Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Oct 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak


I hope all are enjoying these beautiful Fall mornings we have been receiving. This community has been so blessed and spared so many issues in the past few years. Hurricane Harvey did not hit us head on, as it did Rockport and their area. I think with so many virus cases in other areas, we seemed to escape the worst of it.

Hurricane season is coming to a close and with the northers to push them away from us, hopefully we have survived another year from those, All seems good in Port O’Connor.

My goodness, I have received calls from so many newcomers saying, I just bought property in Port O’Connor, and asking about different issues, or saying I just moved here last week or even today, wanting information about our community.

It seems to me, with our growing population, people would be getting involved in what’s happening in the community. A few are, but not nearly enough, This community has always worked together; that is a key factor of what makes Port O’Connor what it is. This takes dedication and love of this place to keep its laid-back attitude and love for life attitude. People come to visit, see what a wonderful life we have and say “I like it here; I’m going to retire and move here.” But unless more people get involved, we are going to loose our piece of paradise.

The Chamber meets the 2nd Monday of each month -6:30 pm- Port O’Connor Community Center– Everyone Invited, Looking forward to meeting new comers,.Let’s all join together in keeping what we have.

For information–361-983-2898—-info@portoconnorchamber.com

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