At Port O’Connor School…

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Jan 21 - Comments Off on At Port O’Connor School…
While learning about the seasons of trees, Ms. Peters Kindergarten class made an apple tree in the fall and enjoyed eating it. Pictured is Josie Clark.

While learning about the seasons of trees, Ms. Peters Kindergarten class made an apple tree in the fall and enjoyed eating it. Pictured is Josie Clark.

In Kindergarten Science at POC Elementary in Ms. Peters’ class, the children were introduced to the solar system and made models of the planets out of playdough. Pictured is Carter Stringo with her poster.

In Kindergarten Science at POC Elementary in Ms. Peters’ class, the children were introduced to the solar system and made models of the planets out of playdough. Pictured is Carter Stringo with her poster.

Upcoming Events at Port O’Connor School
Jan 15 -Campus Spelling Bee
Event will be recorded and posted online
Jan 18 – No School Martin Luther King, Jr Day
Jan 22 – 100th day of school
Dress like you are 100 years old

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