Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Sep 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

I can tell school has begun; seems less traffic and things in Port O’Connor have slowed down in the last three weeks. This is normal for us. Really hard to believe that Fall is here; the little cool fronts with a north breeze have certainly been appreciated, with a plus – helps ward off hurricanes. September 11th, 1961, Hurricane Carla visited and nearly wiped the community of Port O’Connor off the map. But this community being what it was, came back and started over to make it what it is today.

“THANKS” to Chris Mapp and his helpers for picking up the project of the Kids’ Fishing Tournament, along with the Kite Flying Contest on Memorial Day Weekend. I hear fun was had by all!!!

I am not sure of details for the Annual Trunk or Treat Event that’s held along Park Avenue, each year, but will have details in next Dolphin Talk.

The Children’s Playground has become a Reality. If you haven’t been by King Fisher Park and seen this project, make sure to do so. The swings were very nice, but this addition, makes a really nice place to bring your children to work off some of that excess energy.

We hope you can make it to the October Chamber of Commerce meeting on October 12th, held at 6:30 p.m. at Port O’Connor Community Center. Get involved in your community to keep it as the place you love. Everyone stay safe.

Check us out—www.portoconnorchamber.com—email—info @portoconnorchamber.com–or give us a call 361-983-2898


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