argued in the case or decided by the other justices.
Yes, even Supreme Court Justices some times make clerical errors. That is another reason we need a Court to hear the evidence of “Original Intent” and make a clear decision on the definitions of both “natural born Citizen” and “14th Amendment Citizen” and the meaning of “US Jurisdiction”.
As I have stated full “US Jurisdiction” does not extend to persons traveling or temporarily staying in the US on a Temporary Visa and a Foreign Passport. Only those with a Permanent Residency/Immigration Visa.

August 23rd, 2020 at 1:05 pm
Bill Brayshaw

There is no reason to challenge Wong Kim Ark, he was a 14th Amendment Citizen.
Your interpretation is false.
There were over a hundred cases files from 2008 to 2012 trying to clarify the “natural born Citizen” clause. Everyone was quashed by “Denying Standing” by Perkins-Coie Legal Team. Paid over %5 million by the Obama Campaign, from their campaign records.
Even Alan Keyes, a black American, candidate for President in a third Party was denied a hearing, because the Obamunist Lawyers argued “he didn’t have a chance to win”.
You know all this, I’ve been writing about it for all this years.
If you really were honest and believed your propaganda, why do you not support an Open Public Trial, so all the historical evidence, judicial misinterpretations, mistakes, opinions, and lies be brought out and looked at in the light?
Because you know you will lose! So it is easier to keep calling Constitutionalists “Racists!”, and denying the Truth Tellers and Truth Seekers a chance to prove what these LAWS really mean.

August 23rd, 2020 at 1:20 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Cut to the chase. By all your arguments, you do ad mit that Kamala’s parents were not Citizens at the time of her birth, and were nor Permanent Resident/Immigrants. Right?
So, you do admit that Kamala, was in fact and Anchor Baby, right?
So your argument is:
1. A 14th Amendment “Citizen” is the same as a “Natural born Citizen”.
2. Persons here on a Temp Visa and Foreign Passport are the same as Lawful Permanent Resident/Immigrants?
Just trying to clarify for everyone.
I think your arguments are ludicrous, and you are a Dem-Soc troll and nuttier than Grandma’s Fruitcake.

August 23rd, 2020 at 1:31 pm

If what you say were true, the way things are would not be the way things are. We recognize that case as the law of the land. That YOU don’t, in a country of 340 million people, is irrelevant.
Shoulda woulda coulda.

August 23rd, 2020 at 4:01 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Don’t Lie to Me!
Justice with Judge Jeanine

August 23rd, 2020 at 4:27 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #22.
What I write is true, to the best understanding of years of research and actually studying the facts. And you probably know my evidence is true, it just doesn’t suit you, or the Agenda, so you deny the facts by twisting clerical errors. and ignoring the fact that the Constitution can NOT be changed except by Amendment.
Things are “the way they are”, because of because The D-Rats ran a candidate they KNEW was not Eligible,after several attempts to change the meaning of “natural born Citizen”. They then quashed all the citizens attempts to have the issue decided by Trial in Federal Court. And still try to ignore it. They probably got Slow Joe to pick Kamala, because they hope to make a Case of “Acquiescence” since the gutless gelding RINOs are not making a fuss over the Dems constantly ignoring the Constitution and chipping away at Original Intent.
Anyone with an ounce of sense would recognize if the Founders wrote “natural born Citizen” they meant something different than just “Citizen”, and if they meant the 14th Amendment to include “natural born Citizen”, they would have written it so.
Dishonest lawyers wanting to win their argument “by any means necessary” have given you the false arguments, and your head-full-of-mush is greedy to accept anything that suits your purpose. But all are afraid to face a trial where real evidence must be presented. The historical facts are what they are, but it will take expert historians, with the documents to prove it in Court and a Court Decision on the exact meaning of the words to shut up the crooked D-Rat Lawyers and Propagandists.
All I can do is present the TRUTH and tell you where to find the evidence.
I can explain it to you, and have dozens of times, but you have to do some honest research on your own, verify the facts, and accept them. Since you don’t/won’t, it is only because you don’t want to verify the Truth, or you simply want to deny the Truth.
From years of experience with you and false statements, I believe it is the latter. You intentionally repeat lies, most that you know are Lies, because you don’t like the Truth. The Democrat Party is no more. The current idea of Mob Voting by Cheat-By-Mail proves that your party is not “democratic”, but wants massive fraud by your Organizations to harvest the mass mail-out ballots to “people” of unconfirmed citizenship, unconfirmed residence, and even unconfirmed existence with “Mail In Registration”, fill them out, and deliver them to the Election Supervisors. You know as well as I the USPS can provide any Ballot Security. And that is the only way your Party – the Marxist/Globalist Dem-Socialist Party can win elections.
You and your Party intend to not only destroy our Constitutional Republic, but also destroy any sense of an honest “democracy”, where only Citizens vote in their district and precinct of their residence!

August 23rd, 2020 at 5:13 pm

I vote Absentee, my man.

August 23rd, 2020 at 7:08 pm

And yet. For all you scream at how the world should be, it is not changing that way, making you angrier and angrier and not one single baby born in the USA has been removed of their citizenship. Not one. Out of what 20 million at least. The numbers are against you again.

August 23rd, 2020 at 7:12 pm

Trump used to be a hard Democrat until he saw a weakened Republican party he could take over.

August 23rd, 2020 at 7:34 pm

After all, Bill. It is what it is.

August 23rd, 2020 at 7:35 pm
Bill Brayshaw

It is Marxist cosplaying as “Democrats”. Stealing your party turning it into Bolsheviks. Being cheered on by Soros own Manure-Spreader Media, while the Dem-Soc “leadership” all make inane excuses, and the ‘Nut&Slut Ticket’ mumble about slavery and race,
Look at Kenosha. And it is 89 days of Riot and Revolution in Portland and Seattle.
That is the Dem-Soc Campaign – Antifa & Burn/Loot/Murder, plus hundreds of Idiot Children watching the party. That is your Party, SMH. That is what you excuses have created.

August 25th, 2020 at 1:39 pm
Just Tom

I believe I have seen you call out for private militia on your published platform sir. That crazed seventeen year old belongs to people like you.

August 27th, 2020 at 7:21 am
Just Tom

And you shouldn’t post after consuming alcohol. Which is all I can assume after comment 29.

August 27th, 2020 at 7:22 am

Kyle Rittenhouse will spend the rest of his life in prison for taking the lives of two men unjustly. But you don’t care. He served your purposes. He answered the call. Sicko.

August 27th, 2020 at 11:20 am
Just Tom

How RepubliKKKan are you, sir?

September 1st, 2020 at 8:44 pm

How was KKKenosha? Not back yet? Decide to stay?

September 3rd, 2020 at 8:45 am

If your evidence is true, and the Republicans hold the Senate and Presidency with plenty of appointed judges, why do you suppose your “case” of evidence, your accusations of illegality, why have they not been prosecuted by all these Republicans in power?

Maybe because they know your evidence is internet trash.

September 5th, 2020 at 9:11 am

Most Americans do NOT agree that those who serve are “suckers”, “losers” or “dumb”.

For those who have served, thank you every day. You deserve better. Much improved free healthcare, dental and psychological services must be mandatory with either candidate next year.

God Bless America.

September 8th, 2020 at 1:06 pm
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