Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Dec 20 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

“O Christmas Tree”

Just saw the word, “O Tannenbaum” on the first page of a newspaper. It took me way back in history.
Bob Thormalen taught three classes in his room at the old Seadrift School House. He did teach us to sing “O Tannebaum. Ve trazinc dine blakie” or something like that.

He also sang “Star of the East” one year for Christmas time at our Old Baptist Church in Seadrift.
Some of our old members that have gone on before are: Mimie Milam, Joyce Helms, Evelyn Dierlam and Francis “Tootsie” Morgenroth. We will join with them and Bob and Myrtle for a Big Reunion some day.

Dorothy Geraldine Wilson

Thank you, Josie’s.

POC Dolphins and PTO want to give a big shout out to Josie’s Mexican Food and their Annual Turkey Cook-off. Such a great community event and fun for the kids too. If you missed it, you missed out. Thank you Josie’s for donating the profits to POC PTO.

POC Elementary will have an early out on December 18th at noon after the class Christmas parties (sorry, no guests allowed). The students will return to school from Christmas break on January 5, 2021. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!

Thank you
Candice Stryker

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