“Cooperative” – Bay Flats Lodge
When you think of successful wintertime trout fishing along our coast, you may just think of one primary factor, and that’s bottom structure. The best bottom structure during the wintertime is mud that happens to be mixed with shell. The fish tend to hold in these muddy shell areas due to the warmer water temperatures provided by sunlight that penetrates the water and, consequently, warms the mixture of mud and shell that’s located on the floor of the bay. These areas of consistently warmer temperatures help to make the trout and redfish that hold in these areas much less lethargic – meaning these fish will probably be much more likely to feed on any baitfish (primarily wintertime mullet) available in the immediate vicinity.
So, where should you be fishing once the weather decides to get really cold? Well, you may wish to perch yourself upon any one of the many shell reefs in either Espiritu Santo Bay or San Antonio Bay. The reef systems tend to have mud on one side and sand on the other side, with general water depths ranging from four to six feet. You’ll need to get out of the boat and wade these areas if you want to determine the bottom structure of any one particular area. Focusing on key reef structure and the transitions of the baitfish will positively improve your prospects of catching more quality trout in cold weather conditions.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL – Bay Flats Lodge is already booking fishing trips for the 2021 Winter Special, which this year will run from December 15, 2020, through February 28, 2021. This is a time when you and your guests can stay at the Lodge and fish at a tremendously discounted rate. This is a great time to pick your favorite fishing dates, so give us a call whenever you’re ready. All of us at Bay Flats Lodge hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas, and a safe and happy holiday season. You can now book online at our website www.bayflatslodge.com, or call us at (888) 677-4868.

“Unforgettable” – Bay Flats Lodge