“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.”

Election 2020

We are witnessing one of the most contentious and important elections in US history. Not only for President, but also for Congress. We must recover our Economy, get people back to work, get schools back to normal, and beat the Chinese Coronavirus. Unfortunately we are seeing the most dishonest politics in our history. Our whole Electoral process is under attack by people that want to change everything to suit their lust for power and control of everyone and everything. All our basic freedoms are under attack. All the Natural God-Given Rights, that are guaranteed by our Constitution are being openly attacked. Churches are arbitrarily closed while Abortion Clinics are deemed “essential”! Anti-Constitution, Anti-capitalist, and Anti-Christian forces are seeking to exploit another “crisis” for their lust for power and control.

All because of panic about this “Pandemic”. All deaths are tragedy for the family affected, but about 2.2 million Americans die every year. As of today, 193,673 Americans are counted as dying from the Wuhan Covid 19, but recently The Center for Disease Control has released information that only 6% of the deaths counted are solely due to the Covid 19; all the others are due to “Comorbidities”, other causes that were probably made worse by the Covid 19. There is a great deal of dishonesty involved is making such a panic over a 11,640 jump in flu deaths when “Flu” killed over 55,000 last year. We definitely need to try to develop a vaccine for this flu, but also should be using every treatment available to reduce the death-rate and get people cured. But panicking, shutting down our economy, and changing our elections are not rational. Or even survivable!

We have early voting; if you can go to Walmart, you can go and vote in person. Do Not Trust Mail-in Voting! It is just a Cheat-By-Mail Fraud. And made easy for the Fraudsters. Today, not only do the (corrupt) Party Politics of the Big Cities want the President and VP unlawfully elected by Popular Vote, but have stopped even pretending to have honest Registration of Voters. Showing proof of Citizenship and Residence is necessary for Honest Elections, and Election Supervisors have a responsibility to confirm these important facts. Any “Voter Registration” that does not allow sufficient time for Election officials to do their duty is only an invitation to Election Fraud. Some areas are actively registering Non-Citizens. Same with Voter ID and having proper Registration. A picture ID is necessary to have a bank account, cash a check, even to buy cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, guns, and probably many other things now. Anyone can easily get a quality legal picture ID. “Same Day Registration” is a blatant invitation to fraud! So are the Provisional Ballots used for people with No ID or some other excuse. These ballots are “counted at the discretion of the counters”, but is the decision made on the facts of the voters situation, or the choices on the Ballot. Totally dishonest, like the “hanging chads” of 2000. With Early Voting, there is no excuse for people not to be able to vote.

If it is illegal to campaign within 100 ft of a Polling Place, even to place a campaign sign, how can it be Legal for someone to go to people’s house and collect their ballots? And “help them fill the ballot out”? Ballots sent out by mail are not secure; many will be lost, thrown away , or even stolen. A politically motivated person can collect, or even buy many ballots, fill them out and take them in. Or even just mail them, if they feel lucky. The USPS has no provisions for properly securing ballots. Even lawful Absentee Ballots are often lost, damaged, or in some cases thrown away. There are many recent news stories of bags of mail simply thrown away. And many reported cases of unsecured Mail-in Ballots left in mailboxes from the Primaries. Thousands report ballots sent to dead family members, or who moved away, thousands of ballots are not accounted for. It is impossible to have an Honest Election this way. All of the Cheat-By-Mail Ballots will have to be thrown out by the Courts when the evidence is shown. A perfect example of current Voting Security was shown in a federal court hearing on a challenge to Georgia’s voting machines was interrupted when someone began posting video and symbols in the live Zoom session. These included Nazi symbols, 9-11 video, and porn. They can’t put on a secure Court Case, why should we trust their Election count? We know the Voting Machines can be hacked, so can anything else, especially by rogue Govt agents.

And this year we have many Politically Motivated Officials. “Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Sunday that it could take up to a week to count all of Michigan’s absentee ballots for November’s election.” This is inexcusable, only to give them time to add the necessary Illegal “Ballots” to the count to win. Many people on the Left are simply setting the stage to steal the Election in this Cheat-By-Mail Scam. And they are using the Covid Panic as an excuse.

They try to lie about the Economy and Racism. They lie about Trump’s response to the Wuhan Flu, when the Dems on both coasts Protested, Resisted, and Obstructed Trump’s Travel Bans from China and the EU. They called for street parties and “Hug a Chinese!”, calling Trump a Racist and Xenophobe again. They still are fighting him on the Economic Recovery, but American Spirit and confidence in Trump is winning, Again! We must Re-industrialize, bring our pharmaceuticals and other essential industries home; we can’t trust the Chinese for anything but stealing info and buying up Hollyweird, Lib Media, and Lefty Politicians. So we must examine the actual facts, not Marxist Globalist D-Rat hysteria and Reelect President Trump to Make America Great Again – Again!

“Come on, man!” Does anyone really think Sleepy Joe and Far Lefty Kamala are capable of solving anything for the benefit of Americans?

4 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


The problem with your math on COVID vs Flu is that you only deduct the comorbidities from one side of the equation. As if all flu victims die of only the flu, and not complications arising from their diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc.

Bad Math. You get an F.

I hardly see any Trump flags driving across Texas this year. That tells me even more.

October 8th, 2020 at 10:01 am

Busy deleting all your militia posts, Bill?

October 9th, 2020 at 6:55 am

Definition of a Trumpkin: Orange on the outside, hollow on the inside, and should be THROWN OUT in November!

October 9th, 2020 at 7:05 am

Come on man! People are fleeing the Republican nominee like a fly on Pence’s hair. Which was one of the funniest things seen during the week. Maybe you missed it.

At the end of the election, this is all you’ve got? Come on man! See you at the polls (literally, as I volunteered as a poll worker this year, thanks to you, Bill).

October 11th, 2020 at 1:14 pm
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