Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Nov 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Hi, everyone! This year is coming to a close, and what a year it’s been, like no other before. The Port O’Connor Community has survived and flourished during all the pandemic issues. The Chamber has had many phone calls this past month, even though the Summer is over and school has started, seems this community is becoming a well known place to come, to relax and enjoy life and stay safe.

This month, the new playground at King Fisher Park, was dedicated to the County, “THANKS” to everyone who worked to make this a possibility for our children. Without everyone working together this would not be possible. The Chamber was also awarded a grant, that was a tremendous help, with this project. “THANKS” also to the Commissioner and County workers for all the projects they completed to make this an enjoyable place for parents and children.

Still to come this year are several Chamber Events. Mark your calendars and make plans:

Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt
November 28th
Starts at 9:30 am at King Fisher Park–$15. per person -Maximum six passengers per golf cart

Lighted Boat Parade
down the ICW
December 5th
Begins at 6 pm. Must attend Captain’s Meeting before parade.

Annual Chamber
Christmas Party
December 11th–6-8 pm
POC Community Center

Short meeting -election of directors for 2021- Finger Foods and Beverages will be served.

Annual House & Business Lighting Contest
December 16th & 17th

Sign up to be considered, and judges will be viewing each night.
Ten categories will be awarded.

New & Renewed Members:

Beacon 44 Seafood Market
5D Steakhouse
Compadres Design Inc.

If you need to contact the Chamber call 361-983-2998 or email info@portoconnorchamber.com or visit portoconnorchamber.com

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