Outstanding Memorial to Greg Odom

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Oct 20 - Comments Off on Outstanding Memorial to Greg Odom

On August 29th we celebrated the life of Greg Odom. A previous resident and long-time local supporter; friend of all things Port O’Connor. He was well loved by all with a fun and outgoing personality. He freely gave whenever there was need and was the first to support fundraisers and functions that benefited local kids.

In honor of his memory, friends of Greg Odom came together that night and hosted a fundraiser like no other. In the time of Covid when everything is unsure, these men and women did not let fear keep them out, but celebrated Greg’s life with a bang. There was food, fun and raffles, however, when all was said and done $22,700 was raised for our little school – a school that Covid has denied the chances of any current fundraisers, including our 70+ year Halloween Carnival tradition. The money raised from this night will go to fund beloved computer programs, future field trips, teacher supplies, and much, much more.

Port O’Connor Elementary and the PTO are honored to be the recipients of such generosity and truly humbled by the outgoing support we receive from our small community, not just this year but every year. It is with much gratitude that we thank all of those that were involved with this benefit and hope everyone knows how appreciative we are.

A big thank you to Ross Brunner, Joe and Elosia Newsome, Bilfinger Weston Team, James Mercer, Brad Schroeder, Momentum Rentals, Socorro Cantu and everyone who donated raffle items. We are blessed to have such a wonderful community! -Candice Stryker


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