POC Community Service Club members wrapped up 2020 with a fun Christmas Party on December 17, and are ready to meet 2021 head on with their usual “hard working” and “can do” spirits”!!
As always, in 2021 the Club will continue to support and enhance the POC Community through their various Community projects, which are supported by their many fundraising endeavors. In addition, the Club is also raising funds to erect a metal building behind the Calhoun County Pavilion, which is desperately needed to store items donated for their biannual Garage Sales, secure their equipment and essential items, and to provide a place to hold their bimonthly meetings.
The Club will be having their annual “Spring Mega Garage Sale” on Saturday, April 17, 2021; and continue to accept and appreciate your generous contributions of gently used household, decorative, and kitchen items; small appliances; clothing; shoes; toys; baby items; etc. We cannot accept computers, electronics, mattresses, or furniture.
To donate, please contact:
Alane Haardt at 281-416-6028 or
Marie Hawes at 361-920-2322
The Club will also have a booth at each “POC Farmer’s Market” the 2nd Saturday of every month. Please come out and support us!!
If you are interested, please join us at our meetings, which are held the first and third Thursdays of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the POC Community Center. All community-minded ladies are welcome!!

Service Club members at their Christmas party
New Service Club Officers

L-R Nan Burnett, Marie Hawes, Alane Haardt, and Nancy Ladshaw
The Port O’ Connor Community Service Club elected their new Officers for 2021-2022. They are: Marie Hawes, President; Alane Haardt, Vice-President; Nan Burnett, Treasurer; and Nancy Ladshaw, Secretary.
The Club meets the first and third Thursdays of each month (winter meeting times) at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Center. All interested ladies are invited to attend and see if they’d like to join.