Condolences – Evelyn Lewis

Archived in the category: General Info, Obituaries
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Sep 20 - Comments Off on Condolences – Evelyn Lewis

Evelyn-LewisEvelyn Lewis
9-18-28 – 8-26-2020

Evelyn Lewis, beloved wife, mother, and friend, passed away on August 26, 2020 at her Port O’Connor home.

She leaves behind her husband of 74 years, Howard; daughter Judy, sons Vonnie and Velvet* and grandchildren and great grandchildren.

She generously donated her body to science, being greatly appreciated by University of Texas doctors who are beginning a study to find a cure for neuropathy, a condition that Evelyn endured for many years.

Looking forward to her Heavenly home, Evelyn said shortly before her 92nd birthday, “Don’t be sad, don’t mourn – celebrate!”

* We are sorry to report that since this writing, Evelyn’s son, Velvet DeWayne has also passed away.

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