Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Sep 20 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Our 14th grandchild arrived on August 9, weighing in at 9 pounds, and already 20 ½ inches tall. Born to our youngest daughter Vicky who was extremely ready for Lane to be born, even though he came several weeks early, Lane has stolen our hearts. His very caring dad, Dom, has been exceptionally helpful to this new mother. Congratulations!

On August 18, we took Lane’s oldest sister to college in Brenham, where she is attending Blinn College. His older brother also began college in Austin the same week. In fact, we had another grandson, who also began college in Vermont -yes, three High School graduates in one year!

In our “overseer work,” we have installed two new pastors, one in La Grange and the other in East Bernard. It is always a delight to see congregations progressing. Pastor and Mrs. Williams had been in La Grange for over thirty years and Pastor and Mrs. Barbee had served 16 years in East Bernard. It is an honor to serve these congregations.

Captain Robert had another very successful Captain’s Class with 10 students. They come from literally around the state to take their class here to receive their Captain’s Licenses. Captain Robert has been doing these classes at the Chapel for over 20 years and has had excellent participation and an excellent track record of accomplishments – no one has failed! We are planning for the next class to begin on October 23 and end on October 30. Those interested in taking these classes should contact Captain Robert as soon as possible to secure a spot in the class. Captain Robert can be reached at 361/758-6184.

Our men traveled to Hallettsville for a Men’s Breakfast on September 12. Pastor Junior and his great men provided us with an excellent time of food, fellowship, and a lot of laughing was heard. Our next “out-of-town” Men’s Breakfast in scheduled for November 14. Plan to come and go with us – we have fun on the trip as well!

Pastors Joane and Erny will be attending the annual Empowerment Conference in Houston at the end of this month. It is hosted by our good friends, Pastors Don and Susan Nordin. We have enjoyed most of the ones they have had and expect a genuine move of God this year as well. In our absence on Wednesday, September 23, the Reverend Everett Ruddick will be ministering at the 7:00 p.m. service at the Chapel. Everyone should come and hear of his life changing miracle after being severely burned. It will be a great message of faith and hope.

We are already planning for Christmas at the Chapel. We will begin the month of December with the music and ministry of Reverend Ric Gorden. Brother Ric has been here numerous times and has always been a special inspiration. He comes here from Guthrie, Oklahoma because of the long standing friendship between him and us. Everyone is welcome to attend these special services and more information will follow.

We have been asked to provide the breakfast tacos for our Warrior’s Weekend on Saturday, November 7. There will not be as many as in the past and the tents will not be set up. We will do the fixing here at the Chapel and transport them to the docks for the Warriors to enjoy as they load onto the boats. We are always honored to be a part of serving our Armed Forces. I personally know how not to treat a soldier, because of some of the treatment I received, so it is a privilege to treat our heroes with the respect and honor due! Only “purple heart recipients” will be a part of this year’s Weekend. We will be having our “egg cracking party” on Friday, November 6, and start very early Saturday morning getting the tacos ready. All helpers welcome!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation that seeks to make the pathway from here to Heaven plainer for us travelers! Our road map is the Bible and we attempt to reach out with services and special Bible studies., One will always find a warm welcome here and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

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